A Little Learning Is A Dangerous Thing

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Some of the key ideas discussed are the importance of thinking while studying and learning throughout one's life, different stages of education, types of schools, and slang terms used in schools.

The different stages of education mentioned are preschool education, primary education, secondary education, tertiary/higher education, further education, and vocational education.

Some types of schools described are coed schools, single-gender schools, private schools, public schools, summer schools, vocational/trade schools, boarding schools, and correspondence schools.

Unit 5 Education

A Happy Days
B Brain Power
 To study and not think
is a waste. To think
and not study is
 Education is what
remains after one
has forgotten
everything he
learned in school
 Learn young, learn fair. 为学趁年轻,即学须
 It is never too late to learn.
 A little learning is a dangerous thing.
 A man becomes learned by asking
 Silly child is soon taught. 要想孩子好,教育
 A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少时懒惰老来苦

 Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的
 If you think education is expensive---try
ignorance. 若嫌教育贵 , 便尝愚滋味。
Different stages of education
 Preschool education
 primary education
 secondary education
 tertiary education/higher education
 further education
 vocational education
Different school types
 Coed school: school open to both sexes
 Single-gender school: school open to
single sex
 Private school: A secondary or elementary
school run and supported by private
individuals or a corporation rather than by a
government or public agency.
Different school types
 Public school: 1. An elementary or
secondary school in the United States
supported by public funds and providing
free education for children of a community
or district.
 2. A private boarding school in Great Britain
for pupils between the ages of 13 and 18.
Different school types
 Summer school: An academic session held during
the summer, chiefly for supplementary and
remedial study.
 Vocational/Trade school: a school for learning to
do a specific job, usually in a trade such as
welding or carpentry
 Boarding school: a school that the students live
at during the school year
 Correspondence school: a school that mails the
student lessons, which are then mailed back for
School slang
 blow an exam: fail an exam
 cut class: not attend class
 draw a blank: forget everything
 kiss up to the teacher: try to win the
teacher’s approval
 math ace: best student in math
 teacher’s pet: teacher’s favorite student
Make up dialogues around the
following questions.
 Do you like going to school? Why or why
 How do you like your college life? Is it
 What can you get from the four academic
years in college?
 Do you have any plans for your future life
after graduation?
 Describe your ideal school life.
Make a list of the benefits of
higher education.

More creative Education ?

Better job Dreams and

opportunities ambitions
For your reference
 College education offers people better
opportunities to learn professional
knowledge or skills
 Most of the courses I have taken would be
useful for my future job and they provided
a theoretical foundation for me.
For your reference
 I gained valuable social experience by
doing some part-time work and joining in
inspiring activities.
 Higher education makes us
knowledgeable, and at the same time
brings us into a colorful field of extra-
curricular activities.
Describe the following pictures
and give your comments on
Parents are the best teachers

Do you agree or disagree with the

above statement? Use specific reasons
and examples to support your answer.
Do you think corporal punishment
is good for students? Why or
why not?
 Would you like to go abroad for your
further study if there were such a chance?
 What are the difficulties for you to study
 Are you going to return to China after you
finish your study abroad? Why?
Give you comments on the
following picture.
 Give comment on the following sentence.

Educate a man and you educate an

individual—educate a woman and you
educate a family.

Declaration: All the pictures I use in this lecture are from different websites.

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