Sales Forecasting: PT. Sosro, January 2010
Sales Forecasting: PT. Sosro, January 2010
Sales Forecasting: PT. Sosro, January 2010
1 = 1 = 1 =
1 =
y x b y a y
y y
i i i
i i
x , y
Answers: how strong is the linear relationship
between the variables?
Coefficient of correlation Sample correlation
coefficient denoted r
Values range from -1 to +1
Measures degree of association
Used mainly for understanding
Module 5
Multiple Regression Analysis
Y = Konstanta + B1X1 + B2X2+ BnXn
Case Study
Sosro produce 3 products (Tea, Coffee and
Milk). How can I forecast the sales base on
historical unit price per product?
Historical Data
Month Sales Tea Coffe Milk
1 44439 515 541 928
2 43936 929 692 711
3 44464 800 710 824
4 41533 979 675 758
5 46343 1165 1147 635
6 44922 651 939 901
7 43203 847 755 580
8 43000 942 908 589
9 40967 630 738 682
10 48582 1113 1175 1050
11 45003 1086 1075 984
12 44303 843 640 828
13 42070 500 752 708
14 44353 813 989 804
15 45968 1190 823 904
16 47781 1200 1108 1120
17 43202 731 590 1065
18 44074 1089 607 1132
19 44610 786 513 839
Data Analysis
Summary Output
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.803398744
R Square 0.645449542
Adjusted R Square 0.57453945
Standard Error 1252.763898
Observations 19
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 42856229.89 14285410 9.102365 0.001126532
Residual 15 23541260.74 1569417
Total 18 66397490.63
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 35102.90045 1837.226911 19.10646 6.11E-12 31186.944 39018.8569 31186.944 39018.8569
Price Tea 2.065953296 1.664981779 1.240826 0.233727 -1.482871344 5.614777936 -1.482871344 5.614777936
Price Coffee 4.176355531 1.681252566 2.484074 0.025288 0.592850531 7.759860531 0.592850531 7.759860531
Price Milk 4.790641037 1.789316107 2.677359 0.017223 0.976804052 8.604478023 0.976804052 8.604478023
Sales Prediction = 35,102.90+2.06 (Price Tea)
+4.17 (Price Coffee) + 4.79 (Price Milk)
Forecast Chart
Sales Forecast
44439 42863.99
43936 43307.07
44464 43657.66
41533 43564.31
46343 45326.54
44922 44674.48
43203 42773.37
43000 43650.19
40967 42744.04
48582 47324.03
45003 46535.27
44303 43473.5
42070 42659.16
44353 44752.07
45968 45315.47
47781 47559.16
43202 44169.51
44074 45298.81
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sales Forecast
Case Study
How can I forecast the sales if qualitative
factors (season, event, etc) involves?
Data Conversion
Year Quarter Sales GDP Unemp Int
2000 1 2007 2431 5.9 9.4
2000 2 2562 2640 5.7 9.4
2000 3 2385 2595 5.9 9.7
2000 4 2520 2701 6 11.9
2001 1 2142 2785 6.2 13.4
2001 2 2130 2509 7.3 9.6
2001 3 2190 2570 7.7 9.22
2001 4 2370 2667 7.4 13.6
2002 1 2208 2878 7.4 14.4
2002 2 2196 2835 7.4 15.3
2002 3 1758 2897 7.4 15.1
2002 4 1944 2744 7.4 11.8
2003 1 2094 2582 8.3 12.8
2003 2 1911 2613 8.8 12.4
2003 3 2031 2529 9.4 9.3
2003 4 2046 2544 10 7.9
2004 1 2502 2633 10.7 7.8
2004 2 2238 2878 10.4 8.4
2004 3 2394 3051 9.4 9.1
2004 4 2586 3274 8.5 8.8
2005 1 2898 3594 7.9 9.2
2005 2 2448 3774 7.5 9.8
2005 3 2460 3861 7.5 10.3
2005 4 2646 3919 7.2 8.8
2006 1 2988 4040 7.4 8.2
2006 2 2967 4133 7.3 7.5
2006 3 2439 4303 7.1 7.1
2006 4 2598 4393 7 7.2
2007 1 3045 4560 7.1 8.9
2007 2 3213 3487 7.1 7.7
2007 3 2685 4716 6.9 7.4
2007 4 3213 4796 6.8 7.4
Q1 Q2 Q3 GDP Unemp Int
1 0 0 2431 5.9 9.4
0 1 0 2640 5.7 9.4
0 0 1 2595 5.9 9.7
0 0 0 2701 6 11.9
1 0 0 2785 6.2 13.4
0 1 0 2509 7.3 9.6
0 0 1 2570 7.7 9.22
0 0 0 2667 7.4 13.6
1 0 0 2878 7.4 14.4
0 1 0 2835 7.4 15.3
0 0 1 2897 7.4 15.1
0 0 0 2744 7.4 11.8
1 0 0 2582 8.3 12.8
0 1 0 2613 8.8 12.4
0 0 1 2529 9.4 9.3
0 0 0 2544 10 7.9
1 0 0 2633 10.7 7.8
0 1 0 2878 10.4 8.4
0 0 1 3051 9.4 9.1
0 0 0 3274 8.5 8.8
1 0 0 3594 7.9 9.2
0 1 0 3774 7.5 9.8
0 0 1 3861 7.5 10.3
0 0 0 3919 7.2 8.8
1 0 0 4040 7.4 8.2
0 1 0 4133 7.3 7.5
0 0 1 4303 7.1 7.1
0 0 0 4393 7 7.2
1 0 0 4560 7.1 8.9
0 1 0 3487 7.1 7.7
0 0 1 4716 6.9 7.4
0 0 0 4796 6.8 7.4
Data Analysis
Summary Output
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.835850806
R Square 0.698646571
Adjusted R Square 0.626321748
Standard Error 234.2782152
Observations 32
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 6 3181157.823 530193 9.659845 1.56789E-05
Residual 25 1372157.052 54886.28
Total 31 4553314.875
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 2468.149196 565.3001581 4.366086 0.000193 1303.891736 3632.406655 1303.891736 3632.406655
Q1 98.63689332 118.1751743 0.834667 0.411811 -144.7494321 342.0232188 -144.7494321 342.0232188
Q2 68.23580594 118.146654 0.577552 0.568732 -175.0917808 311.5633927 -175.0917808 311.5633927
Q3 -175.311164 117.2567064 -1.49511 0.147404 -416.8058691 66.18354178 -416.8058691 66.18354178
GDP 0.274026559 0.069927467 3.918726 0.00061 0.130008246 0.418044872 0.130008246 0.418044872
Unemp -47.2973846 36.21216334 -1.30612 0.203403 -121.8777304 27.2829613 -121.8777304 27.2829613
Int -56.5799921 21.56606503 -2.62357 0.014617 -100.9961341 -12.16385012 -100.9961341 -12.16385012
Sales forecast
Sales Forecast
2007 2423.114
2562 2459.42
2385 2177.2
2520 2252.524
2142 2279.95
2130 2336.706
2190 2112.51
2370 2081.078
2208 2192.292
2196 2099.26
1758 1884.048
1944 2203.876
2094 2159.108
1911 2136.202
2031 2016.516
2046 2246.706
2502 2342.302
2238 2359.292
2394 2170.844
2586 2466.676
2898 2658.676
2448 2662.576
2460 2414.664
2646 2704.766
2988 2860.98
2967 2900.332
2439 2735.452
2598 2934.482
3045 2978.07
3213 2721.468
2685 2841.104
3213 3043.044
1 6 11 16 21 26 31
Sales Forecast
Sample Coefficient of Correlation
1 =
1 =
1 =
1 =
1 = 1 = 1 =
i i
i i
i i i i
y y n x x n
y x y x n
You want to achieve:
No pattern or direction in forecast error
Error = (Y
- Y
) = (Actual - Forecast)
Seen in plots of errors over time
Smallest forecast error
Mean square error (MSE)
Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
Guidelines for Selecting
Forecasting Model
Time (Years)
Desired Pattern
Time (Years)
Trend Not Fully
Accounted for
Pattern of Forecast Error
Multi Regression Forecasting
Module 2
One Way Anova
Summary Out
Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Front 5 45 9 2.5
Back 4 56 14 3.333333
Middle 3 33 11 1
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 55.66667 2 27.83333 11.38636 0.003426 4.256495
Within Groups 22 9 2.444444
Total 77.66667 11
2 Way Anova
Two Way Anova Summary
Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication 17.5
SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance
Distrik 1 4 26 6.5 28.33333 -11
Distrik 2 4 59 14.75 4.916667 -2.75
Distrik 3 4 85 21.25 10.91667 3.75
Distrik 4 4 70 17.5 31 0
Distrik 5 4 110 27.5 69.66667 10
Rep 1 5 75 15 63.5 -2.5
Rep 2 5 67 13.4 59.3 -4.1
Rep 3 5 102 20.4 104.3 2.9
Rep 4 5 106 21.2 67.7 3.7
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 970.5 4 242.625 13.95065 0.000182 3.259166727
Columns 225.8 3 75.26667 4.327743 0.027588 3.490294821
Error 208.7 12 17.39167
14.44645 4.003547
Total 1405 19
Distrik 2 Distrik 2
Rep 4 forecast Rep 3
Mean 18.45 17.65
Lower 10.44291 9.642906
Upper 26.45709 25.65709
Module 4
Multiple Regression Analysis
Any Question?
The unique challenges associated with
providing effective customer service to
phone callers.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of
your telephone styles and techniques.
Identify effective telephone skills
Module 5
Learning Objectives
Identify methods for diffusing customer anger
or hostility
Develop strategies for handling difficult
Identify which verbal and non-verbal
messages exacerbate a difficult situation and
which diffuse a difficult situation
Strategies to Handle Difficult
Customer Situation
1. Listen
Use active and reflective listening
2. Empathize
Putting yourself in customer shoes
Connect with persons feeling
making a statement that tells the person
we understand the feeling
paraphrasing his or her words to show
the person we understand the issue
Stick to what Company can and cant
Strategies to handle Difficult
Customer Situation
3. Respond professionally
Use customers name
Maintain friendly manner
Use appropriate body
4. Recognize underlying
Customer act for a reason
Negative emotion
Strategies to Handle Difficult
Customer Situation
5. Ask question
Be sure to listen to everything
6. Give feedback
Treat the public as customer
seeking service
Play tour tone of voice
7. Summarize
Communicate what you will
do and when you will do it
Remember to under promise
and over deliver
Limited English Speaking
Be patient and concentrate
Remember, the customer is just as frustrated as you are
Speak slowly and distinctly
Dont speak so slowly that it appears to be an insult
Be extra courteous
you really do care and want to help
Avoid using slang or industry jargon
Use plain, simple English. Dont use terms or phrases that will only add
to the confusion
Speak in normal tone of voice
Dont shout. Speaking loudly wont help
Dont try to listen to every word
Listen carefully for key words and phrases
Limited English Speaking
Reiterate what has been said
Once the customer has told you what the problem is, summarize
Dont ask do you understand?
The customer may feel you are insulting him or her.
Avoid humor
Stick to the problem. Different cultures view humor in different ways.
Write it down
Use simple, short sentences.
If you speak another language, try using it
The client may understand the other language better than English
Develop a list of employee who speak foreign languages
Use this as a resource for helping non-English speaking customers.
Listen to foreign language tape
Tips for Long-Winded Caller
People will monopolize anothers time on the telephone
Dont think silent or giving short answer will work
dont ask questions
Refocus the attention
Stating a relevant point
Using PRC technique
(Paraphrase, Reflect, Close)
Budget time to listen
Budget what you can affordbut dont tell the caller you are doing this
Establish mutual time limit
take control of the conversation before it gets too far
Patience: Give extra minute or two
Let the other party go gracefully with statements such as:I know you are busy. I
appreciate your help. .Thanks for your time. The information you have provided is very
helpful. Ill be back in touch as soon as.
Strategies to Handle
Argumentative Customer
Speak softly
the customer must be quiet in order to hear
Ask for their opinion
If you give them some control by asking a
question, they are liable to ease up.
Take a break, dont get drawn in
excuse yourself briefly, count to 10, or get a
drink of water
Concentrate on the points of the
Deal with these points one at a time.
Strategies to Handle Verbally
Abusive Customer
Remember, Customer isnt angry with you
but at the agency, the situation, or something
else completely unrelated
Talk quietly
talk quietly so that he or she has to be quieter
to hear you.
Talk at normal pace
If you begin to talk quickly, it will only make
matters worse
Let the consumer know the consequences
When you use this language, it makes it
impossible for me or anyone to assist you.
Strategies to Handle Threatening
Threat can be an attempt to
intimidate you
Keep calm and keep your
responses focused on the
issue at hand
Strategies to Handle Threatening
Try to avoid getting into discussion of the threat
Lead the conversation back to the fundamental issue in
Evaluate customer ability to make good on threat
and decide what to do from there
Dont overreact
Look for signs of drug or alcohol use
Advice consumer of the repercussion
Before the threats escalate, calmly advise the customer of
the repercussions of the threats,
Terminate the interview
document the threat, warn/alert the appropriate people
(supervisor, reception staff, etc.)
Strategies to Handle Hostile/Angry
1. An angry customer is most
likely not angry with you
Take the anger personally
Blame the customer
Avoid blame
Dominate the conversation
Strategies to Handle Hostile/Angry
2. Detach yourself from the
Customers Hostility
Maintain self control
3. Hostility curve
Lets wait, hear him/her out
Strategies to Handle Hostile/Angry
When the customer stops talking, start giving feedback to indicate you
heard his or her key points
you understand the situation from the customers perspective. Express
empathy for the feelings expressed or demonstrated.
Apologize when the agency is at fault
S =Say youre sorry. E = Expedite solutions. R = Respond to the customer. V = Victory to the
customer. I = Implement improvements. C = Communicate results. E = Extend the
Clearly communicate what you will do and when you will do it
Saying No
Sometimes you have to say no, but if you do it right, you can
still get a thank you for your service
Saying No
Explain why it cant be done
Dont quote policy
Dont say, Because its the law.
Dont be patronizing
Dont talk down to the customer.
Offer alternatives when u can
Try to help the customer find
solutions to the problem.
Avoid making excuses
Im sorry your case hasnt been
processed yet
Eliminate negative phrases
Dont mention other/similar
Group Activity
Price for Handling Difficult Customer
Any Question?
Methods for diffusing the anger and
hostility of customers.
Strategies for handling difficult customers
Module 6