I'jaz Al-Qur'an

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I'jaz root word comes from the Arabic word mashdar a'jaza-yu'jizu-i'jazan which means "weakening."

In terminological, miracles mean: Events or extraordinary events (khoriq al-'Adah) that accompanied the challenge (to imitate), which exist in a person who claims prophet of God who aspires to strengthen treatise
A miracle can be evaluated as if it has elements:

Occur or displayed by the person claiming prophet Pregnancy dubious prophetic challenge to surpass or at least equal to that possessed ability.

The challenge is unable or fails to be entertained.

Miracles divided into two categories: Signs sensory (Hissiyyah) Miracles of this type appear on a prophet in physical form that indicates the strength out regularly. Local and temporal in nature. Example: both sides of the sea miracles of Moses, Moses rod into a serpent, the fire became cool in case of Abraham and others. Miracles rationale ('Aqliyah / Ma' nawiyah) This miracle came in the form of intellectual meaning and rational nature. Connected universally and all the time.

Example: The Qur'an was given to Muhammad.

Miracles of the Qur'an : Non-physical nature ( ma'nawiyah ) , awake, eternal and continuous , up until now is still a lot of these findings about the miracles of the Quran. Openness leads to the heart and mind , so that its influence will last long . Compatible with missionary context to support or prove once evangelism and the prophethood of Muhammad SAW . ? ?

Mukijizat other Scriptures :

Physical nature ( hissiyah ) and will disappear with the passage of time . Centered on events that can be viewed by the five senses alone . Outside the context of preaching, and only to support or proof the messenger of Allah SWT. For example, raise the dead , and the other rod into a serpent , not in relation to the material of the Torah and the Gospel .

Aspects of beauty and beauty editorial language of the Qur'an ( i'jaz lughowi )

Aspects of scientific indicators ( i'jaz Ilmi )

Historical aspects and unseen news ( i'jaz tarikhiy ) Aspects of Shari'a law setting ( i'jaz revolves around Tasyri ) Arabs are a high- value grammar beauty ( Rhetoric ) , very good in presenting explanations explanation ( al - bayan ) , highly compatible in compiling words, the smooth logic , and height in language and literature . The Qur'an challenged them in four stages , but they were unable to do , namely: Make a full Qur'an Qs . Al - Isra ' / 17 : 88

Make the same ten letters of the Qur'an

Qs . Hud/11 : 13 Make a similar letter to the Qur'an Qs . Yunus/10 : 38

Making a letter about the same with the Qur'an .

Qs . Al - Baqara / 2 : 23

Stimulation of the Qur'an to humanity to always think hard on himself and think about events in the universe . Argue Quran verses and scientific explanation , among others :

Signals of Solar System history ? And He says : And What of those who disbelieve do not know that the heavens and the earth were joined a cohesive , then We parted them . And We made from water every living thing . Why did they not then believe? " ( Surat al -Anbiya : 30 ) .
Signals of Wind function in pollination flowers ? Allah Almighty says : " And We have to cross winds ( of plants) , and We send down from the sky and let you drink the water , and once you do not ever save . " ( Surat al -Hijr : 22 ) Signal about human Fingerprint ? Allah Almighty says : "Not so , actually we compile Power ( back ) with perfect fingers . " (Surah Al -Qiyamah 4 )

History of past generations . Current mysteriousness . Among them hypocrites foul intentions openly in time of the Prophet . " And among men is he whose speech about this world's life May dazzle thee, and he calls Allah to ( the truth of ) his heart , whereas it is the toughest challenger . " ( Surat al -Baqara : 204 )

Forecasts of future events

Among forecast Roman victory over the Persians at the beginning of the letter ar- Ruum . ? ? Among the things that make sense and do not astonish may find other causes that the Qur'an is the revelation of God , is : Therein consists shariah ideal for humanity.

The legal basis for life brought the Qur'an to organize human life covering all aspects of human life . Although many rule of law from the Quran that ' naked eye ' looks unfair , cruel, and so on, but there is indeed behind the law of the infinite perfection . Law between the astonishing Qur'an among others : Hudud punishments for perpetrators Adultery , theft , etc. (Surah An- Nur : 2-3) Qishas sentence for murder (Surah Al - Baqoroh 178-180 )

Law Beneficiary details (Surah An- Nisa 11-12 )

Finance & Commercial Transactions Law ( Surat al -Baqara : 282 The Law War & Peace . (Surah Al - Anfal 61 )

Muhammad's personality . A ummiy ( not good at reading and writing ) Never learned at certain education unit The condition of society at the time of revelation The development of science has not been developed Ability of Arab society is very weak scientific They are known as community ummiyyin ( not capable of reading and writing )

Time and manner of revelation of the Qur'an

Qur'anic revelation presence beyond the requirements of the Prophet. Suddenly presence

miracles : Extraordinary events ( Khawariq ' Adah ) that occurred or there is a prophet on a sign or legitimately prophethood, and other ordinary people can not. Karomah : An unusual event occurred in a person that is close to God , like the Friends , the scholars as proof of God's help for a person who is preaching in his way. And this is not something Karomah deliberately sought by the concerned ( Kasb bill ) Ma'unah ; Ability above average given to someone pious devout worship , but not a saint or scholar. This ability is obtained by searching ( kasb bill ) , for example by fasting or other spiritual exercises , or come by itself ( bighori Kasb ) Istidraj ( Syetan guile ) : One's ability in the limit and is not included scholars , nor the deeds, but a rebel or people who often do evil .

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