Talent Management: Shanky Jain Roll No.48

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Talent Management

Shanky Jain Roll no.48

What is talent management ?

The term was coined by David Watkins of

Softscape published in an article in 1998.

Talent management refers to the process of

developing and integrating new workers, developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled workers to work for your company.

Impact on organizations
Helps reduce employee attrition Reduction in operational costs Helps employees achieve their maximum

potential and take on new challenges

Attracts new talent

Getting Started
Identify the talents/abilities o employees in

your organization
Implement strategies or developing your staff Identify the high potential high performance

Develop Succession Plans

Components to Talent Management

Strategic Plan Talent Inventory

Succession Plan
Recruitment Plan Development Plan

Successful Talent Management

Senior managements support Readiness Ability to link people and processes Evaluation and review

Talent Management

Talent Inventory

Knowledge, skills, abilites Attitudes Critical Role Specialized skills Leadership qualities

Key Positions

Identify high potential employees

Succession Planning
Identifies key positions

Identifies possible successors

Development Plans

3 to 5 year outlook Recruitment strategies

Emergency succession planning

Development Planning
Formal Training Mentoring

Performance management
Job Rotation Developmental Assignments

Employees Role
Collaborate with manager Assess own competencies and needs Set goals that also benefit the organization Evaluate progress

Managers Role
Collaborate with employee Identify the competencies needed to fulfill the

organizations mission
Ensure that goals are clear Provide development opportunities

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