The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Year 11 Physics

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Year 11 Physics

What is an Electromagnetic Wave?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. They consist of alternating electric and magnetic fields at 90 degrees to one another and to the direction of energy transfer. These fields are generated by changes in the speed or direction of moving electric charges (eg electrons).

Some properties of Electromagnetic Waves

All electromagnetic waves can pass through a vacuum. Electromagnetic waves travel through the vacuum of space at the same speed - 300,000 km/second (3.0 x 108 ms-1) Almost all of the energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun is in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It takes 8 minutes for light from the Sun to reach the Earth.

What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

The Electromagnetic Spectrum is the entire range of electromagnetic waves It is artificially divided into bands based on the frequency and wavelengths of the waves. There is no distinct point at which the frequency changes and no special change in properties at a particular boundaries (looking at a rainbow illustrates this).

Oscillating electrons in a wire or aerial can produce low frequency electromagnetic waves, like radio and television waves. Light waves oscillate too rapidly to be produced this way. They are produced by the outer electrons changing energy levels in atoms. X-rays are produced when the inner electrons change energy levels. Gamma rays, which have extremely high frequencies, are produced by energy changes in the atomic nucleus.

Radio Waves
Wavelengths ranging from 10cm to >1000m. Lowest energy waves in Electromagnetic Spectrum. Include AM radio, FM radio, TV, Microwaves and Radar. Detected by aerials connected to tuned electric circuits in radios Variety of uses depends upon frequency (see below):

AM and FM Radio
In AM (Amplitude Modulation) the audio signal changes the amplitude of the carrier wave. In FM (Frequency Modulation) the audio signal changes the frequency of the carrier wave.

AM radio waves have longer wavelengths than FM and can be received at greater distances. FM radio waves are less affected by electrical interference and hence provide a higher quality transmission of sound

Analog television signals are transmitted on two separate carrier waves
Visual signal is added onto one carrier wave using Amplitude Modulation (AM) Audio signal is carried on a separate carrier wave using Frequency Modulation (FM)

When you select a particular channel, you are selecting the respective visual and audio carrier waves for that channel. Your TV then removes the carrier waves to produce the desired picture and sound.

Wavelengths ranging from 1 mm to 30 cm. Were first used in World War 2 in Radar. Used in microwave ovens (f = 2450 MHz) for cooking. Produced by a magnetron when cathode rays (a beam of electrons) rotate in an electric field. Also used in mobile phones at frequencies of around 900 MHz. Transmission can be up to 100 km, but there must be a direct line of sight Detected in the same way as radio waves and television signals (aerials and tuned circuits)

Infra-red Radiation
Wavelengths ranging from 700 nm (0.0007 mm) to 1 mm. Emitted by hot objects Detected by special photographic film and semiconductor devices Variety of uses including:
Remote controls Security and burglar alarms Medical treatments for soft tissue injury. Thermal imaging applications.

Visible Light
Wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm. We see light of different frequencies as different colours. White light is light that contains all the colours of the spectrum Detected by eyes, photographic film and photo cells A variety of applications including:
fibre-optic communications Photography Laser technology

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation

Wavelengths ranging from 10-400 nm. Small doses beneficial to humans as it encourages production of vitamin D. Larger doses can lead to cell and tissue damage possibly causing skin cancer or cataracts. Most types of glass absorb UV rays but clouds do NOT absorb UV (that is why you can get sunburnt on cloudy days) Detected by photographic film, photo cells and fluorescent chemicals Variety of uses including: Photo-initiator chemicals in polymerisation Astronomical observations Sterilisation of hospital equipment

Wavelengths ranging from 0.01-10 nm. Have energy enough to pass through human flesh Detected by X-ray film and fluorescent screen Variety of uses including: Cancer treatment by focussing the rays to kill cancer cells Finding weakness in metals and analysing structures of complex chemicals. Imaging applications in medicine.

X-ray Images

Gamma Rays
Wavelengths less than 0.01 nm.
Highest energy waves in Electromagnetic Spectrum. Produced when energy is lost from the nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay. Detected by photographic film or Geiger-Mller counters. Highly destructive to human tissue. Can be used to kill cancer cells. Also used in finding fractures and weaknesses in metals.

Atmospheric Filtering of E/M Waves

Of the entire range of frequencies striking the upper atmosphere, only a small range of the frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum reach the Earths surface The Earths atmosphere and ionosphere absorb the rest Very little ultraviolet, X-ray or gamma radiation penetrates the atmosphere (a good thing)

The ionosphere is the upper layer of the atmosphere in which the gaseous atoms and molecules have become ionised (gained or lost electrons) The ionosphere itself can be divided into three layers: D, E and F D: 50 80 km above Earths surface, absorbs short wavelength (hard, high energy) X-rays E: 80 105 km above Earths surface, absorbs long wavelength (soft, low energy) X-rays F: 145 300 km above Earths surface, absorbs short wavelength UV-rays

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