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Sociology Study of Human Society

Basic Features of Society

Society is an association that is more intricate than an aggregation. It is a network of mutual stimulus and responses. Building blocks (humans) themselves are necessary, but cannot indicate everything about society.

Societal Needs
Irrespective of numerous types, all societies possess certain needs.
Need for population (nutrition, nourishment, protection) Need for specialization Need for solidarity Need for perpetuation

1. Society
Society is a complex of individuals united by certain relations or mode of behavior which mark them off from others.

Characteristics of Society
Society consists of people Mutual interaction and Mutual awareness Society depends on certain Likeness Society depends on certain Differences Cooperation and division of work Society implies interdependence Society is Dynamic Society has control Society depends upon gregarious nature of man

2. Community
Community is a social group with degree of we-feeling and living in a given area. It is the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life.

Elements of Community
The main bases of community can be
Locality Sentiments

The other aspects are

Stability Naturalness Size of community Regulations, relations, customs, traditions, morals, practices.

Differences between Society & Community

Society is a web of social relationships. & Community consists of group of individuals, living in a particular area with some degree of we-feeling

Differences between Society & Community

Society has no limitation of a definite geographical area. & Community always denotes a definite locality

Differences between Society & Community

Society is abstract. & Community is concrete

Differences between Society & Community

Society may not be dependent over common sentiments. & Community sentiment is essential element of it.

Differences between Society & Community

Society has extensive and varied objective & Community has comparatively less extensive and varied objectives

Differences between Society & Community

Society involves likeness as well as differences. Common interests as well as diverse interests are present in society. & Likeness has more importance than differences in community. Common interest and objectives are involved in community.

3. Association
An organization that is formed deliberately for collective quest for some interest, which its members share. Examples are: Political associations, religious associations, students association etc.

Characteristics of Association
Human group Organization Common interest Cooperative spirit Regulation of relations Association as agency Durability issues

Difference between Association & Community

Membership of association is voluntary and individuals have liberty to join or leave it.
Community has compulsory membership, which starts with birth of human.

Difference between Association & Community

Association has specific interest.
Community has general interest.

Difference between Association & Community

Spatial aspect is not mandatory in association.
Community is primarily identified by locality or area.

Difference between Association & Community

Association derive rules to state relationships, roles and status.
Community regulates relationships, roles and status derived by customs, traditions, culture. It has no written rule.

Difference between Association & Community

Associations has generally legal status while community doesnt. Associations are stable somewhat but community is more stable than it. Association is partial and is regarded as part of community; while community is integral and has several associations in it.

4. Institution
Institutions are habitual ways of living together which have been sanctioned, systematized, and established by the authority of communities.

Characteristics of Institution
Social in nature It is formed for collective activities.

Universality It is ubiquitous; present in all societies (generally).

Characteristics of Institution
Institutions are standardized norms It has prescribed ways of doing things. Eg. Family, Religion Institutions are means of satisfying needs It tells humans how to preserve, perpetuate and express themselves. Eg. Marriage, War

Characteristics of Institution
Institutions are Controlling mechanism It has prescribed ways of doing things. Eg. State, Religion, Courts Relatively Permanent Changes come slowly and gradually. Many institutions are rigid and enduring. Eg. Caste, Religion.

Characteristics of Institution
Institutions are abstract in nature Institutions are not external, or tangible in nature. They neither can be stored nor can be quantified. Oral or Written traditions Institutes are primarily oral, specially in case of primitive society. Some times they are written too.

Characteristics of Institution
Synthesizing Symbols Institutions have synthesizing symbols, material or non-material. As a religion may have a crescent symbol, a school may have a distinct anthem. Interrelation Institutes cant be understood as a single entity. For analyzing one institute, we may need to study another institute.

Functions of Institution
Institution caters need satisfaction It controls human behavior It assigns roles and statuses It simplifies actions for individuals It contributes to unity and uniformity

Association Vs Institution
Association is organized group of people, fulfilling a need Institution is organized way of doing things with prescribed procedures.

Association Vs Institution
Association denotes membership While Institution signifies belongingness.

Association Vs Institution
Association denotes membership While Institution signifies belongingness.

Association Vs Institution
Individuals are building blocks in Association Laws, rules & regulations are building blocks of an institution.

Association Vs Institution
Association are established Institutions are evolved.

Association Vs Institution
Association can be temporary or permanent Institutions are relatively permanent.

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