Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

an infection of the kidney, ureter, bladder, or urethra. UTIs occur in about 5% of postpartum women; they occur in 15% of women who have undergone postpartum catheterization.

Risk Factors
Ceasarian delivery Tocolysis Renal disease Pre-eclampsia-eclampsia

Causative organisms in cystitis and pyelonephritis include E. coli (most common), Proteus, Pseudomonas, S. aureus, and Streptococcocus faecalis. Consequences of not recognizing early symptoms of UTI include the extension of the infection upward with subsequent permanent loss of kidney function.

Types of UTI
Cystitis - inflammation of the urinary bladder

Pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis

Signs & Symptoms

Burning with urination Frequent urination Burning with urination Frequent urination Back pain Blood in the urine (hematuria) Cloudy urine

Signs & Symptoms

Inability to urinate despite the urge Fever Frequent need to urinate General discomfort (malaise) Painful urination (dysuria)

Diagnostic Test
Urinalysis Urine microscopy

Recurrent infections, especially in women who experience three or more UTIs Permanent kidney damage from an acute or chronic kidney infection (pyelonephritis) due to an untreated UTI. Increased risk of women delivering low birth weight or premature infants

Nursing Interventions
Determine if symptoms are present and if the woman had difficulty urinating after delivery. Obtain specimens, report findings, and administer antibiotics and medications as prescribed. Describe self-care related to regular emptying of bladder, proper perineal cleansing, and the need for increased fluids. Insert intermittent or indwelling catheter as needed. Observe and record the response to treatment.






Objective: - Facial grimace. - Restlessness. - V/S taken as follows: T: 37.3 PR: 82 RR: 19 BP: 120/90 Subjective: - sakit kaayu inig ka pangihi nako day as verbalized by the patient.

Acute pain related to biological factors such as trauma or activity of disease process

After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patients pain will be relieved or controlled.

1. Encourage increased fluid intake. 2. Investigate report of bladder fullness. 3. Suggest use of relaxation technique and deep breathing exercises. 4. Encourage use of sitz baths, warm soaks to the perineum. 5. Administer antibacterial

After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patients pain will be relieved or controlled.






Objective: Restlessne ss Nocturia Fatigue Subjective: permi nalang jud ko ka ihi-on as verbalized by the patient

Impaired Urinary Elimination related to mechanical obstruction of the bladder secondary to urinary tract infection

1. Monitor the After holistic income and nursing care expenditure the patients characteristic of elimination urine. pattern will be improved, and 2. Encourage to reports that increase fluid there are no intake. signs of disorders 3. encourage (such as patient to have urgency, proper perineal oliguric, cleansing dysuria) 4. Observe change in level of consciousness 5. Take action to maintain acidic urine: encourage patient to drink Berri fruit

After holistic nursing care the patients elimination pattern is improved, there are no signs of disorders (such as urgency, oliguric, dysuria)

ASSESSMENT Objective: incomplete emptying of bladder pain on right flank pain scale of 9 out of 10

DIAGNOSIS Urinary retention related to bladder fullness and hesitancy as evidence by urinary tract infection and urethral blockage.



EVALUATION After holistic nursing care the patient was able to have a pain scale of 3 out of 10

After holistic 1. Measure nursing care patients input the patient will and output be able to hourly have a pain scale of 3 out 2. Administer IV of 10 antibiotic therapy as ordered by the physician 3. Encourage patient to void every 4 hours 4. Ensure if bladder is completely emptied 5. Monitor vital signs

Subjective: - complaints of bladder fullness

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