Presented by Susan Burnash Purple Duck Marketing

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Presented by Susan Burnash Purple Duck Marketing

Part I

What should marketing provide?

Increased interest in your organization

Expanded fundraising opportunities

The resources needed for your mission

Part I

Systematic planning

A defined message (your story) Implementation of communication vehicles

Part I

An effective marketing plan should be: In writing Follow an outline Cover a twelve month period Articulate your message (mission) Define your goals Outline strategies needed Measure your success

Part I

Provides a road map Helps you clarify your objectives Establishes where youre going Defines how you are going to get there Saves time and money Plans for detours Holds you accountable

Part I

Executive Summary Research

SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

Mission Statement

Goal Statement
Situational Analysis

Part I

Target Market Objectives

Tactics Timeline Budget Evaluation

Part I

This section should include a description of: What your organization does How it does it Your core differentiating factor(s)

Your place in the market.

Part I

Informal Research Learn all about your organization

Staff, structure, reputation, competition

Survey opinions Assemble a basic fact file Identify and analyze industry trends

Part I

Formal Research Structured interviews (focus groups)

Personal interviews
Telephone surveys Mail surveys Electronic surveys

Part II

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Is the basis of your message

all marketing decisions SHOULD support it!

Advocates for Legal Access (Burlington, VT)

Our mission is to provide the Burlington indigent community with legal services for civil rights issues. We exist to eliminate the current iniquities that too many people face when forced to access the American legal system. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

Defines the desired outcome of a plan of action Shows the big picture of where you want to go

To provide the Burlington indigent community with legal services for civil rights issues. We exist to eliminate the current iniquities that too many people face when forced to access the American legal system. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

Defines your organizations situation. Who you are What you offer What is critical to your orgs success

Your marketing needs

Advocates for Legal Equal Access is a start-up not-for-profit company just beginning operations. We offer much needed public interest legal services for the Burlington, VT market. Marketing is critical to success. The basic market need is an expanded offering of legal services for community members who not currently have access to legal representation.

The geographic area you wish to reach Gender and age range of target Their occupation and income level What they need Why they would care about us? How are we reaching them now? What else can we do to reach more?

Geographic area: greater metropolitan city of Burlington (population .9 million)

Gender/Age Range: Male & female, all ages Occupation/Income: below $25,000 a year Need: Free or affordable legal representation

Why would they care about us?

1. Selection: We offer a wide range of legal services 2. Accessibility: We have a convenient downtown office 3. Competitive Pricing: We offer a sliding scale for payment based on income level with free service for those that cannot pay

How are we reaching them now? 1. Through relationships with some social service providers What else can we do to reach more clients? 1. Educate and create marketing strategies for: law enforcement agencies, the court system, employers and landlords 2. Create alliances with more social service providers

Defines your organizations goals What your marketing objectives are What your financial objectives are

Marketing Objectives:
Generate visibility within the Burlington corporate and legal community Increase corporate donations by 10% per quarter Increase the amount of labor donations by 15%

Financial Objectives:

Generated enough funds to be able to bring on board additional legal professionals Decrease the costs associated with serving an individual allowing us to serve more people
Maintain positive cash flow

How you are going to accomplish your big picture goals

Broad approaches to communicating and meeting your objectives

Objective: Generate visibility within the Burlington corporate and legal community Strategy: Create greater awareness with potential customers, donors and the city around the services we offer

Objective: Increase the amount of corporate fiscal donations by 10% per quarter Strategy: meet with the leaders of different companies and encourage them to make contributions to Advocates

Defines the specific activities you will use to execute your strategies (ex: direct mail, web site, e-newsletter) Should include a combination of traditional marketing tools, public relations, online marketing and advertising

Objective: Generate visibility within the Burlington corporate and legal community Strategy: Create greater awareness with existing and potential referral resources and donors

Tactics: Expand existing database and increase email addresses through drip marketing campaign
Direct Mail: Letters, postcards, newsletter Online Viral Marketing: electronic versions of above, e-updates, e-newsletters & e-vites

Goal: Expand database and increase email addresses to include more referral resources and donors

Touch Point #1 The Qualifier Print and electronic postcard

Theme: We want to reach more people in need of our services while reducing costs and waste with print mailings Call to Action: Join our email list Share with a friend

Audience: Existing database

Note: Include return to sender if undeliverable on print

Touch Point #2 The Personal Touch Print and electronic letter from ED Theme: Thank you for your involvement with our org. We want to keep you up to date on what is going on over the next year Call to Action: Join our email list Share with a friend Audience: Existing database
Note: Include return to sender if undeliverable on print

Touch Point #3 Comprehensive Touch Print and electronic newsletter Theme: Whats going on at our organization Call to Action: Join our email list Share with a friend Visit our website Audience: Existing database and additions

Note: Include return to sender if undeliverable on print

Touch Point #4 Education Touch (no print) Electronic article or update

Theme: Did you know?

Call to Action: Share with a friend Visit our website

Audience: Existing database and new additions

Touch Point #5 Engagement Touch Print and electronic invite/postcard Theme: Invite to an informal event Call to Action: RSVP Join our email list - Tell a friend Visit our website Audience: Existing database and additions
Note: Include return to sender if undeliverable

Touch Point #6 Comprehensive Touch Electronic newsletter

Theme: Whats going on at our organization Call to Action: Share with a friend Visit our website Audience: Existing database and additions

Touch Point #7 Education Touch (no print) Electronic article or update

Theme: Did you know? Call to Action: Share with a friend Visit our website Audience: Existing database and new additions

Touch Point #8 Ask Touch Electronic letter from ED Theme: Can you help? Call to Action: See our new video on our website Support our program with money or time Share with a friend Audience: Existing database and additions

Add phone calls into the campaign

If you get back mail as undeliverable for an existing donor Track them down

When you see new participants in events and campaigns

When someone new signs up to be on email list To say thank you to those that get involved on a regular basis

Results from Drip Marketing Campaigns

Database cleaned up with returned undeliverable mail More email addresses for existing database Additions to database through Share with a Friend Closer relationship with recipients Ability to reach target market faster

Increased interest in website and more traffic

Reduced costs of print mail Higher participation in events and campaigns

1. Timeline define a schedule for each marketing strategy

2. Budget determine what each will cost?

3. Evaluate define results for each
Note: dont skip any of these steps or you wont have insight into how your tactics worked

Questions ?

Call (425) 896-8959 Email: [email protected]

Part II

Divide into teams of two Use your marketing plan worksheets Keep time so each person gets time Person not talking takes the notes

If you already have one, write it down. If you dont - answer these questions: 1. What opportunities or needs do we exist to meet? 2. What are we doing to address these needs? 3. What principles or beliefs guide our work?

1. What is the desired outcome of your action plan? 2. Why do you want this outcome? 3. What promise(s) do you hope to keep?

Define your organizations situation. 1. What are you?

2. What do you offer?

3. What is critical to your orgs success?

4. What is your marketing need?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What geographic area should you reach? Define gender, age, occupation & income What do they need? Why would they care about us? How are they connected to us? How are we reaching them now? What else can we do to reach more?

1. What do you hope to achieve through your marketing efforts? 2. What do you hope to achieve financially for your organization?

1. Look at your objective 2. Find a way to achieve it 3. Dont focus on the specifics (well do that in tactics next!)

1. Define your timeline 2. Determine the budget 3. How you will evaluate your efforts
Note: dont skip any of these steps or you wont have insight into how your tactics worked

Questions ?

Call (425) 896-8959 Email: [email protected]

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