Instruments in Pediatrics

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PARTS pointed cannula with hub & stillete SITE L3 & L4 OR L4 & L5 subarachnoid space POSITION lateral decubitus

us sitting position

USES DIAGNOSTIC Infection- Brain & spinal cord Bleeding- subarachnoid , stroke hemorrhage Tumors Lymphoma Autoimmune disorders - MS THERAPEUTIC- Intrathecal Injection methotrexate- Leukemia amphotericin Fungal infection CONTRAINDICATIONS Skin infection at puncture site Raised ICT, papilloedema Hydrocephalous Intracranial Space occupying lesions COMPLICATIONS- Local Back pain Headache, Infection Brainstem herniation

PARTS Stillete ,Thick body Nail, Needle with guard SITE Posterior Iliac Crest Sternum Tibia ( upto 2 yrs)


Diagnostic Aplatic Anaemia Leukemia, PUO Megaloblastic anaemia Storage disorders- Gauchers, Nieman picks

Therapeutic Intraosseous infusion Bone marrow transplantation


PARTS Sharp pointed needle , notch sleeve SITE - Ant to Rt mid-axillary line tenth intercostal space

Local anaesthesia INDICATIONS Chronic Hepatitis Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia in Infancy Investigation Portal HT , Wilsons Disease Metabolic or storage disorders CONTRAINDICATIONS Increase PT/ PTT Platelet count < 40000 mm3 Hydatid disease of liver, Pyogenic Abscess COMPLICATIONS- Local pain , Infection, capsular bleeding, subcapsular & intrahepatic hematoma

Metal depressors commonly used, Spatula disposable

USES Examine Throat, Oral Cavity, tonsil, palatal movement, posterior pharynx, Uvula,.. Visualise foreign body if aspirated Open mouth in a unconscious patient , suctioning Test for spasms of masseter in a suspected case of Tetanus

OR SELF INFLATING BAG PARTS Patient outlet Pressure release valve set to release at pressure 30-35cm water One way valve unit Oxygen inlet Air inlet( with reservoir FiO2 to be around 90 100%) Bag size ranges from 450ml to 1500ml

INDICATIONS Respiratory failure/arrest Neonatal resuscitation CONTRAINDICATION: Diaphragmatic hernia Meconium Aspiration Syndrome What is EC clamp?

OXYGEN RESERVOIR A reservoir bag One end connected to air inlet of self inflating bag Used to increase the FiO2 of the oxygen delivered to patient from 40 % to 90%

Handle with 2 batteries Blade with light source Curved ( Macintosh) / Straight (miller) Younger children straight blade is useful Size of the blade- 0,1,2&3

USES For intubation under direct vision Direct laryngoscopy- Vocal Cord Palsy For detecting foreign body in Larynx COMPLICATION Mechanical injury Stimulation of posterior pharyngeal wall vasovagal episode Hyperextension of neck- damage to cervical spine

PARTS Plastic tube with blunt tip & opening on lateral Side close to tip. Blunt tube prevents damage to structures while inserting the tube Marked line - for proper placement Radio opaque marker No. 5 to No. 12 commonly used for paediatric patients

PROCEDURE Size measured From nose to tragus + Tragus to xiphoid USES Diagnostic use To detect internal bleeding in stomach For performing gastric lavage for AFB To detect tracheo-esophageal fistula Poisoning ( for chemical analysis of gastric content) Gastric analysis Therapeutic use NG feeds Administration of drugs To decompress the stomach as preoperative procedure Oxygen catheter For nasal, endotracheal and tracheostomy suction

Clean the area with antiseptic

SITE- Antero-lateral part of thigh Deltoid Upper & Outer quadrant of Gluteal region Needle is inserted at 45 or 90 degree

Mantoux or Tuberculin skin test

Subcutaneous route

PARTS Thin plastic sheath Metallic stillete for guiding the vein Metallic sheath is removed once plastic sheath is placed in the vein Color coded for sizes Pediatric size ranges from No. 22 to No.24

USES For infusion of iv fluids, drugs, blood products

INHALERS 4 groups

MDI Inhaler with Dry spacer devices powder Nebuliser Inhaler


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