Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
CONNECTIONISM - is a set of approaches in the fields of artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind, that models mental or behavioral phenome na. Edward Lee "Ted" Thorndike (August 31, 1874 August 9, 1949)
Connectionism Theory or simply S-R or Stimulus-Response Theory Law of effect- if an association is followed by a satisfying state of affairs it will be strengthened and if it is followed by an annoying state of affairs it will be weakened.
Law of Exercise: Law of Use and Disuse Law of use- the more often an association is used the stronger it becomes.
Law of disuse- the longer an association is unused the weaker it becomes. Law of Readiness- states that the more "ready" an individual to respond to a stimulus, the stronger will be the bond between them. And, if an individual is ready to respond but is not made to respond, it becomes frustrating and annoying to that person.
Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura
Born on December 04, 1925 in Canada. Studied at University of British Columbia in 1949 and obtained his Ph.D in University of Iowa. Social Learning Theory and Theory of Self-efficacy . 82nd president of American Psychological Association (APA)1974.
place in the most-frequently cited psychologist in 2002. Received Grawemeyer Award (2008) Adolescent Aggression- 1959 Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis-1973 Social Learning Theory- 1977
Process of Learning
1. Vicarious Conditioning -process of learning by seeing or hearing about the consequences of others people action. 2. Observational Learning - process of learning by watching what others are doing . The person who is watched is the Model.
Three Models
1. 2.
Live Model- an actual person is demonstrating the behavior. Verbal Instruction- an individual describes the behavior in detailed. Symbolic- modeling occurs by means of media- movies, television, internet, literature and radio.
Banduras Experiment
1961-1963 Inflatable clown known as BOBO DOLL.
Modeling Process
ATTENTION - one cannot learn unless he pays reasonable close attention to what is happening around the model.
2. RETENTION - remembering details of the behavior in order to learn and later on reproduce the behavior.
3. REPRODUCTION - ability to reproduce the behavior. 4. MOTIVATION - there must be a motivation, driving the individual.
Class Application
Social Learning Theory serves as a means of improving academic outcomes for students. Since some elements of lessons and techniques are not always available to students, it is important to help students understand what an unfamiliar practice actually consists of and what the rationale learning is.
By emphasizing the teachers role as a model and encouraging the students to adopt the position of observer, the teacher can make knowledge and practices explicit to the students, enhancing their learning outcomes. Teachers could help alleviate behavioral issues by modeling appropriate classroom behavior and reinforcing students to act appropriately.