Optimization Process: IP Data Check. Dump Verification. KPI's Monitoring Alarms Check

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IP data check. Dump verification. KPIs monitoring Alarms check


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Activity on the basis of check

Raise CRF if any discrepancy in data. Send DT team in confirmation of Alarm removal. Physical verification report. DT file analysis. Start fine tuning of parameter.


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KPIs to be monitor

SD Blocking SD Drop TCH Blocking TCH Assignment TCH Drop HOSR


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Reasons for SD Blocking

High Utilization of SD. Signaling load at LAC boundary. Time slot faulty. Site location ( Airport, etc).


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Solutions for removal of SD Blocking


Check the No. of SDCCH channel Available, if less then increase SD channel taking care that there is no TCH Blocking. Check LAC boundary, If location update is more then change the LAC of that site. Use of Dynamic SDCCH (It is a BSC parameter and will be applied on whole BTS). Hardware check / shift SD to new time slot
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Reasons of SD Drop

Wrong Parameter Planning. Hardware Fault. External Interference. Overshooting High TCH utilization


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Check for Wrong Parameter Planning.

Check the BCCH Plan (C/I or C/A). Co-BSIC & Co BCCH. LAC Planning. If a cell is picking call from long distance, Check the sample log according to TA (using MMR). Cell orientation need to be define according to clutter. Check the Timer T 3101, It should be 3.5 sec. Check the Timer T 200 (N 200 in Ericsson system), It should be 780 ms.


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Cure for SD Drops due to Low Signal Strength

If the drop call is due to low signal strength uplink, check the receive path of this particular TRX. Check receiver sensitivity, VSWR, feeder connection and etc. Drops due to Low Signal Strength If the drop call reason is due to low signal strength downlink, then, check the transmit path. Check CDU, RTX card, feeder and etc. Drops due to TCH Congestion. It is also possible to have a high percentage of drops on SDCCH but a low percentage of drops on TCH this could happen, for example, if the SDCCH were put on the BCCH frequency, and the frequency plan were different for the BCCH than for nonBCCH frequencies It is possible that the interference situation is worse on the BCCH, thereby causing relatively high percentage of drops on SDCCH compared to TCH, To reduce this Shifting of SDCCH can also be done. This trick will be good to reduce CNDROPS from the cell but ICM will not decrease too much.


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Interference in the Transmission frequencies

Solution: Interference due to Microwave frequencies is not captured in the KPIs , but if the drop due to other reasons are high than there is possibility of interference due to MW frequenciesCounters available for checking Transmission related problems (Counters for LapD can be mapped).


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Reload of IDB/CF (for alarm 2A-53)

At time DXU software gets hanged which results in failureTCH assignment allocation. A reload of IDB at site or CF reload clears this software hangingAudit of A-Ter Link. Now the reason why this impacts the SDCCH drops other is probably because TRA pool congestion and Ater congestion will lead to subscribers making repeated attempts and no devices being available for them. One may think that this should lead to SDCCH blocking more than SDCCH drops ,other reasons. That is true but the thing of note here is that at the time of setup, on an average SDCCH (signaling) is there for a very less duration (2/3 seconds MAX, as opposed to TCH drops) and the congestion in Ater and TRA devices will lead to further attempts and therefore drops which are pegged as Other reasons. Moreover where are these drops taking place?-not at the BSC ,but at the Ater between the BSC/RBSC and the transcoder,so logically all the above will be known to the BSC as drops due to other reasons.


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SD Drop due to excessive TA

Use RNO specially MRR for coverage confinements and to find bad BCCHs .it helps if Cell is over shooting or taking traffic from TA>40,this can considered for coverage confinement or will be suitable candidate for height reductions. Cell Overshooting For Example---

A% of Cell picking call from Distance Y------And Meeting KPIs. (% of A should be >95) (100-A%) of Cell picking call beyond Distance Y----Not Meeting KPIs

Therefore Distance Y will confirms the Criteria of Distance of Overshoot of a cell.


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Hardware Fault

Check Path Imbalance. VSWR of the Cell. Connector Connection. TRX condition Mount position and Effective Tilt.


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External Interference

May be due to CDMA or External/Unwanted resource. Check the ICM band value of that site. It should be ideally 0. Use BPF (Band pass filter).


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TCH Blocking

Implement half rate or Dual rate. If Dual rate implemented already then change the value of FRL and FRU. Add another TRX. If TRX addition not possible, try to share the traffic of that cell with the neighboring cell by changing tilt or orientation.


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TCH Assignment

For improving assignment, remove TCH Blocking. Check TRX condition. Path Imbalance. VSWR. Connection from CDU and TRX. Connector connection.
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TCH attempt=TCH Block+TCH Allocated. TCH Allocated=TCH miss (may be block or SD Drop) +TCH Assigned. It is not necessary that total TCH allocated will be assigned.


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Reasons for TCH Drop

Wrong Parameter Planning. Hardware Fault. External Interference.


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Wrong Parameter Planning.

Check the BCCH Plan (C/I or C/A). Co-BSIC & Co BCCH. Check Co-BCCH. If a cell is picking call from long distance, Check the sample log according to TA. Check the Timer T 100(RLT). It should be 20. Check the Neighbor Plan. Site Orientation and Tilt.


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TCH Drop Reason, Low SS DL (%)

If the drop call reason is due to low signal strength downlink, then, check the transmit path. Check CDU, RTX card, feeder and etc. Drops due to TCH Congestion. Check the proper coverage of the cell, may be far off village getting the week coverage. Avoid week coverage area. Coverage of the cell should be limited at the point where there is no population.


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TCH Drop Reason, Low SS UL (%)

If the drop call is due to low signal strength uplink, check the receive path of this particular TRX. Check receiver sensitivity, VSWR, feeder connection and etc. Drops due to Low Signal Strength. Check whether main lobe of the cell is not out of clutter, change the orientation. Use of TMA, while installing TMA it should be properly check whether the cabling of Bias Injector is done properly at BTS end.
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Drop Reason, Bad Quality DL (%)

Go for BCCH and TCH Plan check. Site covered areamay be the populated area is suffering for High C/I or C/A. Check the Hopping plan. Check VSWR, Path imbalance.


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Drop Reason, Bad Quality UL (%)

In addition to above , please check the ICM band condition.


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Drop Reason, Suddenly Lost Connections (%)

if drops are only on one site, then go for a check for that particular even attach with that site. If drops are on all sites connected to a single link, then check the slip or interference on that Abis interface. If Drops are distributed on all site of the BSC, then check the slips on Ater. Down Time of the cell. TRX condition. BTS should not getting the temperature alarm continuously.
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Drop Reason, Excessive TA (%)

Proper tilting required considering all hot spots are covered. Effective tilt should be check Mount position should be check.


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Drop Reason, Other (%)

Check Path Imbalance. VSWR of the Cell. Connector Connection. TRX condition Mount position or Effective Tilt.


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Neighbor Planning should be good. In city neighbor should be planned to 2nd layer, But in new town try to restrict to 1st layer. If reversion rate is high, check the hardware condition, quality and Congestion on target cell. If handover failure is due to low signal strength, change the handover margin and also check the VSWR of source and target cell. If handover failure is due to bad signal quality, check the C/A or C/I. In addition to this please check the hardware fault of that site. If there is lot of Ping-pong handover in the cell avoid overlapping cell by tilting the cell.
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If Intra Handover failure is occurring, Check the hardware and Blocking of all the sec. Case I- If there is Path Imbalance in sec B, then there is possibility that there will be handover failure from A-B and C-B. And there will be also intra cell handover failure in sec B whenever call will be transfer to Faulty TRX. Case II- If there is Blocking in sec B, then there is possibility that there will be handover failure from A-B and C-B. Please check Co-BSIC & Co-BCCH. And Co-BCCH during Neighbor Planning.
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Other Criterias Can be kept in mind.

MBC Synchronization Comments : If the site is MBC than at times it happens that MBC cabinet goes out of sync bue to faulty ESB cable, thus TCH assignment allocation on MBC doesn't happen which results in high SD drops due to other reasons.


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SDCCH drop can be triggered during an Assignment Failure also

There are a few cases where an assignment failure, which is indicated by the formula (1 - (TFCASSALL / TASSALL)), would be accompanied by an SDCCH drop (CNDROP).

Case-I: if Congestion on TCH if there is congestion on TCH, the mobile will eventually be cleared from the SDCCH channel (case: No Assignment Command, abnormal release, unspecified), and so CNDROP and CNRELCONG will be stepped. Case-II: If NO Establishments on TCH or Fails to return,----Another case occurs when the mobile station never establishes itself on the TCH and fails to return to SDCCH (Unsuccessful Assignment on TCH, abnormal release unspecified). After a time-out in the BSC, the call is released by sending a Channel Release (cause: abnormal release unspecified). Case-III: if TCH Assignment failed---Another case can occur when the assignment to TCH failed, but the mobile succeeded to return to the old SDCCH. After a time-out, the system disconnects the call and sends a Channel Release with the cause abnormal release, unspecified.


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CBCH Impact on Data & SDCCH Utilization

Check for SDCCH Utilization, proper re-dimensioning should be done for effective SDCCH use, though it will be helpful for reducing SDCCH Congestion, if any but at the same time if SDCCH are getting hanged then you will not be short to SDCCH If you use CBCH, change to SDCCH/8 config, since GPRS has more system information to transmit over BCCH and it is advisable to keep like this.


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High RACH Failures

Other reasons look for Random access statistics, if there is a lot of random access failures try to check hardware too. It includes thorough hardware audit including CF Reloading, IDB Setting and reloading, Software synchronization ,filter check etc)


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DTAP Issue

Solution : Check for Connection refused messages sent by MSC (before Setup message) Comments : The losses due to DTAP issues may also be result of subscriber related issues like faulty handset)


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Alarms Description
For various alarms go though the attach Doc.


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Internal BTS Connection



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Some timers..

T3212 ---Time between periodic update of MS. SET by the MML command RLSBC. The value is sent to the MS in system information. The MS will do periodic update, if it is residing in the same location area at a time interval exceeding T3212 . If the MS is roaming to a new location area, update will be done anyway and the time to next periodic update will start counting from zero again. T3101 ---Guard time for Immediate Assign. Started as 'IMM_ASS_CMD' is sent to BTS and stopped by reception of 'EST_IND' from BTS. The allocated channel will be released at timer expiry.


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Ericsson Optimization Tools

Winfoll. RNO-(NCS,FAS,MRR,MTR,CTR,RIR,ABAL,OMS,S TS etc). BO (Business Object).


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It is online status tool, with the help of this tool you can directly login to any BSC and check and change the status of any cell. Command use to access the various parameter are attach below.
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NCS-Neighboring Cell Support

Neighboring Cell Support feature is to help the operator optimize neighboring cell lists in the network. This is done by collecting data recorded from measurement reports and handover statistics. In the BSC, this is handled by the feature Active BA-list Recording. Neighboring Cell Support is operated through the Operation and Support System (OSS). This feature is load regulated, partly by the 3% rule, partly by low-priority Base Level Load Control. The total load from this feature should not exceed 6% when there is a shortage of CP capacity. Load peaks may occur at BA-list reconfiguration, when test frequencies in BA-list are changed. In order to decrease CP load from this feature, the number of cells can be reduced.


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FAS- Frequency Allocation Support

The purpose of Frequency Allocation Support (FAS) is to facilitate the frequency planning for the operator. The uplink interference level for specified frequencies and cells are recorded by the feature Radio Interference Recording. After a recording is completed the results can be presented to the operator via the OSS user interface.
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MRR: Measurement Result Recording

MRR is an OSS tool for measuring and analyzing radio characteristics. The feature makes it possible to extract information from the measurement results that are sent from the base stations to the BSC. This feature is load regulated, partly by the 3% rule, partly by low-priority Base Level Load Control. During the recording, the collection and accumulation of measurement data is done in the TRH and the impact on CP load is therefore limited. In live tests no extra basic load or load peaks have been observed from this feature. Some CP load increase is however likely at activation and deactivation of the feature. Although actions should not be needed to reduce CP load from this feature, the amount of data to collect (number of cells) can be limited to minimize load if desired.


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BO (Business Object).

With the help of this tool, we can generate the stats of the site before four hour of fetching. We can generate the stats Cell wise ,or BSC Wise hourly or for whole day. BO generate the KPIs only with other related counters.


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Optimization start at very basic level, so the ground things need to be check. Drive test to be done with proper guidance of Optimization Engg.


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Any further valuable addition will be appreciated..


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