Lecture Four

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Lecture Four

In today’s lecture…
• A quick review of last lecture
• Questioning Web Diagram
• The Importance of Tense
• Silent Self-Writing Time
Characteristics of a Partner
… and what does “ideal” mean?!
Who would be your ideal?
Personality Characteristics
not very important somewhat important very important

taste in movies level of education hobbies

blood type interests style of clothing
amount of money personality religion

Q: What are the two most important things for couples to have in common?
A: I think the two most important things for a couple to
have in common are ___________ and __________.

Q: What are the two least important things for couples to have in common?
A: I think the two least important things for a couple to
have in common are ___________ and __________.

Same taste in…. clothing, movies, books, music

Ideal Partner Interview
a. Do you want a partner who is playful or serious?
b. … talkative or quiet?
c. … good-looking or has a great personality?
d. … likes sports or likes to study?
e. … is adventurous or is careful?
f. … is passionate or is calm?
g. … likes to be alone or doesn’t like to be alone?
h. … thinks money is important or thinks an interesting life is
i. … likes change or doesn’t like change?
j. … cares about fashion or doesn’t care about fashion?
What you Want
Your list of top five characteristics you want in
an ideal mate.
What Sally Wants
What kind of partner do I want? I want a
partner who has a car. I would like a partner
who doesn’t have pets. I don’t like pets. I
would like a partner who comes from a
different country. I would like to live abroad
some day.
What Sally Wants
What kind of partner do I want? First, I
want a partner who has a car. Second, I would
like a partner who doesn’t have pets. I don’t
like pets. Third, I would like a partner who
comes from a different country. I would like to
live abroad some day.
I want = I would like
first, first of all,
second, secondly,
moreover, in addition, also
What I (Amy) wants…
1. someone who is athletic and cares about their health
why? I am a professional athlete
3. must have a good sense of humor
why? I like to joke and act silly
5. someone who is intelligent
why? I enjoy talking and learning new things
7. honest
why? they need to be honest so I can trust them
9. must have good manners
why? my family and friends will respect them
Giving Reasons
1. [what] + “because” + [why]
I want someone who is intelligent because I enjoy talking

and learning new things.

5. “Because” + [why] + “,” + [what]

Because I enjoy talking and learning new things, I want
someone who is intelligent.
Emily’s Ideal Partner
What kind of partner do I want? First, I would like a
partner who likes sports because I like to be active. I’d
rather play tennis or jog than stay at home and watch TV
all day. Second, I want a partner who likes being with
groups of people because I like meeting people. I enjoy
parties with lots of people because I usually make two or
three new friends. Third, I would like a person who
comes from a different country. I love to travel, and it is
my dream to live abroad some day. If my partner and I
come from different countries, we can teach each other
about our cultures.
Amy’s Ideal Partner
What kind of partner do I want? First, I want someone who is
athletic and cares about their health because I am a professional
athlete. When I have fights, I have to train extra hard and diet, and so
I want someone who understands and supports me. Moreover, I
would like a partner who has a good sense of humor because I like to
joke and act silly. Thirdly, because I like talking and learning new
things, I want a partner who is intelligent. Also, I would like a
partner who is honest because I think honesty is connected to trust,
and both honesty and trust are important in a relationship. Lastly, I
want a partner who has good manners because I want my family and
friends to respect and be proud of my partner.
Amy’s Ideal Partner
What kind of partner do I want? First, I want someone who is
athletic and cares about their health because I am a professional
athlete. When I have fights, I have to train extra hard and diet, and I
want someone who understands and supports me. Moreover, I would
like a partner who has a good sense of humor because I like to joke
and act silly. Thirdly, because I like talking and learning new things,
I want a partner who is intelligent. Also, I want a partner who is
honest because I think honesty is connected to trust, and both honesty
and trust are important in a relationship. Lastly, I want a partner who
has good manners because I want my family and friends to respect
and be proud of my partner.
Silent Self-Writing Time
1. What you want
- brainstorm using a web diagram
- list your top five characteristics that you
want in an ideal partner
- give reasons why you want each
2. Write a paragraph about what you want in an ideal
Writing Assignment #1
Write an introduction letter to the Love Connect Dating Agency telling
them about yourself and what you are looking for in an ideal mate.

It must be in letter form with two paragraphs, and it should be 250 words
long. One self-introduction paragraph and one paragraph talking
about the five characteristics you want in an ideal mate and why.

You will be marked on the following:

Grammar and spelling, interest and creativity, use of class lessons
(,and/,but, because), and content.

Example (of my paragraphs only)
Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Amy-Michelle, and I am ## years
of age. I am Polish Canadian, but I live in Cheonan, South Korea. I come from a
family of five, and I have always been my father’s little princess. I am 157cm, and I
have brown eyes. My natural hair color is blond, but I have dark brown hair because I
dye it. I work at Dankook University, but I am also a professional boxer. Boxing is
really hard, but I love it because it keeps me healthy, and it is a lot of fun. My friends
describe me as silly, easy-going, hard-working, and very energetic.
What kind of partner do I want? First, I want someone who is athletic and cares
about their health because I am a professional athlete. When I have fights, I have to
train extra hard and diet, and I want someone who understands and supports me.
Moreover, I would like a partner who has a good sense of humor because I like to joke
and act silly. Thirdly, because I like talking and learning new things, I want a partner
who is intelligent. Also, I want a partner who is honest because I think honesty is
connected to trust, and both honesty and trust are important in a relationship. Lastly, I
want a partner who has good manners because I want my family and friends to respect
and be proud of my partner.
Now on to today’s lecture…
What do you take snapshots of?
A Favorite Photo
[1] My favorite photo is of my friends and me on my 21st
birthday. [2] It was taken last year at a restaurant. [3] My
friends gave me some cards and presents and sang “Happy
Birthday”. [4] I like the photo because it reminds me of how
much I love my friends.
General Information
Writing from Within Intro, page 37
Questioning Web Diagram




Nina’s Grandparents
My favorite photo is of my grandparents on the day they
met. It was taken in 1950 at the beach in Brooklyn, New
York. They were both smiling because my grandfather
rescued my grandmother from the ocean. She was standing
in the water and slipped. She couldn’t swim, so he picked
her up and brought her to shore. I think that was the day they
fell in love. A few months later, they got married. This
photo is special to me because it helps me remember my
grandparents. It also reminds me that sometimes when
something unlucky happens, good people meet each other.
Nina’s Grandparents
My favorite photo is of my grandparents on the day they
met. It was taken in 1950 at the beach in Brooklyn, New
York. They were both smiling because my grandfather
rescued my grandmother from the ocean. She was standing
in the water and slipped. She couldn’t swim, so he picked
her up and brought her to shore. I think that was the day they
fell in love. A few months later, they got married. This
photo is special to me because it helps me remember my
grandparents. It also reminds me that sometimes when
something unlucky happens, good people meet each other.
The Importance of Tense
Introduction sentence:
My favorite photo is of my grandparents on the day they met.
Extra information sentences:
They were both smiling…
She was standing…
She couldn’t swim, so he picked…
I think that was the day they fell…
A few months later, they got…
Concluding sentence(s):
This photo is special to me because it helps remind…
It also reminds me that…
Present or Past?
Writing from Within Intro, page 41
Silent Self-Writing Time
1. Pick a picture and complete a questioning web
diagram about it.
2. Write a story about the picture you choose.
- General information introduces your photo.
- Include the information you wrote in your questioning web diagram.
- Use a concluding sentence that tells why the photo is important to you.

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