Rader System

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A Seminar on Radar systems & its Application

by ARINDAM MAJHI Dept. CSE Roll-58

What is Radar ?

RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging) Its basically radio echo

Basic Structure of a Radar System-

RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging

Antenna Propagation

Target Cross Section Transmitted Pulse Reflected Pulse (echo)

Radar observables
Target range (distance) Target angles (azimuth & elevation) Target size (radar cross section) Target speed (Doppler) Target features (imaging)

Radar Range Measurement


Target range =

ct 2

where c = speed of light t = round trip time

Two Basic Radar Types

1. Pulse Transmission 2. Continuous Wave

Types Of Scan:
1.Primary Scan: circular scan, sector scan
2.Secondary Scan : conical scan, unidirectional sector scan.

3.Palmer Scan:




Types and Uses of Radar:

Search radars scan a large area with pulses of short radio waves Targeting radars use the same principle but scan a smaller area more often Navigational radars are like search radar, but use short waves that reflect off hard surfaces. They are used on commercial ships and long-distance commercial aircraft

Types and Uses of Radar:

Mapping radar scans a large regions for remote sensing and geography applications . Air traffic control uses radar to reflect echoes off of aircraft. Weather radar uses radar to reflect echoes off of clouds

Types and Uses of Radar:


radars use radio waves with horizontal, dual (horizontal and vertical), or circular polarization


weather radars use the Doppler effect to measure wind speeds

Radar Can MeasurePressure


strength of the echo received from the ionosphere measures the number of electrons able to scatter radio waves or what we call electron pressure.

Radar Can Measure Temperature:

Some electrons are moving due to heat In this case the echo is scattered As the temperature increases, the electrons move faster Act like a thermometer and measure the temperature

Radar Can Measure Wind Speed:

When an electron is removed from an atom, the remaining charged atom is called an ion. The ion gas can have a different temperature from the electron gas The electron/ion mixture is known as a plasma and is usually in motion (like our wind) So incoherent scatter radar can also measure wind speed


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