Business Etiquette Conference

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The text discusses good and bad workplace manners as well as business etiquette in different cultures and for mobile phone usage.

Some good manners mentioned are being friendly, helpful, responsible and considerate while bad manners include lack of punctuality, improper speaking, writing and treating others.

Business etiquette tips when visiting different cultures include appropriate greetings, dress code, business cards and meeting etiquette for countries like France, Australia and the Middle East.

By: Joseline Centeno David Garca

In a formal situation

Colegio San Gabriel de la Dolorosa

Good and Bad Manners at Work

By: Maydelin Del Cid and Maricarmen Gonzlez

Teacher: Flor Pinzn de Ros


Good and Bad Manners at Work

Good Manners:

Be Friendly: A Works place is not a social club, but nobody

expects you to act like robots isolated from each other. There are always opportunities during breaks at the beginning and end of the day to chat friendly.

Be Helpful: In the working life, almost always we work with

others, and depend on them as much as they depend on us.

Be Responsible : Of course that you are responsible in duties

and play the best we can, but also has other duties: to welcome
new comers to the group and help keep the team spirit.

Be Consideration: Avoid habits or activities that distract or

annoy others like example: family, messages ,extremely, out going , gossips, eavesdroppers, the office to casanovas, wolverines, the bullies, the music fans, those who dress badly, small traders, etc.

Be cheerful: Since you spend a third of your life at work, you

better be happy in it. Of course not all jobs are interesting and significant, but Little is gained if one begins to grumble.

Bad manners: Lack of punctuality: We ignore this rule in Panama, where

they often do not even know precisely how long it will last for an interview or meeting.

Speaking: One of the greatest and is one of the most requested

courses and ceremonial protocol.

Written composition: there are secretaries of senior executives

who do not know how to answer a mail or note that a boss can not make a compromise. It is a very serious, since we are talking bussines. We can not afford to not knowingt how to write

correctly a text.

Informality in the treament or lack of tact: Greet with a kiss,

being on one to one basis with because you are female, and make
a gift in the midst of a negotiation are common mistakes.

The limits on a business conversation: After closing an

operation, do not talk more about it. One word can ruin it.

By: Joseph Herrera

Business Etiquette

in other Cultures

The customs, countries and businesses.

The behavior and manners, but tend to be

fairly universal and common component in all countries, there are certain customs, traditions and ways that differentiate one country from others, which are determining factors when moving in society, influencing thebehavior of its inhabitants.


Persuade our partners using our good education and our valid reasons is a process. In this process we distinguish these points of great importance:
1. Trust.

We need to establish a solid foundation, creating a friendly and pleasant to trust in ourselves and in our proposals. We must thank and be grateful. One must know howentertaining and treat our partners with the best ways. 2. Listen. We must know our ideas, but we must also learn to listen to our partners. It's so goodspeaking and listening.

Effective negotiation.
1. We negotiate to reach an agreement.

2. The single agreement is the one that convinces both parties. 3. Negotiation is based on the differences to convergence. 4. The most valid agreement is one that is true. 5. Trading has its own rhythm. Trying to force it, can be a mistake.


Thank You Good afternoon

Greetings in Japan are very formal and ritualized. wait to be introduced. A foreign visitor may bow the head slightly, since no one expects foreigners to generally understand the subtle nuances of bowing.


the rare occasion you are invited to a Japanese house. Remove your shoes before entering and put on the slippers left at the doorway. Unless you have been told the event is casual, dress as if you were going into the office.

Japanese understand that it is very difficult for foreigners to work in Japan.


will not expect you to speak or read Japanese, or be conversant with their strict cultural nuances and protocol.

are allowed as long as genuine respect is shown at all


The Japanese prefer to do

business on the basis of personal relationships so being introduced or recommended by someone who already has a good relationship with the company is extremely helpful One way to build and maintain relationships is with greetings / seasonal cards


is best to telephone for an appointment rather than send a letter, fax or email. Punctuality is important. Since this is a group society, even if you think you will be meeting one person, be prepared for a group meeting.

Business attire is conservative. Men should wear dark-coloured, conservative business suits. Women should dress conservatively.

Business cards are exchanged constantly and with great ceremony. Invest in quality cards. Always keep than in pristine condition.

Greetings are formal and the oldest person is always greeted first. Many Chinese will look towards the ground when greeting someone. Address the person by an honorific title and their surname.


Chinese prefer to entertain in public places rather than in their homes, especially when entertaining foreigners. If you are invited to their house, consider it a great honour Arrive on time. Remove your shoes before entering the house. Learn to use chopsticks

Appointments are necessary and, if possible, should be made between one-totwo months in advance, preferably in writing. You should arrive at meetings on time or slightly early. The Chinese view punctuality as a virtue. Arriving late is an insult and could negatively affect your relationship

Only senior members of the negotiating team will speak. Designate the most senior person in your group as your spokesman for the introductory functions.

Chinese are nonconfrontational. They will not overtly say 'no', they will say 'they will think about it' or 'they will see'.

Business attire is conservative and unpretentious. Men should wear dark coloured, conservative business suits. Women should wear conservative business suits or dresses with a high neckline. Women should wear flat shoes or shoes with very low heels. Bright colours should be avoided.

Business cards are exchanged after the initial introduction. . Have one side of your business card translated into Chinese using simplified Chinese characters that are printed in gold ink since gold is an auspicious colour. Examine a business card before putting it on the table next to you or in a business card case. Never write on someone's card unless so directed

Business Etiquette in London and New York

By: Maybelline Ruiz and Alejandra Cuevas

Business Etiquette
The Customs of the city are tailored to the modern city, a tradition very similar to that experienced in New York, as working hours are extended according to the companies. The clothing of the business and personal etiquette is, men in suits and ties and women depending on the company. Meetings are a bit more relaxed and people are often called by their first name in the second presentation.

Business Etiquette in London

The official office hours are Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 9:00 or 5:00 or 5:30, but in practice, many companies are working more hours. Today there is more emphasis on hard work and long working hours. Some older firms may be very formal, but the meetings usually have a very relaxed ambience and often uses the first name after the previews. The dress code for men is usually a suit and tie and for women varies greatly depending on the company shifts to the informal sectors of new technologies.

Business Etiquette in New York

New Yorkers tend to be less formal than Europeans often target people by first name. Punctuality at meetings and business appointments is a general rule. The office hours are usually Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:30. Business Meetings often take place during breakfast, lunch, breakfast or lunch.

For Your Attention

The Handshake is a common form of greeting

First name are reserved for family and close friends

Mutual Its

trust and respect are requiered to get things done.

always a good idea to learn a few key phrases, since it demostrate an interest in along-term relationship.

bisiness, the french often appear extremly direct because they are not afrais of asking probing questions.


are necessary and should be made at least 2 weeks in advance.

not try to schedule meetings during july or august, as this is a common vacation period.


dress is understated and stylish.

should wear dark-coloured, consevative bussines suits for the initial meeting. should wear either business suits elegant dresses in soft colours.


French Have

business cards are often a bit larger than in a many other countries.

the other side of your business card translated to french.

Australians are not very formal so greeting are casual and relaxed A handshake and smile suffices

Australians are very direct in the way they communicate . They ofeten use colorful language that would be unthinkable in other countries

Appointment are necessary prsent your business case whit facts and figures

Business dress is conservative Men should wear a dark coloured Women should wear a smart dress

Business cards are exchanged at the initial introduccion whitout formal ritual

The main tips to write a good business letter are: style:keep all business letters formal in style.this doesnt mean you should use long or uncommon words to express yourself. humors: from a business etiquette perspective it may be wise to avoid humors. responding: good business letter etiquette calls for letters to be responded to promptly.


short: get to the point early and keep your message short. Be grammatical: always keep a good grammar. Be right: get your facts right. Be careful: remember that more than just a friend could be reading it. Be proactive: be proactive in asking the receiver for a response.

Thank you

Business etiquette in the middle east

By michelle Rodriguez


The Jews hanshake is usually a symbol of greeting in the Middle East. The Arabs hugs and kissees are standard. Also, Arab men often hold hands as a gesture of friendship. A Jews handshake, usually is a hand hold, with both hands.

Name and Titles

When you have a meeting, you most use the Full Name and it is important use the titles upon meeting. Business Card

Business Card
The business card are in english, inthe other side are Arabic.

If you are American, you will find a long meeting. They do not have an specific hour. In Turkey and Israel, they aprecciated the puctuallity, so the meetings, often, start on time. In a meeting, never say no directly; it cause shame. Find other way to express disagreement

Business attaire
Go conservative with dark suit.

In the Middles East hospitality simbolized generosity , wealth and power, and sometime in appears to be extravagant.

Thaks you

By: Joseline Centeno David Garca


Proper cellphone usage in social and business settings

Book shops, libraries cinemas, workship places prohibite their use

Schools from U.S.A, Europe and Canada prohibite mobile phones

Avoid texting during a conversation Always put your phone in silence mode Don`t make calls or answer your phone in the bathroom



Ensure that your mobile phone conversation is not disturbing other people Turn off your phone in social situations, as people with you deserve more attention than those at the end

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