Research Design
Research Design
Research Design
k e t i n g R e s e a r c h P r o c e s s
Research Design
A master plan that specifies the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing needed information.
Prelim inary
Perform ance
Define the Information Needed Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or Causal Phases of the Research
Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures Construct a Questionnaire Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size Develop a Plan of Data Analysis
Todays Topic
Secondary Data
Cross-sectional Study
Longitudinal Study
Descriptive Design
Exploratory research to gain ideas and insights Newspaper facing decreasing sales to generate possible explanation.
Descriptive research to obtain summary measures to address research questions (research objectives are clearly defined). Trends in lifestyle with respect to age, sex, etc. Causal research for cause-and-effect connection between managerial decisions and market outcome. How people react to a newspapers topic selection and space allocation.
To provide insights and understanding. Information needed is defined only loosely. Research process is flexible and unstructured. Sample is small and non-representative. Analysis of primary data is qualitative.
Generally followed by further Findings used as input into decision exploratory or conclusive research. making.
Flexible, versatile
Often the front end of total research design Expert surveys Pilot surveys Secondary data Qualitative research
Exploratory Research
Usually conducted during the initial stage of the research process Purposes To narrow the scope of the research topic, and To transform ambiguous problems into well-defined ones
Secondary data are data previously collected & assembled for some project other than the one at hand
Pilot Studies
A collective term for any small-scale exploratory research technique that uses sampling but does not apply rigorous standards Includes
Focus Group Interviews
Unstructured, free-flowing interview with a small group of people
Projective Techniques
Indirect means of questioning that enables a respondent to project beliefs and feelings onto a third party or an inanimate object Word association tests, sentence completion tests, role playing
Case Studies Intensively investigate one or a few situations similar to the problem situation Experience Surveys Individuals who are knowledge about a particular research problem are questioned
Conclusive Research
Provide specific information that aids the decision maker in evaluating alternative courses of action Sound statistical methods & formal research methodologies are used to increase the reliability of the information Data sought tends to be specific & decisive Also more structured & formal than exploratory data
Causal Research
Provides evidence that a cause-and-effect relationship exists or does not exist. Premise is that something (and independent variable) directly influences the behavior of something else (the dependent variable).
Build on previous information Show relationships between variables Representative samples required Structured research plans Require substantial resources Conclusive findings
Descriptive Studies
Sales Studies
Market Share
Sales Analysis
Sample Surveyed at T1
Longitudinal Design
Sample Surveyed at T1
Detecting change
Amount of data collected Representativeness Response bias
Worse Better Better
Better Worse Worse
Concomitant Variation
Extent to which the cause and effect vary together as hypothesized
Relationship between the variables Descriptive designs determine degree of association Causal designs infer whether one or more variables influence another variable Degree of environmental control Descriptive designs enjoy lesser degrees of control Order of the variables In descriptive designs, variables are not logically ordered
Describe things
Research environment
Highly controlled
You cannot put the same shoe on every foot It depends on the problem of interest, level of information needed, resources, researchers experience, etc.
Descriptive Research 2. Survey Form - Interviews More time efficient Allow the researcher to establish a rapport with the respondent Allow the acquisition of more in-depth information Allow for interviewer observation Allow the interviewer to obtain visual cues May be personal or telephone interviews
Disadvantages Limited telephone access Lack of interviewers ability to observe the respondent and obtain visual cues
Disadvantages Lower response rate Need to design a survey instrument with a simple format
Descriptive Research 3. Observational Research Methods 1. Naturally occurring behaviors observed in natural contexts 2. Contexts that are contrived to be realistic
Descriptive Research Observational Research Methods Require direct observation of behavior Data gathered without intermediary instruments Can yield a wealth of invaluable information Can be a complicated process
Descriptive Research Observational Research Methods Can be employed productively to support many purposes in educational technology Can be used to determine how people interact with technology in various stages of design and implementation
* The sales manager of a local life insurance company. Will training in the use of computers for client management increase agents sales?
* Marketing VP of fashion chain, Can we improve profitability of our fashion clothing line by increasing its price by 10%?
Types of Experiments
Laboratory experiment
Research investigation in which investigator creates a situation with exact conditions so as to control some, and manipulate other, variables
Scientific investigation in which an investigator manipulates and controls one or more independent variables and observes the dependent variable for variation concomitant to the manipulation of the independent variables
Field experiment
Research study in a realistic situation in which one or more independent variables are manipulated by the experimenter under as carefully controlled conditions as the situation will permit