Fluid Machine

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The Way It Works

1) Potential

4) Electrical

2) Kinetic

3) Mechanical


Hydroelectric power plants capture the energy of falling water to generate electricity. A turbine converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy. It is primarily the type & layout of the components, which leads uniqueness to each project. Three basic elements are necessary in order to generate power from water: a means of creating head, a conduit to convey water and a power plant. River Diversion Structures Dam Spillway Desilting Arrangements Power Intake Structure Headrace Tunnel/Channel Surge Shaft Penstock Power house Tailrace Tunnel/Channel Hydro mechanical works such as Gates, Hydraulic hoists Electromechanical works



Tail Race


Dam / Barrage


Power House


Water Conductor


Surge Shaft

Types of Hydroelectric Power Schemes

Reservoir Scheme

Pump Storage Scheme Run of River Scheme

Rockfill dam


Clay core


Power House
Power House is a building housing the turbines, generator, control and protection equipments' and other auxiliaries for operating the machines. A Power House has following components in general, for which hydel civil design should make adequate arrangements;

Spiral case and wicket gates Turbine Draft tube Tail Race Channel / Tunnel Generator Governors Buswork, circuit breakers Transformers Switchyard Auxiliary equipment

Trash racks
Trash rack is a screen provided at the intake to prevent entry of floating debris like grass, leaves, trees, timber etc., into the water conductor system. Each screen consists of vertical trash bars welded to space bars consisting of flat/channel sections.

Intake Structure
A water intake must be able to divert the required amount of water into the power canal or into the penstock without producing a negative impact on the local environment and with the minimum possible headloss.
Components of Intake Structure Trash rack Trash rack supporting structure Stop logs & control gates Anti-vortex arrangements Bell mouth & transition

Stop logs and control gates

Stop logs and control gates are provided for regulation of flow into the water conductor system. Stop logs are used when the intake gate needs maintenance and repairs. Grooves for stop logs and gates are provided generally in the intake body or piers.

Bell Mouth and transitions

The entrance is shaped in the form of a bell mouth so as to have a smooth flow and reduced losses. As already mentioned, the intake may be inclined or vertical with respect to the dam axis.

Surge Shaft / Tank

Surge Tank is provided in water conductor system primarily to reduce the surge pressure to be considered in the design of penstock / pressure shaft. This economizes the design of penstock / pressure shaft justifying the extra cost in the provision of Surge Tank.

Penstock / Pressure Shaft

Conveys water from the intake structure to the powerhouse A canal, pipe, or tunnel is required, where the powerhouse is separated from the intake. A penstock may be several miles long at diversion-type projects. The remainder of the penstock, where most of the drop in elevation occurs, would be a pressurized tunnel or pipe. Because the cost of a pressurized tunnel or pipe is much greater than that of a low-pressure tunnel or pipe, it is usually desirable to minimize the length of the high-pressure penstock.

Rammam Hydel Project, West Bengal

Rammam Hydel Project, West Bengal

Khandong Penstock Project, Assam

Chandil Dam Penstock, Bihar


Spillway is to discharge surplus flow without damage to the dam, powerhouse, or riverbed below the dam. The most common type of spillway is the overflow. To permit maximum use of storage volume, movable gates are sometimes installed above the crest to control discharge.

Stilling Basin / Flip Bucket

Energy dissipation arrangement

Desilting Chamber / Basin

Most of the rivers carry heavy sediment load either in suspension or as bed load. The suspended load, especially the sharp edged fine sand (quartz) transported by rivers in hilly terrain causes rapid wear of turbine runner blades / buckets due to abrasion. This abrasion tendency increases with the head. In course of time, this may result in shut down of units for considerable duration thereby, causing enormous loss of power and revenue. Therefore, it is necessary to provide necessary arrangements for exclusion of sediments from the water.

Cross- sectional view of Turbine Generator assembly


Turbine- converts the potential energy of water into

mechanical energy, which in turn drives the generator.


Bulb generators

32.6 MVA 78.9 rpm 76 poles 10.5 kV

Spiral case and wicket gates- to direct and control the water entering the turbine runner. The spiral case is a steel-lined conduit connected to the penstock or intake conduit, and it distributes flow uniformly into the turbine. Wicket gates are adjustable vanes that surround the turbine runner entrances and they control the area available for water to enter the turbine.

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd.



Draft tube- conveys the water from the discharge side of the turbine to the tailrace. It is designed to minimize exit losses.

Tail Race Channel / Tunnel The Channel/ Tunnel, through which the water returns to the river after passing through the turbine is called Tail Race Channel / Tunnel. This is the last leg of the journey of water to watts. Its design as a channel / Tunnel follows the same principles as in the case of Head Race Channel / Tunnel, except that often it has reverse slope. Another important criteria in design of Tail Race Channel / Tunnel is the determination of Tail water Level, which actually determines the net available head, and therefore, power generation potential. Generator converts the mechanical power produced by the turbine into electrical power. The two major components of the generator are the rotor and stator, The rotor is the rotating assembly, which is attached by a connecting shaft to the turbine, and the stator is the fixed portion of the generator.

Governors- regulates the speed and output of turbine-generator units by controlling the wicket gates to adjust water flow through the turbine.

Gate Radial gate is to regulate the flow / discharge.

Vertical gates can be lowered or raised through a tunnel, or across its entrance, to control the flow of water through it. Gates are often constructed from steel. A vertical gate stored in the top of a tower while water is flowing through the outlet below

The gate hoisting gear on a floor above the gate



Radial Gate Srisailam project

Radial Gate Srisailam project

High Pressure Radial Gate & Hydraulic Hoist Beas Project

Vertical Slide Gate Tenom Pangi HEP, Malaysia


Spiral Case Inlet Dia Spiral Case Largest Dia. Distance b/w Spiral case inlet axis & unit axis Stay Ring height Internal Dia. Of stay vanes No. of Stay vanes Spiral case volume weight of spiral case Weight of stay ring 4.68m 4.68m 5.62m ~2.0m 6.015m 20 500m3 240 Tons 70Tons

Pitch Diameter Wicket gate length Wicket gate height Distributor central line elevation No. of wicket gates No. of upper guide bearing Wicket gate max. thickness Weight of guide bearing 5.284m 0.91m 0.021m 498m 20
0.162m 10 tons

Main shaft

Outside diameter Inside diameter Length Weight

0.17m 0.25m 4.53m 45 Tons


Lubricating & Governing oil

Volume of guide bearing lubrication oil Volume of governing oil 2.0 m2 10.0m2


No. of valves Type of valves Outlet diameter Max. overflow to cut off turbine discharge Maximum overpressure Opening & Closing time 4 butterfly, lattice 5000mm 110% of max 220 m.w.c. about 60sec


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