Variables in Language Teaching - The Role of The Teacher

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The Changing Focus in Language Teaching and

The Teachers Position in the Language Teaching Operation

Teacher Assessment Teaching Materials Course Objectives Language Teaching Goals School Curriculum Education Policy

Important Variables in Language Teaching


Teaching Learning Context


Important Variables in Language Teaching


Most Crucial Variable in Language Teaching

What Kind of Teacher We Need for Language Teaching?

Traditional View of Teacher Student Relationship

Reflection 1
Teachers and Gurus Guru: Hindu religious teacher or leader (LDOCE) In groups, try to list 5 similarities between Gurus and teachers. 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

Views about Role of Teacher in Language Teaching have Changed Tremendously!

Reflection 2
Which metaphor do you like best to express your view about what English language teachers do? 1. Teachers are the role-models for students. 2. Teachers are like actors and they perform their role in the classroom. 3. Teachers are like gardeners because they plant the seeds and then watch them grow.

Reflection 3
Point out the 3 most important roles of English language teachers. Work in groups. 1. They are the primary source of language and language learning. 2. They are the facilitators who help students learn. 3. They create conditions for language learning to take place. 4. They are classroom managers and control students in the classroom. 5. They act as assessors who correct, give feedback, examine and grade students.

Teachers Perform Multiple Roles in Language Teaching


Teachers and Learners Play Complementary Roles

Learners are no longer considered passive recipients of knowledge; they are now considered active agents in learning.

Current Views about Teachers and Learners

Views about Teaching Learning Conditions

Silence is no longer consider golden in a language classroom. Interaction leads to learning. Learner activity and participation is considered crucial for language development. Relaxed, anxiety-free and encouraging classroom atmosphere aids language learning.

Classroom Seating Arrangements

Reflection 4
Learner Differences Try to classify learners into 2 different groups according to personality. Try to classify learners into 2 different groups according to learning and achievement. Which is easier: teaching English to children (6-12) or to teenagers (13-18)? Justify.

Learning Goals
Focus away from direct teaching of grammar Developing communication skills in the language given importance. Focus also on developing appropriate study skills, learning strategies so that learners can continue learning. Focus on developing thinking skill, life skills etc.

Teaching Materials
Textbooks not the only resource for teaching. Teachers should not be bound by the contents and organisation of lessons in the textbooks; they should supplement and create their own teaching materials. Teachers should make use of the media (magazines, newspapers, television etc.), IT while teaching.

The goals of assessment are not just to pass or fail students but to monitor their progress. Emphasis on helping learners obtain feedback and monitor their progress. Assessment should be continuous and progressive. Formative assessment as important as summative assessment.

Teacher Competencies

Reflection 5
The following are a few things language teachers do. In pairs, write at least 2 implications or comments which come to your mind about teachers abilities: 1. How to teach reading 2. How to teach listening 3. How to teach grammar 4. How to assess and test learners 5. How to manage classroom teaching 6. How to use the internet sources 7. How to motivate learners 8. How to deal with weak students

Teacher Competencies
Knowledge Professional knowledge and understanding of subject, curriculum, teaching goals, educational philosophies etc. Skills Ability to teach students, handle classroom interaction, evaluate performance etc. Attitudes Possess aptitudes/attitudes appropriate to education, teaching and learning

Reflection 6
What specific abilities does a teacher of English require? How are these different in comparison with other subject specific skills?

Language Competence
Proficiency in English (oral/written) Knowledge and understanding of English grammar Knowledge and understanding of English background, culture and literature Reading, listening and viewing experience Pronunciation skills Communication skills

Professional Competence
Knowledge and understanding of education system, curriculum, teaching goals, syllabus etc. Familiarity with the course books, pattern of examinations, school system and students background etc. Understanding of learning theories, child psychology, principles of course organisation, teaching methods etc.

Professional Competence
Ability to prepare and implement scheme of work, term/unit plans, lesson plans etc. Ability to manage a class, communicate with students, control and enforce discipline, conduct group work and other class activities Ability to give instructions, explain tasks/topics, ask questions, provide feedback, write reports etc.

Professional Competence
Act as a role model in English for students and provide them with adequate and meaningful exposure to the language being learnt Devise and conduct activities which encourage students to practise, use and learn language in an interesting and meaningful manner Establish conditions which motivate and encourage students and develop a positive attitude to learning

Finally, Summing Up

Teachers Role in Language learning

Giving information and imparting knowledge Providing guidance and and helping students to practise language skills Motivating students by setting a variety of suitable and interesting tasks that provide opportunities to use the language learnt Organising purposeful activities and insuring that students can carry out these activities in a nonthreatening environment Encouraging students by giving praise and providing positive feedback Assessing and evaluating students English language proficiency

Teachers Role in the ESL context

Teacher is the main means of providing exposure to the target language Teacher is required to arrange and organise opportunities for learners to practise and use the target language Teacher has to create adequate conditions for language learning to take place

Reflection Activity My Dream Teacher When I was in school, I wish my English teachers had taught English in a different way

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