Introducing Organizational Behavior
Introducing Organizational Behavior
Introducing Organizational Behavior
Chapter 1, session 1
Study Questions
What is organizational behavior and why is
it important? What are organizations like as work settings? What is the nature of managerial work? How do we learn about organizational behavior? A conceptual model of organization behavior for managers
organizational systems.
Individual commitment to flexibility, creativity,
and learning.
Individual willingness to change
challenged to:
Simultaneously achieve high performance
and high quality of life. Embrace ethics and social responsibility. Respect the vast potential of demographic and cultural diversity among people. Recognize the impact of globalization.
organizations. A multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics.
thinking. The process of data collection is controlled and systematic. Proposed explanations are carefully tested. Only explanations that can be scientifically verified are accepted.
is the creation of goods and services. Missions and mission statements focus attention on the core purpose. Mission statements communicate:
A clear sense of the domain in which the
organizations products and services fit. A vision and sense of future aspirations.
guides organizations to operate in ways that allow them to outperform their competitors. Key managerial responsibilities include strategy formulation and implementation. Knowledge of OB is essential to effectively strategy implementation.
Have a high-performance orientation. Emphasize teamwork. Encourage risk taking. Emphasize innovation.. Respect people and workforce diversity.
transformation process. Goal approach focuses on outputs. Strategic contingencies approach focuses on impact on key stakeholders. Organization Effectiveness is an indicator of how well the organization performs as an open system
Short-run emphasis on goal accomplishment,
resource utilization, and stakeholder satisfaction. Intermediate-run emphasis on organizations adaptability and development potential. Long-run emphasis on survival.
roles such as
Strategic OB Lens
Organization Level Senior Managers Activities
Talk with insiders and outsiders about Vision Strategy Other major issues Help middle managers Define and redefine their roles Manage conflict Create and maintain the organizations culture
Required Skills
Conceptualizing Communicating Understanding the perspectives of others Listening Conflict management Negotiating Motivating
Interpersonal influence
Strategic OB Lens
Organization Level Middle Managers Activities
Champion strategic ideas Help firm to remain adaptive Process data and information for use by other individuals
Required Skills
Networking Communicating Influencing Analyzing Communicating
Communicating Deliver strategic initiatives to lower-level Motivating managers Understanding values Managing stress
Strategic OB Lens
Organization Level Lower-level Managers Activities
Coaching firms associates (workers)
Required Skills
Teaching Listening Understanding personalities Managing stress Negotiating Influencing others Counseling Understanding personalities
Removing obstacles for associates Deal with personal problems of associates Design jobs, team structures, and reward systems
changing circumstances.
Organizational Success
Interpersonal Factors (leadership, communication, decision-making skill, intraand inter-group dynamics, communication)