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Rhabby ,SpOG
PENYUSUN Muhammad Ikmal bin Hazli Nor Ubudiah binti Seti


Is the expulsion or extraction of parts (incomplete) or all (complete) of the placenta or membranes without an identified fetus or with a fetus (alive or deceased) weighing less than 500g or with an estimated gestational age of less than 20 complete weeks or 139 days from the last menstrual period, If fetal weight is unknown.

Types of abortion
Threatened abortion Complete Abortion Inevitable abortion Missed Abortion Incomplete Abortion Recurrent Abortion

Threatened abortion
vaginal bleeding
Sometimes abdominal dull ache Examination :closed cervix 25% to 50% loss of pregnancy

before the 20th week

Pain +/-

Inevitable abortion
vaginal bleeding cramp-like lower abdominal pain cervix is frequently partially dilated

Incomplete Abortion
vaginal bleeding,

cramp-like pain, and

cervical dilatation

passage of products of conception, looking like pieces of skin or liver.

Complete Abortion
passage of all the products of conception

uterine contractions


cervix closes

symptoms of pregnancy are no longer present

pregnancy test (-)

Missed Abortion
fetus has died but is retained in the uterus
usually for some weeks

After 16 weeks gestation

dilatation and curettage may become a problem

Fibrinogen levels should be checked weekly

until the fetus and placenta are expelled

Recurrent Abortion
there have been three consecutive spontaneous abortions

Possible causes
genetic error, anatomic abnormalities of the genital tract, hormonal abnormalities, infection, immunologic factors, systemic disease.

Infectious Abortion

Infection of the genital region

From septic or peritonium infection -leukositosis

Can cause septic shock

- Takikardia - Vaginal bleeding - Foul smell -tenderness

The development of abortion is as follows:

continuing pregnancy
threatened abortion

inevitable abortion

complete abortion

incomplete abortion

General Maternal Factors


Exposure Psychological Factors Systemic Disorders


it is difficult to identify unequivocally the infectious agent responsible for the loss of a pregnancy.
Some microorganisms have a specific local effect on the conceptus, whereas infections with others may cause general systemic effects
such as a fever that result in abortion.


microorganisms have been implicated in recurrent abortions. Infection with Mycoplasma, Listeria, or Toxoplasma should be specifically sought in women with recurrent abortions,
they are all treatable with modern


Environmental Exposure

Such exposures are uncommon and not an important cause of reproductive loss in the general population. Exceptions to this are:
smoking and alcohol consumption, there is evidence of an increased incidence of

chromosomally normal abortions.

Women who smoke 20 cigarettes daily , and consume more than seven standard alcoholic drinks per week have a fourfold increase in their risk of spontaneous abortion.

It has also been reported that there is a doubling of the risk of spontaneous abortion with as little as two drinks a week.

Psychological Factors

Systemic Disorders

three general medical disorders commonly related to spontaneous abortion are diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).

The risk of abortion increases with maternal age, studies revealed : that if a live fetus is demonstrated by ultrasonography at 8 weeks gestational age, fewer than 2% will abort spontaneously if the mother is younger than 30 years.

however,age >40 years, the risk exceeds 10%, and it may be as high as 50% at age 45 years. The probable explanation is the increased incidence of chromosomally abnormal conceptuses in older women.

Local Maternal Factors


Factors Uterine Abnormalities Trauma

Endocrine Factors

has been claimed that insufficient production of progesterone by the corpus luteum before the placenta is fully formed will lead to inadequate development of the decidua and abortion.

Uterine Abnormalities

incidence of abortion is increased if the uterus is double or septate.


of the uterus is not a cause of miscarriage. A fibromyoma of the uterus which is closely related to the uterine cavity may cause abortion, but other fibromyoma will not do so.


of the cervix which extend as far as internal os may result in abortion in the middle trimester or in premature labor. Very rarely the cervical weakness is congenital, but it is usually the result of obstetric damage or of injurious surgical dilatation of the cervix.


Abortion may follow surgical operations, for example myomectomy, or removal of an ovary containing the corpus luteum of pregnancy or appendectomy.

Fetal Factors

most common cause of spontaneous abortion is a significant genetic abnormality of the conceptus. In spontaneous first-trimester abortion, approximately two thirds of aborted fetuses have significant chromosomal anomalies.

End-arteritis - cause oxygenation of placental disturbed which lead to fetal death or growth restriction. This condition is always associated with chronic hypertension.

In spontaneous abortion, usually the embryo or fetus is compromised first and this is followed by hemorrhage into the decidua basalis

Necrosis and inflammation appear in the region of implantation. The detached conceptus is, in effect, a foreign body in the uterus which causes strong uterine contractions.

Uterine contractions and dilatation of the cervix result in expulsion of partial or all the products of conception.

An abortion is a miniature labour, the rhythmical uterine contractions cause the cervix to dilate and embryo or fetus to be expelled with or without its accompanying membranes. If all the products of conception are expelled, the contractions cease and the bleeding stops. In some cases of incomplete abortion a piece of placental tissue may remain in the uterus because it is fixed at its base. Bacterial invasion of the retained products may occur.


Threatened Abortion

Full bed rest until 2 days after blood loss has ceased. Intercourse is forbidden about 2 weeks. Progestrone 10 mg maintain uterine muscles. Simptomatic medications antiemetic(vit B6,ondansentron), folic acid. As soon bleeding has stopped ultrasound scan is performed. This will reveal whether or not the pregnancy is intact. The prognosis is good when all abnormal signs and symptoms disappear and when the resumption of the progress of pregnancy is apparent.

Inevitable Abortion
The uterus usually expels its contents unaided, and examination must be made with strict aseptic technique. If the abortion is not quickly completed, or if hemorrhage becomes severe, the contents of the uterus are removed with a suction curettege.

If patient become shocked rehydration

/blood transfusion. Gestasional age <12 weeks curretage + ergometrin 0.5 mg injection via intramuscular. Gestasional age > 12 weeks oxytosin 10 IU in 500 cc of Dextrose 5 % (start with 8 drops per minute then suit with uterine contraction until complete abortion reached.) Antibiotic as prophylaxis.

Incomplete Abortion

require admission to the

hospital. Treatment is aimed at preventing infection, controlling bleeding and obtaining an empty and involuting uterus. The chief risks associated with retained products are hemorrhage and sepsis.

If hemoraghic shocked rehydration with

NaCl / RL and blood transfusion. After no shocked at all curretage +ergometrin 0.2 mg injection via intramuscular for maintaining uterine contractions. Antibiotic as prophylaxis.

Complete Abortion

All conception products have been expulted spontaneously. If Hb become low hematinic tablet/

blood transfusion. Antibiotics as prophylaxis Diet with high proteins,vitamin and minerals.

Missed Abortion

the diagnosis has been made the uterus should be emptied. Early in gestation evacuation of the uterus is usually accomplished by suction curettage. The prognosis for the mother is good. Serious complications are uncommon.

If hipofibrinogemia whole blood/fibrinogen

transfusion. Gestasional <12 weeks cervix dilatation by using laminaria and hegar dilatator, then conception products are curretaged .

Gestasional > 12 weeks oxytocin 10 IU in

500cc of dextrose 5% (20 drops /minute /20 drops ++ until adequate uterus contraction reached.

Recurrent abortion Paternal and maternal chromosomes should be evaluated. The mother should be ruled out the presence of systemic disorders such as DM,SLE, and thyroid disease. It should rule out the presence of Mycoplasma, Listeria, Toxoplasma etc. infectious disease. Pelvic examination

Septic Abortion
Increase fluid intake When there is heavy bleeding do a blood transfusion Do not curette unless there is heavy bleeding can cause infection to spread. Antibiotics gentamicin 3x 80mg, chloromycetin 4x 500mg, cephalosporin 3x1.

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