Ms .Sareeta Pradhan IITTM, Bhubaneswar

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Ms .Sareeta Pradhan IITTM ,Bhubaneswar Email: sareetabrm@gmail.

7/20/2013 1

Recommended Text :

Information Technology For Management by ,Mclean ,Turban Wertherbe ,Wiley publications

Information Technology For Management ,by H.C.Lucas ,Tata Mc GrawHill


Learning Objectives of the Subject Learning Tools Internal Assessment


How modern information technologies are relevant to managerial activities and decision making today, and how this has changed over time.

The marketplace for IT - products, major vendors, factors affecting major IT-related decisions

Technical and management challenges relevant to contemporary business computing

The business strategies that IT enables, and environmental

constraints that affect the use of IT.


Text Books Power Point Lectures Reading Assignments & Presentations Case studies


Internal Assessment -50


Weightage Week
All 4th 8th end

Attendance 10 Test I 10 Test II (Practical) 10 Test III 10 Presentation & Assignment*10

*As and when asked




Introduction To Information Technology


Buying and selling text book

Visit the bookstore

Visit web site for publishers and retailers Access campus web site Use digital camera

Registering for classes

Walk around campus to Departments, Registrars office, etc. Buy film, use camera, take picture, take it for processing


Paying for Gasoline

Fill up your car, go inside, pay cash or credit card

Pay cash, metal tokens Visit store, take the item, pay , go Use newspapers, paper, catalog or on line

Use speed pass token wave over the sensor and go

Metro cards electronic cards Use self service kiosks Use hub-like supply chain with digitized picture

Paying the Transportation Paying for goods Supplying commercial photos

Topics to be covered

Introduction to Information technology Components Advantages Scope Digital Age

Introduction To Information Technology

An Umbrella comprising a suite of technologies , tools and techniques along with ethical issues and human factors

Definition - refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information. Or Technology That Permits Us To Capture, Validate, Store, Retrieve, Analyze, Present, Disseminate, And Archive Information

Computer-based information systems to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information.

The Components

Information Business Process and

Technology Legal and ethical issues


Dimension of Information for Knowledge workers (work &

produce information )

Time Dimensions
Having access to information when you need it Having information that describes the time period you are considering

Location Dimension Form Dimension

Audio , Video ,Text Free from errors

- Access to information where ever you are

Organization dimensions of information

For any business firm you work or run you have to know the various dimension of information

They are :

What Information Flows What information describes Information Granularity How information flows .

Information Flows
Customer ,Suppliers and partners Current state

Information Granularity

Strategies ,Goals

Between Functional Units and Employees

Organization dimensions of informationin terms of what describes

Internal information Operational aspects External Information Information of the surrounding Objective quantifiable Subjective information that is not known


I/O devices Storage devices CPU RAM Telecommunication Devices Connecting devices

Major Objectives To allow interactivity ,a time and labor saving procedure for tasks
formerly rendered by human operators

Enhancing Efficiency Reduce wastage Ensure better coordination Flexibility in production along with adaptation of quantity and quality of products of market trends.
A weapon to maintain or enhance competitiveness


Transport Sector Military Electronic Library Government Education Finance Manufacturing

Use of IT for Managers

Achieving operational excellence Developing new products and services Improving decision making Achieving competitive advantage

Information/Digital/Wireless Age/

Knowledge is power

Know your competition Know your customers CRM Work Closely with business partners SCM Know how each & every part of organization works together to provide products and services ERP

The digital economy is an economy based on digital technologies, including communication networks (the Internet, intranets, and extranets), computers, software, and other related technologies. Also called the Internet economy, the new economy, or the Web economy . Digital infrastructures provides a global platform over which people and organizations interact, communicate, collaborate, and search for information.


The Global Platform of the New Economy

A huge number of digitizable products; that is products that can be converted to digital format. Most common are: books, movies, magazines, TV and radio programming, electronic games, music CDs and computer software. Consumers and firm conducting financial transaction digitally. Physical goods such as home appliances and automobiles that contain embedded computer chips and connectivity capabilities.

Why digital economy

Business Pressures: Market Pressures

Business is now transacted within a global economy - stronger competition Changing nature of the workforce Both genders Differently abled Upcoming mass retirement of baby boomers Powerful customers


Business Pressures: Technological Pressures

Technological innovation Electronic commerce technology creates new possibilities for goods and services Technology obsolescence Shorter technology life-cycles Information overload How to make the best use of so much information?


Why Should You Learn about Information Technology (IT)?

IT is essential for work in organizations. IT will reduce the number of middle managers. IT will change the managers job. IT impacts employees at work. IT impacts employees health and safety. IT is used by all departments. IT provides opportunities for people with disabilities. IT provides quality-of-life improvements. Improvements in health care. Crime fighting and other benefits.

Roles and Goals of Information

Roles /Goals
Increase productivity of employee Enhance decision making

IT tools

Reduce time ,errors ,costs ,handle own transactions Generate Alternative s Recommend solutions Mining of data Mange knowledge within organization, support geographically dispersed teams, facilitate communications ,Develop applications quickly Manage supply chains ,share expertise and intellect Online transaction Take advantage of cheaper /larger work force

OLAP DSS GIS EIS AI Data ware houses Collaboration systems Groupware

Improve team collaboration

Create business partnerships and alliances


Enable global reach

Internet ,Translation phones

Facilitate organizational transformation

Just about any technology you can name ,depending on its use

Stay competitive ,new customer interfaces ,Enter new markets


A written record of the events that occurred at a particular company or within a particular industry over a number of years.

The details included in a case study may include:

Information about a company, industry, or project Objectives, strategies, and challenges established and encountered Responses, results, and recommendations

The Benefits of Case Study Analysis

Provides experience with illustration Opportunity to learn types of problems that many companies and industries encounter. Helps to analyze the steps other managers have taken to correct specific problems and concerns. Enhance the ability of solving skills

How to Analyze a Case Study

Clear understanding of the issues that the company or industry faced. Read the case thoroughly before you start. Take notes as you read and when you have finished, consider re-reading the case just to make sure you havent missed anything.


Cover Page

Assignment-I Topic :

Submitted by : Name Programme : PDGM(TT/IB) Semester : Subject :

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