Singapore Economy

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What are we gonna discuss?

Today Little facts, here and there about Singapore The Past. :l Society and its issues Next week more serious stuff.. - Politics - Economics - I. Relations

For the facts and history

Facts in Brief Trivias (anywhere in between) History Ancient Times Colonial Period Japanese Occupation Post War Period The Merger Seperation Contemporary

Facts in Brief
Official Name: Republic of Singapore Capital: Singapore City Area: 682 sq km, 1 main island, 63 tiny islands, most uninhabited Population: 4,987,600 (36% foreigners) People: Chinese (74%), Malay (13%), Indians (9%), Others (3%) Languages: Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil are the official languages. English is widely spoken and is the main language of communication. Currency: Singapore Dollar

Facts in Brief
Major Political Parties: People's Action Party (PAP), Workers Party (WP) Government: Republic and Parliamentary Democracy Head of State: President Tony Tan Keng Yam Prime Minister: Lee Hsien Loong Major industries: Shipping, banking, tourism, electrical & electronics, chemicals, oil refining Major trading partners: US, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan The symbol of Singapore is The Merlion, half-fish and half-lion beast.

ANCIENT TIMES 3rd century earliest record (Chinese account) Pu Luo Chung (Chinese) Pulau Ujong (Malay) Island at the End 1320 trade with Mongols 1390 Parameswara (Iskandar Shah) 1511 Portugese arrived

COLONIAL PERIOD (1819-1942) 1819 Sir Stamford Raffles founded 1826 Singapore, Malacca and Malay Peninsula and Penang administered by British East India Company 1867 became a formal crown colony 1914 to 18 First World War 1939 British Naval Base; Second World War

JAPANESE OCCUPATION (1942-1945) British was confident Force Z Didnt succeed :P HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Repulse didnt have air covers Japanese swept downward the Malay Peninsula. 15th February, 1942 renamed Syonan-to (Light of the South)


POST WAR PERIOD (1945-1985) 15th August, 1945 Japanese surrendered 1947 strikes, political awakening July 1947 Executive and Legislative Councils in preparation for election 1948 1st election Only British subjects are to vote 6 of the 25 seats in Legislative Council Governor and Chambers of Commerce will decide the rest Problem: communist insurgencies The British instituted a state of emergency (Internal Security Act) Soplan for granting self governance was stalled.

POST WAR PERIOD (1945-1985) 1951 2nd election 9 seats!, yay! 1953 Complete suppression of communist insurgencies in Malaya 1959 May General Election; Full Internal Government PAP Peoples Action Party dominated Lee Kwan Yew Majulah Singapora national anthem Singapore Flag State Crest


16th September, 1963 Federation of Malaya, with Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak 9th August, 1965 Independent Singapore

Singapore : Culture and Society

melting pot of cultures, religions and ethnicities Singapores culture reflects a combination of Chinese, Malay, Indian and European influences Housing Development Policy: Ethnic Integration Policy - each block of flats replicate the ethnic make-up of the country >> the aim of this policy is to promote social bonding, inter-racial tolerance and national loyalty

The four main goals of Singapore's public housing programs are the: (Sim et al., 2003) 1) provision of shelter 2) stakeholder ship (home ownership) 3) community bonding and building a vibrant community 4) aim of mixing the population to achieve a balanced mix of the different ethnic groups in every new town and housing estate

Each ethnicity has its own enclave formed by British colonialists: Little India, Chinatown and Kampong Glam

Religion Singapore is home to many religions Buddhists and Taoists accounted for 33 per cent and 11 per cent of the resident population aged 15 years and over in 2010 respectively. Christians 18 percent Muslims 15 percent Hindus 5.1 percent Persons without religious affiliation 17 percent
**Religious tolerance is essential in Singapore.

Singapore has four official languages: - English (predominantly British English) - Mandarin Chinese - Malay (from Malaysia as opposed to Indonesian Malay) - Tamil The young generation, in particular, now speak a language that has become known as Singlish.

Performing Arts
Chinese Lion Dance - The Chinese in Singapore believe that the lion brings forth good fortune. Bangsawan - This is form of Malay opera that usually depicts Malay myths or tales of love and treachery. Bharatanatyam - This old classical dance originates from India and is a combination of music, expression and rhythm accompanied by graceful and statuesque poses. Wayang Chinese Opera - This is a traditional Chinese art form involving various performing art types such as singing, acrobatics, martial arts and singing.

Visual Arts
The visual arts scene has been active in Singapore since the colonial days when well known European artists visited the area to record and paint the development of the country. The usual themes of Singaporean visual arts are abstracts, human figures, landscapes, portraits, still life, urban scenes and village scenes.

Singapores architecture exhibits a range of influence and style from different places and periods: from traditional colonial style buildings; to small Malay shop houses; Chinese bungalows; and high-rise glass-covered sky scrapers. Being a former British colony, many of the early buildings were built by colonial architects adopting classical colonial designs and include gothic style churches and Palladian and renaissance style government buildings.

National Flag
Red- universal brotherhood and equality of man White everlasting purity and virtue Crescent moon young nation on the ascendant Five stars five ideals: democracy, peace, progress, equality and justice.

National Anthem
Majulah Singapura was composed in Malay by Zubir Said in 1958. Besides the original Malay lyrics, there are translations of the Singapore national anthem in the other three official languages; English, Chinese and Tamil.

National Anthem
English Translation - Onward Singapore (Revised translation 2001) Come, fellow Singaporeans Let us progress towards happiness together May our noble aspiration bring Singapore success Come, let us unite In a new spirit Let our voices soar as one Onward Singapore Onward Singapore

Coat of Arms
Crescent moon rising nation Five stars five ideals Tiger history and relationship with Malaysia Lion self

Cultural/Societal Issues Threat of terrorism Dwindling growth of the local population could prove a challenge for Singapores future workforce






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