MODULE 4 (Basics of STI, HIV & AIDS)

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Philippine National AIDS Council

Session Objectives
At the end of the module, the participants should be able to:

Define and differentiate STI, HIV, and AIDS

Explain how HIV is transmitted from one person to another Correct misconceptions about how HIV is acquired Discuss how HIV affects the body Learn how HIV and AIDS can be prevented as well as treated and managed
Philippine National AIDS Council

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Skin Parasites

Gonorrhea Syphilis Chlamydia Chancroid

Genital herpes Genital warts Genital molluscum



Pubic Lice Scabies

passed on by close body contact & do not require actual penetrative intercourse

Hepatitis B *

Philippine National AIDS Council

Pain passing urine

Severe itchiness


Yellowish/abnormal discharge


Abdominal pain

Philippine National AIDS Council

Caused by bacteria called neisseria gonorrheae Usual incubation period is 3 to 7 days Can be spread through sexual contact Can affect genitals, throat and anus

Yellowish/ Purulent discharge (tulo) Pelvic inflammation in women Scrotal swelling in men

Philippine National AIDS Council

Caused by chlamydia trachomatis Can infect the cervix, urethra, rectum, throat and eyes Also known as the silent STI

Pelvic inflammation Discharge Scrotal swelling in men

Philippine National AIDS Council

Caused by spirochete treponema pallidum Chronic systemic disease (9-90 days) The organism moves through skin or mucus membrane and into the bloodstream Can be transmitted through mother to child, blood transfusion, sexual contact

Source: Robert Taylor MD at


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Caused by Symptoms human papilloma Lesions virus (HPV) Warty growths Transmitted directly from skin to skin during sexual contact

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Caused by Symptoms herpes Multiple, painful simplex virus 2 shallow ulcers Incubation Painful urination period is 2-12 days

Philippine National AIDS Council

This virus can only infect human beings The effect of the virus is to create a deficiency (a failure to work properly) within the bodys immune system This organism is a retro virus, which means it can reproduce itself by taking over the machinery of the human cell
Source: UNAIDS. Training manual on HIV & AIDS for Catholic Church pastoral workers. Makati: UNAIDS. 2007.

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Philippine National AIDS Council

Susceptible host: Humans

Infectious agent: HIV Reservoir: Humans

Portal of ENTRY: Lining of the vagina, rectum, and opening of the urethra in males; Wounds or breaks in the skin

Modes of transmission: Sex Injection Drug Use Mother to Child Other transfer of body fluid

Portal of EXIT: Blood Semen Vaginal Fluid Breast milk

Philippine National AIDS Council



Philippine National AIDS Council

Status of Immune System


HIV Infection

AIDS Condition


Asymptomatic Stage Window period No signs and (3 wks 6 mos) symptoms Symptomatic Stage With signs and symptoms

Philippine National AIDS Council

ACQUIRED The infection may be transmitted from one person to another

IMMUNE The immune system is compromised

The body can no longer fight off DEFICIENCY infections; individual may suffer from two or more opportunistic infections SYNDROME A person experiences a collection of symptoms which could be fatal
Source: UNAIDS. Training manual on HIV & AIDS for Catholic Church pastoral workers.

Philippine National AIDS Council

It is an infection or malignancy that attacks the body by taking advantage of an immune system that has been severely weakened by an advanced HIV infection

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Lung infection
(ex. TB)

Fungal infections

Swollen lymph nodes

Photos from World Vision, COH

Kaposis sarcoma, shingles

Philippine National AIDS Council

Source of illustration: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF

Philippine National AIDS Council

Source: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF

Blood transfusion from an HIV-infected donor & sharing of infected syringes and needles

Philippine National AIDS Council

From an HIVinfected mother to her child


natural delivery



Source of illustrations: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF

Philippine National AIDS Council

Casual contacts (sharing food and

utensils, shaking hands, hugging or kissing, coughing, sneezing, using public phone, visiting a hospital)

Feces, urine, saliva, sweat, tears

Donating blood Sharing toilets Insect bites

Swimming pools
Sources of illustrations: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF; UNODC

Philippine National AIDS Council

How can I protect myself from HIV?

Philippine National AIDS Council

Susceptible host: Humans

Infectious agent: HIV Reservoir: Humans

Portal of ENTRY: Lining of the vagina or rectum, upper digestive tract in infants, or breaks in the skin

Modes of transmission:
Sex Injection Drug Use Mother to Child Other transfer of blood
Philippine National AIDS Council

Portal of EXIT:
Blood Semen Vaginal Fluid Breast milk

BSTINENCE: Do not have sex. In the case of adolescents, delaying sexual debut (age of first sexual encounter) will help. E monogamous: Have ONE sexual partner orrect and consistent use of and safer sex practices ONDOM

O NOT inject drugs ducation & arly detection

Philippine National AIDS Council

Slide (S2.2) 26


Philippine National AIDS Council

HIV-positive women can still give birth to HIV-negative babies if they follow certain precautions: Take ARVs during pregnancy
Deliver the baby thru caesarian operation

Use infant formula instead of breast milk

Philippine National AIDS Council

Drug use and excessive alcohol intake can impair an individuals decision-making process, putting him/her in a situation where infection may occur. The risk of HIV transmission can be reduced if individuals would change their risky behaviors and practices. Education is important. People should be provided with correct, accurate, and reliable information on how they can protect themselves from HIV.

Philippine National AIDS Council

Have you or any of Did you or your Did you or any of Have you or any of your partners partner(s) contract yourpartners partner(s) your engaged in sexually undergo any blood injected drugs with unprotected sex (any transmitted transfusion or shared form ofneedles sex includes infection in the last organ transplant and/or syringes? oral, vaginal or anal) five (5) years? from an unreliable with a person with source? multiple sex partners?

Source: PNAC

Philippine National AIDS Council

Philippine National AIDS Council

How will i know if i am HIV positive?

Philippine National AIDS Council

A persons HIV status can only be determined through HIV antibody testing
Source: Microsoft, Clipart

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Voluntary counseling & testing (VCT) individuals willing to undergo testing of their own free will
Provider-initiated counseling & testing (PICT) a situation where doctors encourage patients to undergo testing
Source of illustration: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF

Philippine National AIDS Council

HIV testing is strictly voluntary, confidential, and must be accompanied by pre- and post-test counselling
Photo from World Vision

Philippine National AIDS Council

Pre-test counselling
Screening Test
HIV antibody detection: Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) HIV antigen Test

Confirmatory Test (if positive)

- Western Blot or Immunoblot

Post-test counselling
Philippine National AIDS Council

Social hygiene clinics

DOH-licensed OFW clinics Accredited HIV counseling & testing centers (private and public facilities) Treatment hubs (ex. PGH, San Lazaro Hospital, RITM

Philippine National AIDS Council

What if I test positive?

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Seek early medical treatment

Adopt a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude.

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Regular blood test to determine CD4 count and viral load

Provision of anti-retroviral drugs

Treatment of opportunistic infections

Philippine National AIDS Council

Pinoy Plus Babae Plus Cavite Support Group Cebu Plus PAFPI Crossbreed United Western Inc. Davao Advocates
Source of illustration: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF

Philippine National AIDS Council

STI, generally acquired thru unsafe sexual contact, is caused by microorganisms that include HIV. A person with STI is thus more vulnerable to HIV. HIV, acquired in the same manner as most STIs, is a microorganism that attacks and destroys the human immune system. This leads to a condition known as AIDS, where the body no longer has a functioning immune system to ward off opportunistic infections and malignancies, which ultimately prove fatal.
Philippine National AIDS Council

Successful HIV transmission occurs when these 4 elements are present: (1) exit the means by which the virus leaves the body of an infected person, (2) the sufficiency of the amount of virus transmitted, (3) the ability of the virus to survive in a new environment, and (4) the point of entry to another body.
Philippine National AIDS Council

THREE BASIC COMPONENTS OF TREATMENT AND CARE (1) Regular blood test to determine amount of HIV in the blood (2) Taking anti-retroviral drugs (3) Treatment of opportunistic infections

Philippine National AIDS Council

Philippine National AIDS Council

Philippine National AIDS Council

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