Introduction To Emergency Nursing
Introduction To Emergency Nursing
Introduction To Emergency Nursing
Full spinal mobilization is being challenged and reexamined: Asking: Is full spinal mobilization necessary in all trauma patients? How appropriate is the assessment of prehospital assessment? Concerns over the high false positive rate that occurs with prolonged spinal immobilization.
Current Guidelines
1. Explain emergency care as a collaborative, holistic approach that includes patient, family and significant others. Discuss priority emergency measures for any patient with an emergency situation. 3. Discuss pre-hospital, emergency care and resuscitation of the trauma patient.
Discuss disaster triage concepts and contrast with traditional triage concepts.
The fourth leading cause of death for ALL ages. Nearly of all traumatic incidents involve the use of alcohol, drugs or other substance abuse. Is predominantly a disease of the young and carries potential for permanent disability.
Third peak-occurs several days to weeks after the initial injury: most often the result of sepsis and multiple organ failure. At this stage, outcomes are affected by care previously provided.
Trauma Triage
Minor trauma: single system injury that does not pose threat to life or limb and can be appropriately treated at a basic emergency facility. Major trauma: serious multi system injuries that require immediate intervention to prevent disability.
Mechanism of Injury
Is vital to the initial assessment and may raise suspicions about the patients injury pattern. Blunt vs. penetrating injury
Blunt Trauma
Most often results from vehicular accidents, but may occur in assaults, falls from heights, and sports related injuries. May be caused by accelerating, decelerating, shearing, crushing, and compressing forces.
Penetrating Trauma
Results from the impalement of foreign objects into the body. More easily diagnosed because of obvious injury signs. Stab wounds are usually low velocitythe direct path, the depth and width determine injury. Women tend to have trajectories in a downward motion, men in an upward force.
Disaster Triage p
Research has indicated INCREASED mortality with IV fluids BEFORE hemorrhage control. Transport is not delayed to start IV access!
Primary Survey
Most crucial assessment tool in trauma care 1-2 minutes MAX! Designed to identify life threatening injuries ACCURATELY Establish priorities Provide simultaneous therapeutic interventions.
Resuscitation Phase
Secondary Survey:
E- Expose the patient F- *Full set of vital signs, *five interventions (cardiac monitor, pulse oximetry, urinary catheter, NG if not contraindicated, lab studies) G- giving comfort measurespain control, reassurance to patient and family H- history/ head to toe assessment I- inspect for hidden injuries-log roll patient to inspect posterior aspect.
PASG- anti-shock garment (pneumatic anti-shock garment) When inflated, PASG compresses the legs and abdomen, resulting in increased venous return and SVR(systemic vascular resistance) preventing further blood loss into the abdomen and legs. Elevates systemic pressure by shunting a small amount of blood into central circulation. CAN be a detriment, elevates BP, and in the event of hemorrhage without DEFINITIVE control can be fatal.
Table 18-4
Pay attention to Class I through IV *EBL (estimated blood loss) *Changes in pulse, BP, RR, UOP, mental status. Note the fluid/blood needed to replace: 3:1 rule
Priority Interventions
Patent airway Maintaining adequate ventilation Adequate gas exchange Then: Control hemorrhage, replace circulating volume, restore tissue perfusion
Fluid Resuscitation
Venous Access and Volume infused are key. Two large bore IVs 14-16 gauge. (never less that 18, that is the smallest to give blood through rapidly and not have hemolysis) Forearm and anti-cubital veins are preferred Central lines are more beneficial as resuscitation MONITORING tools
Collection of blood from the patients intra-thoracic injuries is anticoagulated and filtered and administered to the patient. SAFE, carries no compatibility problems, no risk of transmitted disease.
Peritoneal Lavage
Insertion of lavage catheter directly into the abdomen Aspiration of greater than 10 mls blood and patient goes directly for surgery. If less than 10 mls of blood, 1 liter of warmed NS is infused into peritoneal cavity, then drained and sent for cell counts, amylase, bile, food particles, bacteria, fecal matter.
Defined as a core temp of 35 degrees Centigrade Can occur year round More susceptible person: older, using alcohol or sedatives, severe injury, massive transfusions. In presence of cooler atmospheric temps Submersion in water Rapid infusion of room temp. IV fluids Effects the myocardium and the coagulation system. Can result in bradycardia, atrial and ventricular fibrillation.
Warm fluids Warming blankets Overhead warmers
Unreliability of H&H
Can take up to 4 HOURS!! To reequilibrate, therefore cannot gauge degree of shock.
Purpose is to restore oxygen transport to the tissues, stop the progression of shock, prevent complications.
Oxygen Debt
Result of metabolic acidosisshift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism resulting in accumulation of lactic acidhencelactic acidosis.
MUST REVERSE to prevent cellular death
Electrolyte Imbalances
Hypocalcemia Hypomagnesemia Hyperkalemia
May lead to changes in myocardial function, laryngeal spasm, neuromuscular and central nervous system hyperirritability
Third Spacing
Vessels become more permeable to fluids and molecules, leading a change in movement from the intravascular space to the interstitial space. Patients become more hypovolemic requiring more fluid replacement.
Dilutional Coagulopathy
Dilutional thrombocytopenia Reduced fibrinogen Reduced factor V, FactorVIII and other clotting components High levels of citrate in blood products reduce calciumleading to an ineffective clotting cascade (calcium is a necessary co-factor for this process). Platelet dysfunction can occur secondary to hypothermia or metabolic acidosis
Chest Injuries
Tension Pneumothorax- is rapidly fatal Easily resolved with early recognition and intervention Air enters the pleural cavity without a route of escape, with each inspiration, additional air enters the pleural space, INCREASING intrathoracic pressure causing collapse of the lung. The increased pressure causes pressure on the heart and great vessels compressing them TOWARD the unaffected side.
Collection of blood in the pleural space From injuries to the heart, great vessels, or pulmonary parenchyma Signs and symptoms: decreased breath sounds, dullness to percussion on affected side, hypotension, respiratory distress. Treatment: Placement of chest tube.
Open Pneumothorax
Results from penetrating trauma that allows air to pass IN AND OUT of the pleural space. Patient presents with hypoxia and hemodynamic instability Management: Three sided occlusive dressingfourth side is LEFT OPEN to allow for exhalation of air from the pleural cavity. IF the dressing is occluded on all four sides the patient may develop a tension pneumothorax. Treatment: Chest tube placement
Cardiac Tamponade
Life threatening condition caused by RAPID accumulation of fluid (usually blood) in the pericardial sac. As intra-pericardial pressure increases, cardiac output is impaired because of decreased venous return.
Classic signs are: BECKs Triad: muffled or distant heart sounds, hypotension, elevated venous pressureand may not present until the patient is hypovolemic and hypotensive.
Pulsus paradoxus= a decrease in systolic blood pressure during spontaneous respiration.
Cardiac Tamponade
Causes: penetrating trauma to chest, blunt trauma to chest. Diagnosed with FAST ( focused abdominal sonography or pericardiocentesisdont with 16 or 18 gauge cath over needle and 35 ml syringe and 3 way stopcock) Aspirated pericardial blood usually will not clot unless the heart has been penetrated.
Pulmonary Contusion
Results from blunt or penetrating trauma to the chest One of the most common causes of death after trauma Predisposes the patient to pneumonia and ARDS. Can be difficult to detect.
Rib Fractures
Most common injury after chest trauma Rib fractures usually dxd by xray, but can be clinically dxd HIGH IMPACT force is needed to fracture the 1st and 2nd ribs. Clinically look for major vessel injury.. Injury to the liver spleen and kidneys should be considered with fracture of ribs 10-12
Flail Chest
Usually caused by blunt force trauma, EX: Chest hits steering wheel. Three or more adjacent ribs are fractured. Flail section floats freely resulting in paradoxical chest movement. Flail section contracts INWARD with inspiration and expands OUTWARD with expiration. Treatment: Intubation/mechanical ventilation, frequent pulmonary care, aggressive pain management.
Aortic Disruption
Produced by blunt trauma to the chest Ex: rapid deceleration from head-on MVA, ejection, or falls. Four common sites of dissection: the left subclavian artery at the level of the ligamentum arteriosum, the ascending aorta, the lower thoracic aorta above the diaphragm, and avulsion of the innominate artery at the aortic arch.
Head Injury
Can be caused by blunt or penetrating trauma. Lacerations to the scalp produce profuse bleeding. Fractures of the skull may have underlying brain injury
Musculoskeletal Injuries
See Types of Fractures Table 18-7 on page 658 Extremity Assessment= the 5 Ps Pallor pain, pulses, parethesia, paralysis (describes the neurovascular status of the injured extremity. When possible the injured extremity if compared with the non-injured extremity
MS Cont..
Unstable Pelvis fractures can be life threatening secondary to potential for severe hemorrhage, exsanguination, damage to genitourinary system and sepsis.
Can result in life threatening hyperkaemia. Myoglobin excreted through the urine, combined with hypovolemia, produces ARF and ATN if not aggressively treated. Treatment= Aggressive saline replacement, alkalinization of urine, osmotic diuresis.
Compartment Syndrome
Places the patient at risk for limb loss. More common in the legs and forearms but can occur other places. The closed muscle compartment contains neurovascular bundles tightly covered by fascia.
An increase in pressure within that compartment produces the syndrome. Internal sources= hemorrhages, edema, open or closed fractures, crush injuries External sources=PASGs, casts, skeletal traction, air splints. The pain is described as throbbing appearing DISPROPORTIONATE TO THE INJURY. Increases with muscle stretching. The affected area is firm to touch. Paresthesia distal to the compartment, pulselessness, and paralysis are LATE signs. Treatment s immediate surgical fasciotomy.
Fat Embolism
Usually associated with long bone, pelvis, and multiple fractures. Usually develops within 24 to 48 hours after injury. Hallmark clinical signs: low grade fever, new onset tachycardia, dyspnea, increased resp rate and effort, abnormal ABGs, thrombocytopenia and petechiae. Development of lipuria (fat in the urine) indicates severe fat embolism syndrome.
Abdominal Injuries
The Classic sign is PAIN. But may be obscured by AMS, drug or alcohol intoxication, Spinal cord Injury with impaired sensation The liver is the most commonly injured organ from blunt or penetrating trauma
Liver injuries are graded I through VI. Splenic injury most commonly occurs from blunt trauma but can be caused by penetrating trauma. Presentation: LUQ tenderness, peritoneal irritation, referred pain to the left shoulder (Kerrs sign)
Graded I to V. Diagnosed with FAST, Abd. CT or peritoneal lavage. Patients more at risk for pneumococcal disease and should have immunization with in first few post op days after splenectomy
ContKidney Injury
Usually attributed to blunt trauma Presentation may include CVA tenderness, microscopic or gross hematuria, bruising, ecchymosis over the 11th and 12th ribs, hemorrhage or shock.
Diagnostic testing= IVP, CT scan, angiography, cystoscopy.
Physical Assessment =FULL BODY Level of Consciousness Invasive Line assessment Pain Assessment Ongoing Assessments revolve around the patients diagnosis and/or surgical procedure. Anticipation and prevention of untoward complications. READ PAGES 661-668 CAREFULLY
Chapter 13 fully covers May occur 2 to 48 hours after traumatic injury, however sometimes up to 5 days or more before RECOGNIZABLE clinical signs. There are direct and indirect causes.
Clinical Manifestations: hypoxemia, rising CO2 levels, tachypnea, dyspnea, pulmonary hypertension, decreased lung compliance, new diffuse bilateral lung infiltrates. Treatment: correction of underlying cause---maximize O2 to the tissues, decrease pulmonary congestion, prevent further lung damage, support cardiovascular system.
Increased incidence of DVT= patients with obesity, age, malignancy, pregnancy, heart failure, SCI, recent surgery, extremity fractures, pelvic fractures, history of DVT, prolonged immobilization, resp. failure, # of transfusions,central venous catheterization, vascular injury.
Clinical Manifestations= pain and tenderness, swelling fever, venous distention, palpable cord, discoloration, + Homans sign Treatment= prevention, prophylaxis, early ambulation, sequential compression devices, filter placement in the inferior vena cava.
Pulmonary embolism is an often fatal complication of DVT Clinical manifestations of PE= sudden onset dyspnea, sudden onset chest pain, rapid shallow resps, SOB, Auscultation of bronchial breath sounds, pale, dusky or cyanotic skin, Anxiety, decreased LOC, signs of hypovolemic shock (decreased BP, narrowing pulse pressure, tachycardia)
Pulmonary Catheter Sepsis Sinusitis
Altered Nutrition
Nutritional demands are increased in the trauma patient by alterations in metabolism Metabolism is increased by activation of the sympathetic response. Ebb (1st 24-48 hours after injury) and Flow Phase (peaks 5-10 days after injury)
Because of this increased need the patient may demonstrated: decreased body mass, increased O2 consumption, increased CO2 production, delayed wound healing, and a weakened immune system
Anthropometric measurements Nutrition replacement in 24 to 48 hours. Route based on individual status of patientcan be enteral, or parenteral