Chapter-4-Motion and Time Study
Chapter-4-Motion and Time Study
Motion and time study can reduce and control costs, improve
working conditions and environment, and motivate people.
85 % - 60 %
------------------ = 42% performance increase.
Incentive systems can improve performance even further.
120% - 85%
---------------------- = 42% performance increase.
Once these questions are asked and the improvement sequence is defined, it
is necessary to draw a chart or diagram that shows the motion improvements.
Micromotion Study
Considerable wasted motion and idle time can occur within an operation. This
time can’t be found with macromotion studies because is usually within one
process operation. The improvement is gained from reducing the operation
cycle time.
1. The marketing department wants us to make 2,000 wagons per 8-hour
2. It takes us 0.400 minutes to form the wagon body on a press.
3. There are 480 minutes per shift (8 hours/shift x 60 minutes/hr).
4. - 50 minutes downtime per shift (breaks, clean-up, etc.)
5. There are 430 minutes per shift available @ 100%.
6. @ 75% performance (based on history) (0.75 x 430 = 322.5).
7. There are 322.5 effective minutes left to produce 2,000 units.
8. ---------------- = 0.161 minutes per unit, or 6.21 parts per minute.
2,000 units
The 0.161 minutes per unit is plant rate. Every operation in the
plant must produce a part every 0.161 minutes; therefore, how
many machines do we need for this operation?
Look again it use operations chart shown in Figure 4-1. Note the total
138.94 hours at the bottom right side. The operations chart includes
every operation required to fabricate, paint, inspect, assemble, and pack
out a product. The total hours is the total time required to make 1,000
finished products.
1,132 hours
----------------------- = 141.5 employees.
8 hours/employee