Spark Ignition Engine
Spark Ignition Engine
Spark Ignition Engine
Catalysts and Emissions Cycle by Cycle Variations and Implications Ignition Systems & Ignition Process Carburetors and Fuel Injection Electronic Controls DME, Oxygen Sensors, etc.
Min sfc at 0.9 Max BMEP a 1.08 What do we do? Why is BMEP at f > 1?
Power-Fuel Maps for each throttle position Note A-B B is much more efficient, more throttle but lower SFC Exception WOT 1.1
Why hook: Max efficiency burn as much fuel as possible Too lean
Fuel Injection
Mechanical CIS Electronic Hybrid Systems TBI electronic carb Multiport Port Fuel Injection
2 vaccum 2 Mechanical
Dumper 4BBl
With RPM With throttle position With output With vacuum or manifold pressure Combinations?
Do not confuse PMEP with Compression work! Part throttle P down and T down, flame travel slower, so more advance is needed
Because of design limited to 6:1 OK, because octane of fuel was 60-70 in 1920s-30s! Nice turbulent characteristics Squish Area ejects gasses Jet Jet -> Rapid combustion Too much squish too rapid, noisy, Pmax up Squish reduces susceptibility to knock
End gas in cooler near wall, piston and head, small volume
Allows for high engine speeds Reduces time for chain reactions leading to Knock Small DIAMETER can run higher combustion ratio! Very hot (incandescent) and a great source of KNOCK
Is this pre-ignition or self ignition?
Turbulence is good
Small clearance creates a cool region Inlet valve should be near end gas region since it is cooled during induction
Optimum approx 500 cc. Reducing swept volume increases max RPM?
Less time for flame travel 500->200 cc changes max RPM from 6000 to 8000
Excellent design allows for rapid flame travel High Compression Maximum Flame Travel Too rapid travel -> Noisy
higher performance (HP) Less travel Lower max piston speeds More piston area Larger valves Poor surface to volume ratio (Q) So what?
more economy and higher torque Torque proportional to stroke Better Surface to Volume Ratio (Q) More efficient burn Smaller end gas region Less prone to knock
350 Chevy
712cc/Cyl 4.0 (102mm) bore 87.2 mm stroke 625cc/Cyl 102mm bore 79mm stroke 625cc/Cyl 100mm bore 79 mm stroke
911 Engines
Bore (mm) Stroke (mm) Disp (ltr) B/S 80 66 1.99 121% 84 66 2.19 127% 84 70.4 2.34 119% 90 70.4 2.69 128% 95 70.4 2.99 135% 95 74.4 3.16 128% 98 70.4 3.19 139% 98 74.4 3.37 132% 100 76.5 3.60 131% 102 76.5 3.75 133% 104 76.5 3.90 136%
302 Chevy
Wedge Chamber
Most popular Good squish Great for V config Great for inline May be cross-flow 944 and chevy heads both X flow May use wedge pistons for high CR Economical valve arrangement
Hemispherical Head
Efficient Cross Flow Great scavenging woverlap Difficult valve gear Pent Roof on 4V Hemi on 2 V (spherical) Allows for larger valves why? Spark plug usually offset or dual plug in 2V heads Expensive to machine Expensive to operate valves 4V heads in 1920s race cars
Bowl in Piston
Low machine costs Very compact Combustion Chamber Can be cross flow Allows for high CR Bowls often used in turbo applications Why?
Bath-Tub Head
Compact Chamber Circumferential Squish Better swirl than wedge
Efficiency Curves
Generally good due to high CR possible, up to 14:1 Good power dues to quick efficient combustion Good due to lean burn
Hydrocarbons up Large squish areas Large quench areas Low temps die to lean burn May need to insulate to keep catalyst up to temp (next week)
Fine mix control Deposits
Other problems
More CC designs
Not offset
Barrel Swirl As compression occurs, increase in swirl ratio through conservation of momentum As compression stroke completes, swirl breaks up into random turbulence (example) Enables weak mixture to be fully burn, low emissions and good economy Little squish ->small quench -> Lower HC
Nissan ZapsZ
Twin Plug High Axial Swirl Combustion is at edge, but swirl maintaned and rapid combustion Very little turbulence
Little squish
Similar to May Fireball Small combustion chamber Rapid Combustion Allows high CR with low mixture strenght More efficent than May Fireball because of more efficient inlet tract. Can burn mixtures as low as f = 0.6
Great at low load Kinetic energy used to create swirl reduces volumetric efficiency This is OK unless you want to make power! Twin Inlet Tracts
Higher volumetric efficiency Can select optimum setup Corvette ZR1 Acura NSX VTEC
Compact combustion chambers prone to knock and pre-ignition under high loading (due to proximity of exhaust valve) and need auto transmissions to damp peak loading
Reduces emissions Reduces throttling loss Only use with fast burn systems since oxygen level will be lowered, effective f decreased
Barrel and axial swirl combined Reduces ignition delay Reduces burn duration CoV lowered Greater tolerance to EGR
Vf UP Valve overlap and cross flow lead to excellent scavenging Barrel swirl Turbulence Great power
Tolerance to EGR Lean burn Low emissions Low CoV Quieter slow burn system w- lean mix
Close one inlet PORT Swirl control valve or port 30% reduction in burn duration 20% increase in EGR tolerance Low cyclical variations (CoV)
Performance Mode
Solution - VTEC
Keeps inlet valve closed, NOT port
Complex flow pattern w- 2 vortices Vortices broke up into three or more as compression increased High velocity due to small valve opening Votices are prevasive they do not decay as have tight core
VTEC allows one valve to be diabled in econo mode f as low as 0.66 Low BSFC (12% lower than stochiometric)
Operates like Pent Roof
Performance Mode
VTEC Design
Bowl in piston (55mm/75mm bore) Pent Roof Design Allows AFR to be extended by 2 compared to flat top (I.e.16.7:1 not 14.7.:1) from shape alone compact combustion chamber! One valve opened doubles flow velocities, w, increased, swirl strength and momentum increased.
Both -> Pent Roof High Barrel Swirl Inner or Outer Tumble
Reduced ignition delay (0-10% Mass Fraction) Reduced Burn Duration Lowe CoV Greater EGR Tolerance
Very Lean 22:1 (Idle torque cruise) Stochiometric 14.7 (Below Idle and high Speed) Rich 12.5:1 (Performance)
Faster and more stable w- one inlet disabled. Fuel consumption down 5.6% EGR tolerance up 10% leading to a BFSC up 2.4%
Part 2: Catalysts and Emissions Chemistry and evolution of catalysts Part 3: The DISI engine discussion
Too Cool:
Capacitor is a reservoir for charge W/O capacitor charge would jump points Other Systems:
Magnetic trigger Optical Trigger Etc.
Alternative is CD
System still uses same trigger and similar coil but no capacitor Higher voltage for a short period of time See book for details
Advance Curves
Most systems yse both. Even electronic systems may use mechanical advance to keep cap-pole in proper position May be up to 30 degrees!
Distributorless Ignitions
Crank Fire (not cam-fire) Wasted Spark Double Ended Coil May be self contained or part of a DME system Fires 2 plugs EVERY revolution! Other benefits easy to install, clean plugs Canned systems available inexpensively
Stages of Ignition
Gas is an insulator, but voltage differential causes electrons to flow toward annode Rapid braekdown of voltage differential 100A rise in few nanoseconds Temp 60,000 K and local P of several HUNDRED bars!
Short duration high amp spark: Better thermal conversion, less CoV of initiation time Long duration low A spark more change of masking CoV
Arc Discharge
Game over.
Choke Balancing
Fuel Systems need to react to fuel needs for different operating conditions Saw this with the Fishhook Curves
Combined flow from Primary and Main, mixed with Idle circuits
Cheap, about 10% less power than multi port Allows for computer controls Back feed regulator
Sequntial times pulse w- charge Stabilizes pressure Aides in Vf Can time it to hit the valve at just the proper moment (when its closed)
Note BMEP relationship