Aqidah 1

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The Definition of Aqidah

According to Hans Wehrs dictionary:

Article of faith, Tenet, doctrine; Dogma; Creed, faith, belief; Conviction (Wehr, 1986: 628).

According to al-Fayyumi (p. 160) in his Misbah almunir:

m yadnu al-insn bi-h )( A doctrine which one is firmly settled or determined and to which one holds and adheres (Lane, 1984:2107).

Aqidah is a firm and unwavering belief which is

not open to any doubt with its beholder. Aqidah linguistically is derived from the term aqada-to tie the cord, or rope, to knit it; -to complicate it so as to form a knot or knots; -to tie it in a knot or knots; -to tie it firmly, fast, or strongly. -The sayings: aqada al-bay or aqada al-ahd or aqada al-yamn mean he concluded, settled, confirmed or ratified the sale, or bargain, and the contract, compact, covenant, agreement or league.

Root Word: aqada qalba-hu f

Here means a firm determination of the heart and mind upon something. In a specific sense, aqidah is a doctrine of faith.

Its plural is aqaid which imply things that need to be believed in within the scopes of Islamic principles. Aqidah Islamiyyah (Islamic aqidah) refers to the belief in the articles of faith. Islamic aqidah is a very strong tie

Two literal meanings of aqidah:

1. External (hissi) : a strong knot, contract and the like (a compact, a

covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty or an engagement). 2. Internal (manawi): (1) A firm contract, covenant and first principle that will never change; (2) Principle, value and emotional tie, which become a mover for a personal feeling towards others, tying and binding them together; (3) Natural disposition, sound nature, method and a strong bond which unite the hearts; and (4) Firm ties and commitment made on the basis of reason and heart (Darwish, 1992:7-8).


Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Habannkah (1983:33):

The arrival of consciousness at the thing to the extent that it moves our sentiments, and controls our attitudes. Said Ramadan al-Buti (1402H:70-71): A perfect conviction and recognition of [the article of] faith without any change and omission as well as a complete submission to all pillars of Islam.

Dr. Abdullh Azzm (n.d:20):

A firm agreement and strong handhold which are established in the heart, and deeply rooted in the bottoms [of the heart].

Dr. Sulaymn al-Ashqar (1995:11): Matters in which individual believed and accepted as truth, and the heart also

repose in them. Its beholders are fully certain with them without any mixture of doubt and suspicion.

Dr. Mahmud al-Khalid (1985:18):

Aqdah as conviction (al-mn). For him, Islamic aqdah is synonymous with al-mn, and he defines it as a firm conviction which is in agreement with the reality arising out of evidence. -Evidence is derived from two sources, namely traditional (naql) and rational (aql)

Many definitions of Islamic aqdah, but the

intended meaning is always the same: (1) Doctrine which Allah has made it as the foundation of religion, and Allah also has made it obligatory for his servant to believe in it. If not they become unbeliever. (2) A conviction (al-mn): a firm, unwavering belief which is not open to any doubt with its beholders. It is absolutely free of doubt of probability, of guessing and uncertainty. (Faruqi, 1992: 40).

The Difference between Aqidah and Shariah

Aqidah is equivalent

to iman (belief). aqidah will never change.

Shariah is equivalent

to ibadah (deeds). Shariah differs in teaching of each prophet.

Aqidah comprises of three major important elements:

Metaphysical teachings in Islam Doctrinal teaching in Islam Philosophical teachings in Islam.

All these elements become part and parcel of Islamic aqidah

Other Terms for Islamic aqidah

al-Iman al-Urwat al-wuthqa al-Tawhid Usul al-din

Ilm al-kalam al-Tasawwur al-Islami or

Islamic worldview

al-iman (Belief or Conviction) The term iman refers to the hadith of Jibril whereby Jibril comes to the Prophet (SAW), and asks him about Islam, iman and ihsan. The Prophet answered that iman is that you believe in Allah
and His angels and His Books and His messengers and in the Last Day, and in predestination (qadr), both in its good and in its evil. (Nawawi, 1996:4).

al-Urwat al-wuthqa (The strong and Trustworthy Handhold):

It is the testimony (shahadah) there is no god but Allah (Yasin, n.d: 232). Referred to as al-urwat al-wuthqa to show the value of firmness and surety
the word has substantiated. There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become

distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghut and believes in Allah then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break (Q 2:256).

Oneness or the Conviction and Witnessing that is no god but Allah. It is the main part and the key to the study of Islamic aqidah. Say: He is Allah, (the) One. Allah the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all Al-Taw^id is the basis for believing in angels, books, prophets, the Last Day
and predestination.

creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. (Q 114: 14).

Usul al-din Roots or foundation of Religion The term describes that Islamic aqidah is the basis and foundation of the
To be a Muslim, he must believe and accept Islamic aqidah
religion of Islam. Three main roots: Divinity, prophethood and unseen matters.

Ilm al-kalam (Speculative theology):

It is a rational elaboration of Islamic aqidah and a mechanism of

defending it from the doubters. al-Tasawwur al-Islami (Islamic worldview) It signifies the vision of reality and truth based on Islam that reveals what existence (wujud) is all about. This includes the nature of God, creation, life, and man.

The Objectives of Islamic Aqidah To guide man to the truth.

It appears that throughout history man has recognized wrongly some deities and has worshipped them. Islamic aqidah then explained the comprehensive teachings of Islam based on tawhid.

To provide a single coherent value system.

-this system embraces our emotional attachment to the truth and moral ideals. By implication, its believer will stand for its implementation and fight for its realization in his life as well as the life of society. To guide human action to the highest moral ground. -It becomes the basis for action. The well being of man, therefore, depends upon aqidah that is accompanied by good action. It is not just a dogmatic assertion of salvational justification of Christianity.

To lead man to life of obedience and submission to the will of Allah. One

who lives this life of submission is called Muslim. To make man understand the central position that man occupies in the universe and the ultimate purpose of his existence. This knowledge in turn defines the role of man in the universe and the parameters of his activities and his relation to his Creator. To define the Muslims way of life and the kind of system established by this way of life, that is to say Islam as the way of life. To initiate a special kind of ummah (community) that came to lead mankind, to establish the way of Allah on earth, and to save people from the misery brought by misguided leadership, erroneous ways, and false concepts.

Sources of Islamic Aqidah Quran and Sunnah Ijma al ulama Human nature (fitrah) Reason (aql)

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