Arts Education 21 Century Learning and Leading Success: Presenter Information and Contact Information

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Arts Education = 21st Century Learning and Leading Success

Presenter Information and Contact Information:

AnnRen Joseph, Program Supervisor, The Arts- Teaching, Learning, & Assessment Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction ; MA Ed, Doctoral Student-Educational Leadership SPU Teaching, Learning, & Assessment- (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) Old Capitol Building, PO Box 47200 or 600 Washington Street, SE, Olympia, WA 98501 [email protected] Office: 360-725-6365 Fax: 360-725-6017 TDD: 360-664-3631; ArtsTime website: Save the date for ArtsTime 2010-Oct. 8-9, 2010Foster HS, Tukwila, WA! OSPI Arts Mission - "The Arts- Communicating and integrating life, literacy, and learning through experience for all learners." "We are in the business of enhancing lives." Harry Wong "Your life is an artwork in progress." AnnRen Joseph

Cascade 1-A 8:45 to 10:00 a.m. WSSDA Annual Conference 2009- Session 71

Arts Education = 21st Century Learning and Leading Success

Join AnnRen Joseph, Program Supervisor, The Arts,

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) in a unique, interactive and engaging session of dancing, singing, acting, creating, making music, and playing! You will actually experience 21st century skills utilizing technology, access, empowerment, out of the box thinking, entrepreneurial vision and creating, performing and responding (CPR for learning)! Its not just for the fun of it; its about meeting the learning needs for a unique community of learners in every district!

Who are you? You were born to dance, sing, act, create, make music and play. And then- life happened!



Art is a way of knowing, doing, being, seeing, and living

Ambidextrous Exercises

Out of the box thinking and doing

Hopes for being in the session today

Spell your district name with body shapes and partners

What type of an artist are you?

Picasso- All children are born artists

The Next Picasso

Revised Code of Washington, RCW 28A.230.140, requires public schools in our state to have flag exercises at the beginning of each school day in every class.
Start each day with chanting, reciting, singing and honor: The Pledge of Allegiance, God Bless America, the National Anthem, America, America the Beautiful , etc. Its the law! RCW 1.20.070 State song. The song, music and lyrics, "Washington My Home", composed by Helen Davis, is hereby designated as the official song of the state of Washington. RCW 1.20.073 State folk song. The legislature recognizes that winter recreational activities are part of the folk tradition of the state of Washington. Winter recreational activities serve to turn the darkness of a northwest winter into the dawn of renewed vitality. As the winter snows dissolve into the torrents of spring, the Columbia river is nourished. The Columbia river is the pride of the northwest and the unifying geographic element of the state. In order to celebrate the river which ties the winter recreation playground of snowcapped mountains and the Yakima, Snake, and the Klickitat rivers to the ocean so blue, the legislature declares that the official state folk song is "Roll On Columbia, Roll On," composed by Woody Guthrie. [1987 c 526 4.] RCW 1.20.075 State dance. The square dance is designated as the official dance of the state of Washington.

School Leaders and Arts Educators Can take the Lead in Creating Deep 21st Century Learning Across the Curriculum

What Are 21st Century Learning Skills? What are 21st Century Skills? view&id=254&Itemid=120 21st Century Skills are the set of skills students need to succeed in learning, work and life in this century. To ensure success, students need both deep understanding of the major principles and facts in core subjects (such as math, language, arts, science, history, etc.) and also be able to apply this knowledge to important contemporary themes (such as global awareness, financial, health and environmental literacy, etc.) using a variety of skills, such as: Learning and Innovation Skills (critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation) Digital Literacy Skills (information, media and technology literacy); and Life and Career Skills (initiative and self-direction, leadership, adaptability, etc).

From: 21st Century Skills: Learning For Life In Our Times Charles Fadel and Bernie Trilling

Arts are the universal language!

The Four Arts EALRs Are:

1. The student understands and applies arts knowledge

and skills in dance, music, theatre and visual arts; 2. The student demonstrates thinking skills using the artistic processes of creating, performing, and responding in dance, music theatre and visual arts; 3. The student communicates through the arts dance, music, theatre and visual arts; and 4. The student makes connections within and across the arts (dance, music, theatre and visual arts) to other disciplines, life, cultures, and work.

Creating, Performing, Responding for Success

Arts Education = 21st Century Learning and Skills

Arts Education = 21st Century Learning. Arts Education is 21st Century Knowing, Doing and Being! The Arts are the Universal Language celebrating all cultures and diversity!

OSPI Arts EALRs and Components and Connections to 21st Century Skills:

civic literacy/responsibility- Arts 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 ethical behavior- Arts 2.1, 2.2, 4.3, 4.5 financial literacy- Arts 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 technology literacy Arts 1.1,1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 information literacy - Arts 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 global awareness- Arts 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 media literacy- Arts 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 wellness/nutrition- Arts 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 creativity/innovation Arts 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Learning Standards The Arts Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) and Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) describe what students should know and be able to do. The final draft of the K-12 Arts Learning Standards are now available. Source: OSPI Arts Website at: Correlation of WA State Arts EALRs and 21st Century Learning Skills requested by the WA State Board of Education in January 2008. Arts High School Graduation Requirements- WA State- Core 24 : WAC 180-51-061

BrainDancing- 5 minutes a day! Green Gilbert, 2000

1. Breath 2. Tactile 3. Core-Distal 4. Head-Tail 5. Upper-Lower 6. Body-Side 7. Cross-Lateral 8. Vestibular

Moving to Greatness- Using the Arts and Artistic Actions to Lead with all Constituents





Moving to Greatness- Using the Arts and Artistic Actions to Lead with all Constituents-BrainDance Movements in Action
Move to Greatness by Ginny Whitelaw and Betsy Wetzig-

(Thrust Movement )

(Improvised and Hang Movements)

(Shaped and Formed Movements)

(Swing Movements)

What does the research say? It says MORE ARTS!

Principal Leadership Magazine for November 2009-

Arts Education Expanding Possibilities in Education How the Arts Bolster Reform Engage Students with Digital Media Dance Class: Mandatory D=43&DID=43
Heres a copy of the magazine! Its amazing! Arts Education Partnership (AEP) Website at:

More Research-21st century skills and ways of being artistic in our actions, decision making, etc. Book List:
Brain Rules by John Medina
High Noon 20 Global Problems-20 Years to Solve Them by J.F.

Rischard Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge Visual Literacy by Lynell Burmark Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott The Tipping Point, Blink and Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell imagination first unlocking the power of possibility by Eric Liu and Scott Noppe-Brandon The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

The MFA is the new MBA.

The MFA is the new MBA.

My favorite book is A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink.

A picture is worth a 1000 words!

This could be any of us! Joy!

Technology and 21st Century Learning and Skills- Title II Funds through ESEAArts Ed!

Articles and Resources-OSPI Arts Website at:

Creating, Building, and Sustained District-Wide Arts

Education (PDF) There are 13 critical success factors for achieving district-wide Arts education, according to a report from Arts Education Partnership. Do Schools Kill Creativity? A 19-minute lecture by Sir Ken Robinson, in which he makes a case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. This video is hosted by

Articles and Resources-OSPI Arts Website at:

Learning Through the Arts (Flash)

This one-minute audio-visual presentation demonstrates the integration of the Arts with sophisticated curriculum.
10 Lessons the Arts Teach

Unlike much of the curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts, it is judgment rather than rules that prevail.

Articles and Resources-OSPI Arts Website at:

Vincent Van Goghs Starry, Starry Night (PPT) This audio-visual presentation integrates the Arts with music, visual arts and reading.

Articles and Resources-OSPI Arts Website at:

Music and Arts Education 2009-2010 (PDF) A presentation

provided by the Washington State PTA that explains the state's Arts requirements. Designing the Arts Learning Community: A Handbook for K12 Professional Development Planners The Arts in Washington is one of the models highlighted in this searchable database of 50 arts learning communities. SAT Scores and Study in the Arts: 2009 results (PDF) The College Board's academic information (course-taking patterns) for students who study arts and music. Also available: 2008 results | 2001-2005 results

We performed the BrainDance to Ah, vous dirai-je-Maman, k265, by Mozart Scores and Study in the Arts: 2009 results (PDF)


da Vinci

The Music of the Spheres


More Resources-24/7 Access-Free

The State of the Arts in Washington State (PDF, 44 pages, 1

MB) Learn whats happening in the Arts learning standards, CBPAs, and other Arts education initiatives. View the Voice article by OSPI Arts Program Supervisor, AnnRene' Joseph, sharing how the mandate for Arts Education and systemic structure is helping to keep arts education available for students in Washington state.
Mandate Reaffirmed (October 2009) (PDF) Download the monthly update

Words that Work Its Not What You Say. Its What People Hear. By Dr. Frank LuntzWords and phrases for the 21st Century: p. 241-264- Luntz
Imagine Hassle-free Lifestyle Accountability Results and the Can-Do Spirit Innovation Renew, Revitalize, Rejuvenate, Restore, Rekindle, Reinvent (these R words define Responsibility) Efficient and Efficiency The Right to Patient-Centered Investment Casual Elegance Independent Peace of Mind Certified All-American Prosperity Spirituality Financial Security A Balanced Approach A Culture of


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Thank you for coming! More ARTS is my answer to everything!

Presenter Information and Contact Information: AnnRen Joseph, Program Supervisor, The Arts- Teaching, Learning, & Assessment Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction ; MA Ed, Doctoral Student-Educational Leadership SPU Teaching, Learning, & Assessment- (dance, music, theatre, visual arts) Old Capitol Building, PO Box 47200 or 600 Washington Street, SE, Olympia, WA 98501 [email protected] Office: 360-725-6365 Fax: 360-725-6017 TDD: 360-664-3631; ArtsTime website: Save the date for ArtsTime 2010-Oct. 8-9, 2010Foster HS, Tukwila, WA! OSPI Arts Mission - "The Arts- Communicating and integrating life, literacy, and learning through experience for all learners." "We are in the business of enhancing lives." Harry Wong
"Your life is an artwork in progress." AnnRen Joseph

Please provide feedback on this session 71 at: Thanks! P.S. This is a green session. The PowerPoint is available on the WSSDA website at: ources09.asp

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