Culture of Pakistan

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Chapter no 5

Objectives to be achieved;
General Objectives Specific Objectives

General Objectives
To give the knowledge and definition of Culture. To look at the elements that form culture. To examine the diversity of culture.

Specific Objectives
To learn about the earliest known civilization in subcontinent. To know more about the invaders who had an impact on present day Pakistan, Aryans, Greeks, Mongols, Persians and Arabs. To know more about the impact of Hinduism. To examine the influence of Gandhara culture on the development of the Sub-Continent. To give complete knowledge of the culture of Pakistan. To learn about the culture of Mughal period especially Architecture.

Inductive, deductive and lecture method will be used.

Teaching Material To Be Used

Green board, chalk, slides, charts showing historical building, calligraphy, different dresses of Pakistan etc. Course and reference books.

Previous Knowledge/Revision/Motivation
Some questions will be asked to know the previous knowledge of the students. How do you spend your spare time? What is your daily routine? How do most Pakistanis live their life? What reflects the identity of the people of a particular area? What is the collective habits and behavior of people called?

Introduction to the lesson / announcement / presentation

The topic will be announced by answering the above mentioned questions. Definition of culture, advent of human culture, Indus valley civilization, the cultural heritage of Pakistan and salient features of Pakistani culture will be explained.

Coverage of the contents according to the synopsis

Culture is the sum total of customs, tradition, faith, creed way of living, arts and skills, social norms and laws etc. It presents the whole, conscious and unconscious behavior of people in response to challenges faced by them. The identity of any people is Culture. The land of Pakistan takes pride in being the seat of a very ancient civilization called, The Indus Valley Civilization. It is during the Muslim period that architecture, painting, calligraphy and music received patronage. The main feature of our culture is its Islamic shade and colors. Pakistan has a mix culture influenced by many other cultures.

Recapitulation or Confirmatory Question to asses assimilation of the lesson

What is culture? How does it manifest the conscious and the unconscious acts? What is the difference between Islamic culture and Hindu culture? What are the salient features of Pakistani culture? Name any five buildings, build by Muslims in south Asia? Name the painters Humayun brought with him while returning back from Iran? What kind of paintings flourished during the days of emperor Jahangir? Who was the foremost musician of the Muslim period? What according to the Quaid-e-Azam was the main objective for the creation of Pakistan?

Summary of the lesson

The collective manifestation of customs and traditions, faith and creed, way of living, dress, language of people in their day to day social life is called Culture. Pakistani culture is Islamic but not Arabic. It has been influenced by different civilizations. The Muslim period was a golden period of art and craft, architecture, calligraphy, painting and music. Religious unity and solidarity, male oriented society, simple and dignified dress, simple and Halal food, simple and modest society, games, sports, fairs and Handicraft are the integral parts of Pakistani Culture.

Topic to be taught next

Salient Features Of Pakistani Culture.

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