Forensic Hair Analysis

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Forensic Hair Analysis

What is it good for?

What is it good for?

Identifying criminal suspects Identifying crime victims Associating a victim or suspect with a location Determining the type of crime committed

Significance of Hair Evidence Examinations

Hairs can be transferred during physical contact, their presence can associate a suspect to a victim or a suspect/victim to a crime scene. The types of hair recovered and the condition and number of hairs found all impact on their value as evidence in a criminal investigation. Comparison of the microscopic characteristics of questioned hairs to known hair samples helps determine whether a transfer may have occurred

Significance of Hair Evidence Examinations

Nothing about hair is comparable to the specificity of fingerprints; probability of establishing identification from hair is similar to determining identification using the ABO blood group system However, Research studies have shown that hairs from two individuals are distinguishable; that no accidental or coincidental matches occurred

Hair evidence is only of value when used in conjunction with other evidence Positive hair comparison conclusions:

Significance of Hair Evidence Examinations, contd

weakened by the presence of incomplete hairs; by common, featureless hairs; and by known samples with large intrasample variation. strengthened by the presence of two or more mutually dissimilar hairs that are similar to a known sample; by hairs with unusual characteristics; by two-way transfers; and by additional examinations of confirmation, such as DNA and sex-typing.

Negative hair comparison conclusions:

Significance of Hair Evidence Examinations, contd

weakened by deficiencies in the known hair sample, including too few hairs, unrepresentative hairs, incomplete hairs, and a significant temporal difference between the offense and the collection of the known sample strengthened by a large quantity of known sample hairs; little intrasample variation within the known sample; and hairs that are very dissimilar, such as those exhibiting distinct racial and/or microscopic characteristics

Hairs are composed primarily of the protein keratin, can be defined as slender outgrowths of the skin of mammals. Each species of animal possesses hair with characteristic length, color, shape, root appearance, and internal microscopic features that distinguish one animal from another. Considerable variability also exists in the types of hairs that are found on the body of an animal.

Basics of Hair Evidence

In humans, hairs found on the head, pubic region, arms, legs, and other body areas have characteristics that can determine their origin. On animals, hair types include coarse outer hairs or guard hairs, the finer fur hairs, tactile hairs such as whiskers, and other hairs that originate from the tail and mane of an animal.

Hair Microscopy

examination of human hairs in the forensic laboratory is typically conducted through the use of light microscopy two-step processthe identification of questioned hairs and the comparison of questioned and known hairs using comparison microscopy

Hair Diagram

Hair Anatomy & Growth

Hairs undergo a cyclical growth (anagen) and resting phase (telogen) Anagen phase - the hair is actively growing, and materials are deposited in the hair shaft by cells found in the follicle. Dividing cells form the major components of the hairthe medulla, cortex, cuticle, and accompanying root sheath Telogen phase - the follicle is dormant or resting. Hairs are routinely lost during the telogen phase

Hair and types of loss

Naturally shed hairs, such as a head hair dislodged through combing, display undamaged, club-shaped roots.


A hair forcibly removed from the scalp will exhibit stretching and damage to the root area. Forcibly removed hairs may have tissue attached.

Animal Hairs





Animal Hairs

animal hairs do not possess enough individual microscopic characteristics to be associated with a particular animal to the exclusion of other similar animals If the questioned hair exhibits the same microscopic characteristics as the known hairs, it is concluded that the hair is consistent with originating from that animal

physical contact may result in the transfer of hairs primary transfer transfer directly from the region of the body where they are growing Secondary transfertransfer from the clothing of individuals. approximately 100 head hairs are shed by an individual each day. Contact between a victim and a suspect's environment can easily cause a secondary transfer of hair. Hairs that are found on the clothing of suspects or victims and appear to have fallen out naturally may be the result of primary or secondary transfer. Hairs that have been forcibly removed may suggest a violent confrontation

Human Hairs

Types of Human Hair by Body Area

The body area from which a hair originated can be determined by general morphology. Length, shape, size, color, stiffness, curliness, and microscopic appearance all contribute to the determination of body area

Head Hair

usually the longest hairs on the human body characterized as having a uniform diameter and, often, a cut tip Alterations to the natural appearance of hair include use of hair dyes, rinses, permanents, frosts, and other chemical applications. Environmental alterations can result from exposure to excessive sunlight, wind, dryness, and other conditions Because these hairs can be affected by a number of environmental and chemical conditions, it is recommended that head hair samples be obtained as soon as possible from suspects and victims of crime. Head hair samples obtained years after a crime are generally not suitable for meaningful comparison purposes

Razor cut hair

Split hair

Hair with cut tip

considerable variation exists between individuals in the population Pubic hairs are not subject to as much change as head hairs over time, and because of this, a sample taken a year or more after a crime may still be suitable for meaningful comparison purposes generally coarse and wiry in appearance. They exhibit considerable diameter variation or buckling tapered tips are common, these hairs may also be cut.

Pubic Hairs

Facial Hairs

commonly called beard hairs or mustache hairs These hairs are coarse in appearance and can have a triangular cross section characteristics include a wide medulla and a razor-cut tip. The presence of facial hairs on the clothing of a suspect or victim may help establish contact between these individuals. While these hairs may be compared microscopically, the significance of the association may not be as great as head hair and pubic hair associations.

Limb Hairs

Hairs from the legs and arms constitute limb hairs These hairs are shorter in length, arc-like in shape, and often abraded or tapered at the tips. The pigment in limb hair is generally granular in appearance, and the medulla is trace to discontinuous. While limb hairs are not routinely compared in a forensic laboratory, they can differ in appearance between individuals. These differences, however, are not considered sufficient to allow limb hairs to be of value for meaningful comparison purposes. The presence of leg or arm hairs on certain items of evidence may help to corroborate other investigative information.

Types of Human Hair by Race




Negroid (African)

Hairs of Negroid or African origin are regularly curly or kinky, have a flattened cross section, and can appear curly, wavy, or coiled. Negroid pigment granules are larger than those found in Mongoloid and Caucasian hair and are grouped in clumps of different sizes and shapes.

Caucasoid (European)
Hairs of Caucasoid or Caucasian origin can be of fine to medium coarseness, are generally straight or wavy in appearance, and exhibit colors ranging from blonde to brown to black. The hair shafts of Caucasian hairs vary from round to oval in cross section and have fine to mediumsized, evenly distributed pigment granules.

Mongoloid (Asian)

Hairs of Mongoloid or Asian origin are regularly coarse, straight, and circular in cross section, with a wider diameter than the hairs of the other racial groups. The outer layer of the hair, the cuticle, is usually significantly thicker than the cuticle of Negroid and Caucasian hairs, and the medulla, or central canal, is continuous and wide

Human Hairs to Determine Age

The age of an individual cannot be determined definitively by a microscopic examination; the microscopic appearance of certain human hairs, such as those of infants and elderly individuals, may provide a general indication of age. i.e. The hairs of infants are generally finer and less distinctive in microscopic appearance. As individuals age, hair can undergo pigment loss and changes in the configuration of the hair shaft to become much finer and more variable in diameter.

Human Hairs to determine sex

Although the sex of an individual is difficult to determine from microscopic examination, longer, treated hairs are more frequently encountered in female individuals. Sex can be determined from a forcibly removed hair (with tissue), but this is not routinely done. Definitive determination of sex can be accomplished through the staining of sex chromatin in the cells found in the follicular tissue, but nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) tests will provide more specific information regarding the possible origin of the hair.


Stained sex chromatin in the nuclei of human cells showing the femaleindicative Barr body (bright spot, left) and the male-indicative Y body (bright spot, right)

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