RM - Steps in Research Process - Final

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What is Research process?

Research is an activity that involves identifying the research problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting and analysing the data and reaching specific conclusions in the form of solutions or general theories.
The three major goals of research are: Establishing facts Analyzing information and Reaching new conclusions

Steps in Research Process

Step 1. Establishing the Research Topic

This is a primary decision which researcher has to take in the initial stage of research process.
This step involves identification of a few problems and selection of one out of them. Research is not needed when: Required information is already available Decision need to be made now Organization cant afford the research

Step 2. Defining the Problem

The process involved in defining the problem are: Understanding the nature of problem Surveying the available literature Developing ideas through discussions

The 2 modes of problem identification are: Extraction from a managers practical problem Cognitive identification of an experienced researcher in the area of his expertise

Step 3. Establishing Research Objectives

Researcher has to state what he wants to achieve through this lengthy research process.
It is necessary to decide the ultimate and operational objectives before starting the research

Step 4. Extensive Literature Survey

It is a brief summary It provides good insight into the problem Literature survey creates good background for the entire research work

Step 5. Deciding Research Design

Exploratory Research: Collecting information in an unstructured and informal manner. The purpose of the exploratory research is to know the unknown. Descriptive Research: Studies are normally factual and simple. The objective of descriptive research is to answer who, what, when, where and how of subject. Cross-Sectional Research (experiments and other approaches): Cross-section studies include field studies and surveys. Sample Data collected from sample elements are analysed for drawing conclusions.

Step 6. Identifying Information Types & Sources

Primary Data: Information that has been specifically for the research objectives at hand gathered

Secondary Data: Information that has been collected for some purpose other than the research at hand

Step 7. Determining Methods of Accessing Data

Primary Data: Collecting data from participants through methods such as telephone, mail, online, and face-to-face, and observation studies and focus groups Secondary Data: Accessing data through sources such as the Internet and library

Step 8. Designing Data Collection Forms

The design of the data collection form that is used to ask or observe and record information in research projects is critical to the success of the project This requires difficult job of constructing questionnaire
General types of instruments (forms) Questionnaires Observation Study forms (protocols)

Step 9. Determining Sample Plan & Size

Sample plan: refers to the process used to select units from the population to be included in the sample
Sample size: refers to determining how many elements (units) of the population should be included in the sample

Step 10. Collecting Data

Sound data collection is very important because regardless of the data analysis method used, data analysis cannot fix bad data Non sampling errors may occur during data collection. These are related to poor design and/or execution of the data gathering Sampling errors may occur based purely on chance

Step 11. Analyzing Data

Data analysis: Involves entering data into computer files, inspecting data for errors (data cleaning), running tabulations (frequencies), and conducting various statistical tests

Step 12. Preparing & Presenting Research Report

Findings are presented, often by research objective, in a clear and concise way
The need for a good report cannot be overstated. It is the report, and/or its presentation, that properly communicates the results to the client In such report, the researcher gives details of research problem, objectives of research, hypothesis, research design, data collected, conclusions drawn and recommendations made

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