Summer - DeBlieck - Senior and Technology 10-17

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Seniors and Technology Bridging the Digital Divide

Presenters: Linda C. Summers, PhD, RN Conni J. DeBlieck, DNP, MSN, RN Jaclyn Simon-Kellerman, BSN, RN

Charles Darwin

It is not strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.

1) Identify apps available on smart devices for the elderly. 2) Educate health care providers, they can teach the elderly to use this
equipment and function well with the smart device.

Describe methods of technology advances for the older adults Discuss the digital divide and its implication for older adults Explore selected smart device applications for use with older adults Explore successful use of technology in the older adult population

What is Digital Divide

The gap between different individuals, household, business, and

geographical areas at different social-economic levels with regard to their opportunities to access information technology (IT) and their use of the internet.

The Digital Access Project (2006). The Digital Divide. Retrieved from

Digital Inclusion

Focuses on how information and communication technology affects individuals, communities, and countries Objective

Social inclusion Individual and community empowerment Enabling technologies (computers, networks, software, the internet)



Digital Inclusion Assumptions

Technology should combat social exclusion, not reinforce it Access is not about computers and the internet its about social inclusion
and equity

Digital Inclusion Strategies

Improve Access/Connectivity Develop content that is accessible, relevant and contextual Increase Technology Literacy
Help groups and individuals use technology to do what THEY want to do,
address underlying social factors.

Critical Drivers of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Use

E-mails, Search, Maps New Access to social engagement facebook youtube Educational use, online learning Online transactions (travel, e-bay, banking, pharmacy, etc.) E-government services (taxes, licenses)

Health information (Medicaid, part D,

Civic engagement & e-democracy User generated content-blogs, websites, pictures

Older Adults and Technology

How do Adults 65 and over use technology?

Internet (50% use internet)

53% go online just for email 33% use Facebook or social media

18% daily 48% daily

86% of internet users access email

39% have broadband at home 69% have a mobile phone

11% use a tablet
8% use e-readers 33% own laptops



Do you check email at least 3X a day? Do you Google for information at least 5X a day? Do you use your mobile phone for more than one thing? Have you turned over remembering to a technology device? Do you shop online more than the mall? Do you have a wireless network at home? Do you text instead of calling? Do you IM?

Rapid access to information from multiple


Digital Natives

Multi-tasking Multi-media over text Random access to information Networked interactions with multiple people Just-in-time learning Immediate rewards Relevant, useful, fun learning

Digital Immigrants

Controlled information access,

limited sources

Doing one thing at a time Text Sequential information processing Independent work Deferred rewards Serious learners

Informal Learning Important

Learning ecology Mobility make this possible Social networking Collaboration

Senior Immigrants (speak with an accent)

1) Tech savvy or were in the next category but received

the help they needed.2) Are open to tech adoption, but need help.3) Will never change or are unable to (health, dementia, etc)

Tech Savvy
Using technology for years

Bought an iPad, have a kindle, and email regularly

Need to count on them to provide the assistance and guidance to the 2nd
category, which is by far the largest.

Poster people of adoption, but are not the majority yet. Provide an example, peer influence, and peer support to the category 2

Tech Adoptors

Technology was too complicated or expensive for many to adopt

That has changed though. There are low cost internet providers specifically for senior housing (Silverfox) There are easy to use devices (Tekins, Presto, iPad),

Training and support (every senior focused company knows this and provides it)

The only thing that stands in the way is a stakeholder to help guide them down this path.
a community adding SilverFox or Telekins

the adult child that buys it for them.

Tech Avoiders/Unable
The third category is one that we cant do much about. Technology will help us to provide care for them and There are exceptions to the rule of course, but they wont be the ones
adopting it on a regular basis in droves.

Persistent Barriers

Limited technology literacy skills Anxiety Fear of technology tools Hard core resisters Limited education, low literacy levels Language & accessibility barriers Irrelevant content Affordable broadband services Cost of entry (Hardware)

Why do Seniors need Assisted Technology (AT)?

Conditions associate with aging

Low-vision Decreased hearing

Memory & Cognitive Loss

Physical Access

Mobile Devices
Apps on mobile devices can have similar
features to AT

Organization and time management apps (reminders, calendars) Magnifiers and visions supports Dictation software Reading apps (text to speech, hi-lighting features, font size changes, etc) Leisure use (newspaper apps, games, Face time or Skype)

Mobile Applications Apps

Memory Aids and Physical fitness

Clevermind (Free) BugMe! Stickies ($1.99) Find my iPad (Free) Crosswords (Free) Luminosity (Free) StockFish (Free)

Art Gallery (Free)

Trivial Pursuit ($4.99) Watch That! (Free) Wii

Taiji for Seniors (Free)

Walkmeter ($4.99)

Adaptive Aids

Siri (Free) Magniscope (Free) Big Calculator ($1.99)

My Script Calculator (Free)

Dragon Dictation (Free) Penultimate (Free)

I-Pad assistive Devices (Settings - General - Accessibility)

Socializing and Staying in Touch

Dropbox (Free)

Postcards (Free)
Skype (Free) Words with Friends ($4.99 ) Calendars Easy Facebook for Seniors (Free) Silver Surf (Free) Facetime (Free)

Life Long Learning

AARP (Free) iTunes U (Delete?) TED Talks (Free) (Delete?) BBC News (Free) WeatherBug (Free) iBooks: Kindle (Free) NPR (Free) Google Earth (Free) Goodreads (Free) Wikipanion (Free) TV: ABC, NBC, CBS (Free) Pandora (Free) Podcast (Free)

Medication Management and Health Track

Pill Boxie Rx Mind Me

My Medical
HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker WebMD Med Reminder Motion Doctor MedWatcher usefully and polished app for adults (free) I-Triage


GPS tracking devices PERS (personal emergent response system) Elder 911 and Elder 411 (for iphone)


App can be used at all ages. There are different types of apps available for the


Anderson, J. (2013) Best ipad Apps for Senior Citizens. Retrieved from Fletcher, M., Anghilante, C., & Cliff, (2013) Assistive Technology for Older Adults Retrieved from http://www/ Lappin, J., (2011). Three Things Apple iPads Do Well For Seniors and the One Huge Error Its Design Failed To Consider. Retrieved from for-seniors-and-theone-huge-error-its-design-failed-to-consider/ Pageonce Retrieved from Electric Pockets. Bug Me! Stickies. Retrieved from!-stickies-pro-ink-notepad/id361195700 Find My iphone Retrieved from Lowenberg, Rich, Postcards Retrieved from Skype Communications S.a.r.l, Skype for iPad. Retrieved from Zynga Inc. Words With Friends HD Retrieved from

Skymobius, Inc. Vtok Retrieved from

The Digital Access Project (2006). The Digital Divide. Retrieved from WebMD for iPad Retrieved from Winston, S., Anderson, C., & Alford Jeffries, L., UTILIZING UNIVERSITY AND STUDENT DIGITAL DEVICES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING . Retrieved From Wooden Apps Production Med Reminder Pro Retrieved from

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