HR Abap

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses SAP HR modules, personnel administration, infotypes, and their characteristics and constraints.

The Personnel Administration module is used for creating, maintaining and processing employee data within the organization. It acts as a central repository for all employee data and integrates with other HR and business modules.

The three main time constraints for infotypes are: 1) No overlap allowed, 2) Only one valid record at a time with automatic delimiting of previous record, 3) Any number of valid records can exist simultaneously with overlaps and gaps permitted.


AGENDA SAP HR Modules HR-ABAP Over view Difference b/w ABAP and ABAP HR Info types: Subtypes
Characteristics Structure

Common Info types Time Constraints Personnel Administration(PA) Create a custom info types Enhancements

The various Processes in SAP HR

Recruitment Hiring

Benefits Enrollment
Employee Training Travel Expense Administration Time Reporting & Work Schedule Planning Payroll Administration Employee Development & Salary Administration Cost Planning & Reporting

SAP HR Modules

Modules of the SAP HR System

Organizational Management Personnel Administration Time Management Payroll Recruitment

Training & Event Management

Personnel Development

HR-ABAP Over view

Differences b/w ABAP and ABAP HR

Transparent Tables No Info types LDBs are rarely used

Transparent &Cluster Tables Info types LDBs are frequently used

Info types
Infotypes are used to group related data fields together. They provide information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and enable you to store data for specific periods. USE : Recording employee data for administrative, time recording, and payroll purposes is of primary importance for master data administration in HR. In the SAP System, the information units used to enter master data are called infotypes

When you update an employees personal data, the old data is automatically time-delimited. The system creates a validity period for each infotype record. As a result, each employee infotype has several data records that differ from each other by their validity periods. For example, information on a persons city of residence, street and house number combines to form the employees address, and is therefore stored in the infotype Address.

. In information type (infotype) can be divided

into subtypes. For example, family data can be broken down further to represent spouse and children. Each subdivision group is known as a subtype

Characteristics of Info types

Each infotype has a 4 digit code and name. 0000 - 8999 are controlled by SAP. Some infotypes are subdivided into Subtypes.
Basic form: INFOTYPES: nnnn. Effect: Declares the HR info type nnnn. Creates an internal table as follows:

Infotype Naming Conventions

0000 to 0999 HR Master data / Applicant data(PA) 1000 to 1999 Organizational Management(OM) 2000 to 2999 Time data 4000 to 4999 Applicant data(Recruitment)

9000 to 9999 Customer defined

3000 to 3999 and 5000 to 8999 Not yet Defined

Structure of Info types

The Data Dictionary contains a Pnnnn structure for each info type nnnn. The info type structure Pnnnn corresponds to the table PAnnnn. The info type is defined in the Data Dictionary as a structure without a database. The Pnnnn structure of the info type is used as the field structure for the info type entry screen.

When you declare an info type using the INFOTYPES statement, an internal table Pnnnn with the structure Pnnnn is created and all records of the info type are transferred to this table.

Info type is Combination of

Structure Pnnnn

TABLE PAnnnn -PA PBnnnn -- Recruitment HRPnnnn -OM

Module pool MPnnnn00

Common Info types

PA Type Info types:
0000 0001 0002 0006 0007 0008 0009 0014 0015 Actions Organizational Assignment Personal Data Address Planned Working Time Basic Pay Bank Details Recur. Payments/Deds. Additional Payments
0016 Contract Elements 0019 Monitoring of Tasks 0021 Family member/Dependents 0022 Education 0025 Appraisals 0027 Cost Distribution 0032 Internal Data 0041 Date Specifications 0105 Communication

OM Type Info types:

1000 1001 1007 1011 1028

Object Relationships Vacant positions Work Schedule Address

Recruitment Type Info types:

4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005

Applicant Actions Applications Vacancy Assignment Applicant Activities Applicant Activity Status Applicant's Personnel Number

Time Mgmt:
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010 2011 2050 2051 Absences Attendances Substitutions Availability Overtime Absence Quotas Attendance Quotas Employee Remuneration Info Time Events Annual Calendar Monthly Calendar


0167 0168 0169 0170 0171

Health Plans Insurance Plans Savings Plans Flexible Spending Accounts General Benefits Information

Time Constraints
The concept of Time Constraints is very important in HR ABAP. This is due to the fact that all the info type records are Time Delimited, which is to say that all the records are valid only for a particular time frame. Info types have a validity period.

Time Constraints control overlap of data.

There are three types of Time Constraints for info type records, namely Time Constraint 1, 2 and 3. Time Constraint 1:No gaps, no overlaps
Time Constraint 2:Gaps may exist, but no overlaps Time Constraint 3:Gaps may exist, overlaps may exist

Time Constraint 1:
For the entire time that the employee works at the organization , exactly one valid info type record must exist.

The validity periods of the individual records must not overlap. If a new record is created, the system automatically uses the start date of the new record as the delimitation date of the old record.

Infotype 0000 Actions Infotype 0001 Organisational Assignment Infotype 0002 Personal Data Infotype 0008 Basic Pay

Time Constraint 2:
No more than one valid record can exist at any one time. Records with constraint 2 must not overlap. If a new record is created, the system automatically delimits the previous record, if one exists. Examples: Infotype 0185: Personal IDs Infotype 0021: Family/ Related Person, Infotype 0045: Loans

Time Constraint 3:
Any number of valid records can exist at any one time. The individual records do not conflict with each other.

For example, an employee may have many qualifications records simultaneously (overlaps permitted). If a qualification expires, the record may be delimited (gaps permitted).
Examples Infotype 0024: Qualifications Infotype 0040: Objects on Loan Infotype 0102: Grievances

Time Constraints
Start Date 1 31/12/9999

0001 Org Assign. 0001 Org Assign.

2001 Absence

2001 Absence

0040 Objects on Loan 3 0040 Objects on Loan 0040 Objects on Loan

Personnel Administration(PA)

What is Personnel Administration module?

Central repository employee data. Basis of the entire HR system. Integrates with ALL HR modules, SD, FI/CO, SM, PM, Workflow.

The Personnel Administration (PA) module is used for creating, maintaining and processing employee data within the organization. When an employee is hired their details are stored in the PA module.

Once the employee is hired, the PA module is used to perform a number of functions including updating employee records.

Important Info types in PA

Most Commonly used Infotypes in PA

Action (0000) Organizational Assignment (0001) Personal data (0002) Address (0006) Org Assignment Planned working time (0007) Basic Pay (0008) Bank Details (0009) Personal Data Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of Tasks) Infotype 0041 (Date Specifications) Infotype 0105 (Communication)

Basic Pay

Work Schedule



Create a custom info types


V_ T582A T777D V_T591A T588Z T778T T777T T77NI

View/table maintenance for Infotype Characteristics View/table maintenance for Technical Attributes View/table maintenance for Subtype Characteristics View/table maintenance for Dynamic Actions List of Infotypes Infotypes other with Name Country-Specific Infotype

T Codes:

PA20 PA30 PA40 PM01 SM30

Display HR Master Data Maintain HR Master Data Personnel Actions Create Info type Maintain Table Views

Personnel Administration Represents an employee personal file, holding as little or as much information as you wish!

Stores history of information and people

Is KEY to the successful running of a SAP.

System automatically generates the program ZPnnnn00 and called in MPnnnn0. Pnnnn->PSnnnn->CI_Pnnnn.

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