Cat Con.

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Catalytic Converters

P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department

Cure is very essential, when prevention fails..

Catalytic Converters
Catalytic converters are devices which employ a catalyst to facilitate more complete chemical reaction at any condition. A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction, but whose own composition is unchanged by that reaction. For air pollution control purposes, such reactions involve the reduction of nitric oxide to molecular oxygen and nitrogen or oxidation of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and water. Using the catalyst, the activation energy of the desired chemical reaction is lowered. Therefore, exothermic chemical conversion will be favored at a lower temperature. Traditional catalysts have normally been metallic, although nonmetallic materials, such as ceramics, have been coming into 2 use in recent years.

Metals used as catalysts may include noble metals, such as platinum, or base metals, including nickel and copper. Some catalysts are more effective in oxidation, others are more effective in reduction. Some metals are effective in both kinds of reactions. The catalyst material is normally coated on a porous, inert support structure of varying design. Examples include honeycomb ceramic structures with long channels and pellet beds.

Requirements of Catalytic Converter

The goal is to channel exhaust over a large surface area of catalyst without an unacceptable pressure drop. The reduction and oxidation processes can be conducted sequentially or simultaneously. Dual catalysts are used in sequential reduction-oxidation. In this case, the exhaust gas from a rich-burn engine initially enters the reducing catalyst to reduce nitric oxide. Subsequently, as the exhaust enters an oxidation catalyst, it is diluted with air to provide oxygen for oxidation. Alternatively, three-way catalysts can be used for simultaneous reduction and oxidation. Engines exhausting to such catalysts run slightly rich and require tight regulation of air-fuel ratio.

Anatomy of Catalytic Converter for SI Engines

All catalytic converters are built in a honeycomb or pellet geometry to expose the exhaust gases to a large surface made of one or more noble metals: platinum, palladium and rhodium. Rhodium used to remove NO and platinum used to remove HC and CO.

Lead and sulfur in the exhaust gas severely inhibit the operation of a catalytic converter (poison). 5

Three-way Catalytic Converter

A catalyst forces a reaction at a temperature lower than normally occurs. As the exhaust gases flow through the catalyst, the NO reacts with the CO, HC and H2 via a reduction reaction on the catalyst surface. NO+CON2+CO2 , NO+H2 N2+H2O, and others The remaining CO and HC are removed through an oxidation reaction forming CO2 and H2O products (air added to exhaust after exhaust valve). A three-way catalysts will function correctly only if the exhaust gas composition corresponds to nearly (1%) stoichiometric combustion. If the exhaust is too lean NO is not destroyed If the exhaust is too rich CO and HC are not destroyed A closed-loop control system with an oxygen sensor in the exhaust is used to A/F ratio and used to adjust the fuel injector so that the A/F ratio is near stoichiometric.

Effect of Mixture Composition

Since thermal efficiency is highest for slightly lean conditions it may seem that the use of a catalytic converter is a rather severe constraint. The same high efficiency can be achieved using a near stoichiometric mixture and diluting with EGR to reduce NOx

Light off Time & Substrate Temperature

The temperature at which the converter becomes 50% efficient is referred to as the light-off temperature. The converter is not very effective during the warm up period of the engine

Effect of Temperature on Light of Time : HC

Effect of SubstrateTemperature

Catalytic Converter for Diesels

For Diesel engines catalytic converters are used to control HC and CO, but reduction of NO emissions is poor because the engine runs lean in order to avoid excess smoke. The NO is controlled by retarding the fuel injection from 20o to 5o before TC in order to reduce the peak combustion temperature. This has a slight negative impact on thermal efficiency since it reduces the combustion temperature increases fuel consumption by about 15%. The reduction of diesel particulates is considered a top priority. A DPF is the best solution to address this problem. The soot particles exiting a diesel engine are trapped in a special filter made out of porous ceramic-like material. A special coating facilitates a burn-off of the trapped soot particles and therefore allows for continuous operation without the built-up of 11 soot and an increase of backpressure in the exhaust system.


Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC)

Excess hydrocarbon emissions can be reduced with a DOC. A DOC operates similar to a three-way catalytic converter as used on every vehicle on the road today. These technologies are very cost effective in reducing the harmful pollutants in diesel emissions.


Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx using an ammonia compound as reductant has been used for many years in stationary diesel engine applications, as well as for mobile applications. In the SCR process, NOx reacts with the ammonia, which is injected into the exhaust gas stream before a special SCR Catalyst. SCR is the only technology capable of reducing diesel NOx emissions to levels required by future emission standards. Three forms of reductants can be used in SCR systems: (1) pure anhydrous ammonia, (2) aqueous ammonia and (3) urea. The chemical reaction which occurs in an ammonia SCR system is shown by this Equation: 4NO+ 4NH3 + O2 = 4N2 + 6H2O

The SCR process requires precise control of the ammonia injection rate. An insufficient injection may result in unacceptably low NOx conversions. An injection rate that is too high results in release of undesirable ammonia to the atmosphere. These ammonia emissions are known as ammonia slip. 15

The ammonia slip increases at higher NH3/NOx ratios. The stoichiometric NH3/NOx ratio is about 1. SCR remains the only proven catalyst technology which is capable of reducing diesel NOx emissions to levels required by future emission regulations.


SCR System Configuration

A SCR system for mobile engines works in an open loop configuration where a pre-programmed map of engine NOx emissions is used to control the ammonia injection rate. This open loop configuration is capable of some 95% NOx reductions. The automotive industry recognizes that ammonia injection offers the most effective SCR solution for mobile applications. The System is comprised of sensors for exhaust gas temperature, intake air temperature, engine load information, throttle position, engine rpm, exhaust back-pressure, the electronic control unit (ECU) and a SCR converter. The ECU is responsible for controlling the amount of ammonia being injected for maximum NOx reduction and includes circuitry for the redundant fail-save and OBD (On 17 Board Diagnostic) system.

The ECU calculates the correct amount of Ammonia needed, by "reading" the information supplied by the various sensors and compares these values with the appropriate point of the factory-programmed ECU Map. The fail-save system assures that possible ammonia leaks do not go undetected and the OBD system alarms the vehicle operator of any problems. High quality electromagnetic valves assure auto-shutoff of the ammonia supply in case of accidents or system malfunctions.



The prevention of ammonia slippage and a high NOx conversion rates is guarantied by the advanced Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and high-sensitivity engine and ambient parameter sensors. Ammonia SCR systems have several benefits over urea SCR systems. Low temperature climate compatibility, an advantage concerning infrastructure issues, a higher conversion rate and a smaller less complex system are only a few. Without an advanced ECU, low to no ammonia slippage and high NOx reduction cannot be guarantied.


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