Goals of Software Design
Goals of Software Design
Goals of Software Design
Design faces many challenges to produce a good product, e.g. shifting requirements. But what do we mean by good ? We need some clear goals here
Good design leads to software that is: 1. Correct does what it should 2. Robust tolerant of misuse, e.g. faulty data 3. Flexible adaptable to shifting requirements 4. Reusable cut production costs for code 5. Efficient good use of processor and memory
Also should be Reliable and Usable
Software is correct, if it satisfies its requirements. A primary goal, incorrect software may look good, but will be poor or worse. Requirements are divided into functional (what it does) and non-functional (how it does it, etc.)
A design or system is robust if it tolerates misuse without catastrophic failure. fault-tolerant. Includes bad data, bad use, bad environment, bad programming.
Qualify postconditions
Requirements may change during or after the project. Obtaining more of whats present e.g. more kinds of different bank accounts Adding new kinds of functionality e.g. add internet banking to teller functionality Changing functionality e.g. allow withdrawals to create an overdraft
Aim: cut cost of code production over 1 or more projects. Reuse object code (see later discussion of component technologies) Reuse source code see next slides Reuse assemblies of related classes, e.g. software frameworks Reuse patterns of designs see previous!
Aim: Make greatest use of the processing power, memory size, network speed, etc. But all these things are getting cheaper! But applications are getting bigger! Efficiency is often against the first 4 goals!
What Is A Model ?
A Representation of an object, a system, or an idea in some form other than that of the entity itself. (Shannon)
Types of Models:
Physical (Scale models, prototype plants,) Mathematical (Analytical queueing models, linear programs, simulation)
Every model starts from scratch Very little reusable code Long development cycle for each model Difficult verification phase
Major Modules
to 2 or 3 levels of supervision low level utilities if they touch hardware or the environment
Risk Assessment
Technical Risks
hardware software interfaces build vs. buy
Schedule Risks
budget calendar personnel level of expertise required
attributes operations
A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectangle, usually including its name, attributes, and operations in separate, designated compartments.
Class Names
attributes operations The name of the class is the only required tag in the graphical representation of a class. It always appears in the top-most compartment.
Class Attributes
name : String address : Address birthdate : Date ssn : Id An attribute is a named property of a class that describes the object being modeled. In the class diagram, attributes appear in the second compartment just below the name-compartment.
name : String address : Address birthdate : Date / age : Date ssn : Id
attributeName : Type
A derived attribute is one that can be computed from other attributes, but doesnt actually exist. For example, a Persons age can be computed from his birth date. A derived attribute is designated by a preceding / as in: / age : Date
Class Operations
name : String address : Address birthdate : Date ssn : Id eat sleep work play Operations describe the class behavior and appear in the third compartment.
Depicting Classes
When drawing a class, you neednt show attributes and operation in every diagram. Person Person Person name : String birthdate : Date ssn : Id
name address birthdate