Forage Morphology (Grass & Legumes)

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GAMBA GRASS ( Andropogon Gayanus)

mature plants grow up to 4 m tall with tussocks up to 70 cm in diameter leaves are 30-60 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, with a distinctive white midrib and covered with soft hairs stems are robust and covered in soft hairs the root system spreads up to 1 m from the tussock, close to the soil surface reproduces from seed seeds are contained in a fluffy V-shaped seed head consisting of up to six groups of branches, each containing 2-18 primary branches

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)

Very Good



Wide range of soil types of all texture, acidic (pH3-5) to alkaline soil

600-2500 mm

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

10.00 kg seeds/ha



Brizantha ( Brachiara Brizantha)

Loosely tufted perennial with short rhizomes and erect or slightly decumbent stems 60150 cm high (occasionally to 200 cm). Leaves flat, bright green up to 20 mm wide and up to 100 cm long. May be hairless or hairy. Inflorescence is a racemose panicle consisting of 216 racemes, 4 20 cm long and elliptical spikelets 46 mm long, with no hairs or a few hairs at the tip. Spikelets are normally a single row, with a purple, crescent-shaped rachis 1 mm wide. Glumes and lower lemma are cartilaginous in texture. B. brizantha intergrades with Brachiaria decumbens and the species may be difficult to distinguish. The main difference is in growth habit with B. brizantha more tufted and B. decumbens more decumbent and forming a denser cover. The two are morphologically distinguished by the shape of the rachis and the arrangement and texture of spikelets.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season

2 Legend

1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)

Very Good



Wide range including sandy and acidic soil 1200 mm and (pH3.5- 4) grow over best on fertile and well drained soil

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

1.5 12 kg seeds/ha



Signal Grass (Brachiaria decumbens)

Signal Grass
Plant: Low-growing leafy perennial grass with an erect or trailing habit. Leaf canopy can grow to 50 cm above ground.

Stems: May contain short underground runners (rhizomes) or hairless aboveground runners (stolons) to 70 cm long, which root down and branch at the nodes. Leaves: Soft and lance-shaped with a sharp point and often bending at the tips. Bright green with soft hairs on the upper and lower surfaces and short bristles on the margins which catch the finger when drawn from the tip to the base. Variable length, commonly to 20 cm long and commonly width to 15 mm. Fringe of fine bristles at the leaf base.
Seedhead: Complex, made up of 2-3 rod-like branches separated by 2-5 cm on the stem with one at the stem tip. Each branch is 3-5 cm long , 3-5 mm wide and is made up of 2 rows of alternating seeds totalling about 40 seeds. Each row is attached to the underside of a zig-zag shaped stem which has a fringe of hairs where it joins the stalk. Seeds: Egg-shaped seeds 4 mm long and 2 mm wide, smooth and shiny with a fringe of hairs near the tip and a distinctive 1 mm membrane where the seed meets the stem.

Signal Grass
Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Signal Grass
Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)

Very Good



Wide range, but prefers well drained soils; grows on both acid (pH > 4) and neutral soil

1200 mm and over

Signal Grass
Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

5.0 t cutting materials or 3-4 kg seeds/ha



Humidicola ( Brachiaria humidicola)

Plant: Strong creeping perennial grass which forms a dense matted sward. Stems: Prostrate and creeping stolons, reddish in colour. Roots vigorously at the nodes. Leaves: Linear to lanceolate, tapering to a point. Leaves generally12 - 15 cm long and 8 - 10 mm wide, but can be up to 25 cm long. Leaves are not hairy. Seedhead: Inflorescences up to 60 cm high. It consists of 2 5 racemes (arms) 2.5 - 5.5 cm long bearing two rows of seeds. Seeds: Broadly elliptic, 4.5 - 5.5 mm long, hairy, green and tinged with purple. Approximately 200,000 seeds/kg

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)



Very good

Wide range of soil type of all texture, acidic (pH 3.5) to alkaline

1200 mm and over

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

2-8 kg seeds/ha



Para Grass ( Brachiaria mutica)

Plant: Coarse vigorous trailing perennial grass. Sward grows to a height of 1 m. Stems: Stout stolons up to 5 m long, which branch and root readily at the nodes. Leaves: Linear to lanceolate, tapering to an acute point. Leaves generally6 - 20 cm long and 1 - 2 cm wide. Leaves and leaf sheaths are generally hairy. Seedhead: Inflorescences a panicle 6 - 30 cm long with 5 - 20 densely flowered racemes. Spikelets are elliptic, 2.5- 5 mm long, hairy, pale yellow when ripe. Seeds: 3 mm long

Para Grass

Para Grass
Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Para Grass
Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)


Very good


Flat lands and areas with poor drainage

1015 mm and over

Para Grass
Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

5 t of cutting materials or 3 - 6 kg seeds/ha

10 - 20


Ruzi (Brachiaria ruziziensis)

A spreading perennial with short rhizomes, similar in habit to Para grass. The inflorescence consists of dense and spikelike racemes. The spikelets are all sessile and close together, the rachis of the racemes winged, broad and over 3 mm wide. The spikelets are hairy and the lower glume under half the length of the spikelet (Harker & Napper, 1960). It has softer leaves than B. brizantha.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Wide range, but grows best on well-drained fertile soil

1525 mm and over

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

1.5 12 kg seeds/ha

2.5 8


Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum)

Guinea Grass
Plant: Leafy erect perennial tussock grass with a deep root system; capable of growing to over 2m tall. Stems: Develop to over 0.5cm diameter, and can root down at nodes that come in contact with moist soil.

Leaves: Mostly somewhat hairy, up to 3cm wide and 100cm long.

Seedhead: Much branched open panicle, usually 30 to 45 cm long.

Seeds: A little over 2mm long, ellipsoidal, straw-coloured,

Guinea Grass
Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Guinea Grass
Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Wide range, but best suited to 1015 mm and well drained over moderately fertile to infertile soil

Guinea Grass
Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

35,000 40,000 rootstock pc or 3-8 kg seeds/ha

5 20

150 - 200

Paspalum (Paspalum atratum)

A leafy upright perennial tussock grass, usually less than 1.0 m tall, to 2 m when in flower. Leaves to >2.5 cm wide, shiny and brittle, even when mature; leaf margins scabrous; leaf hairiness varies with provenance. Seed borne in a simple panicle to 26 cm long comprising up to 20 racemes, the lower ones to 14 cm long. Spikelets about 3 mm long and 2 mm wide. 250,000-450,000 seeds/kg

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Best suited to well drained 1015 mm and moderately fertile over to infertile soil

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

2 -7 kg seeds/ha


Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpuruem)

Napier Grass
A robust perennial with a vigorous root system, sometimes stoloniferous with a creeping rhizome. Culms usually 180-360 cm high, branched upwards. Leaf-sheaths glabrous or with tubercle-based hairs; leafblades 20-40 mm wide, margins thickened and shiny. Inflorescence a bristly false spike up to 30 cm long, dense, usually yellow-brown in colour, more rarely purplish

Napier Grass
Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Napier Grass
Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Wide range, but deep loams are 1015 mm and Ideal; grows best over on highly fertile soil

Napier Grass
Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

35,000 and 40,000 seed piece/ha


Setaria (Setaria sphacelata)

Plant: Tufted perennial grass growing 1 - 2m tall, and up to about 30cm diameter at the base. Stems: Smooth and shiny, sometimes slightly waxy. Leaves: Young shoots are flattened at the base, and the leaves folded (not rolled). Leaves are generally hairless, soft to the touch and bluish greygreen in colour, often reddish around the stem; leaf blades to 50 cm long and over 1 cm wide. Seedhead: Seeds are borne on a bristly, cylindrical "spike" 6 - 25cm long, and about 1cm across, varying in colour from golden to dark brown. Seeds: Very small,

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season

2 Legend

1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Grows well on moderately fertile 1015 and over soil

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

2 kg seeds/ha

15 - 31

60 - 120

Arachis Pinto (Arachis Pintoi)

Arachis Pinto
Stoloniferous, perennial herb developing a strong taproot on the older crowns and forming a dense mat of stolons. Stems initially prostrate, becoming ascendant to 50 cm in height depending on environment and provenance. Leaves tetrafoliolate, with ovate leaflets up to 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. Flowers on short axillary racemes, standard 12-17 mm wide, yellow. The terminal pod on the peg usually contains 1 seed, sometimes 2, while pods formed along the peg contain only 1. Abscission layer between seed and peg, causing separation from plant on maturity. Seed size varies markedly with provenance , ranging from over 9,000 seeds/kg in ATF 3270 (GRIF 7499, PI 604813) to 4,000 in ATF 495 (BRA-012122, CIAT 18744), and averaging 7,000 in the most common cultivar,

Arachis Pinto
Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Arachis Pinto
Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Grows best on 1015 mm and moderately fertile over to fertile soil

Arachis Pinto
Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

10- 15 kg seeds/ha



Calliandra (Calliandra calothysus)

Calliandra calothyrsus is shrub or a small tree (2-12 m high), with a trunk diameter of up to 30 cm, with white to red brown bark and a dense canopy. Leaves are twice-compound (bipinnate) and alternate; the rachis (main stem) is 10-19 cm long, without glands; rachilla are 2-11 cm long; there are 19-60 pairs of leaflets; leaflets are linear, oblong and pointed (acute) 5-8 x 1 mm. Flowers are in umbelliform (umbrella-like) clusters (outer whorl of sepals) of 10-30 cm length. Flower sepals and petals are green, calyx 2 mm long, corolla 5-6 mm long. The numerous red staminal filaments are 4-6 cm long. Fruits are broadly linear, flattened, 8-11 cm x 1 cm linear oblong pods with thickened and raised margins, finely hairy or hairless, brown dehiscent, 8(12) seeded. Seeds are ellipsoid, flattened, 5-7 mm long and mottled dark brown.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Wide range, including acid 1015 mm and soils, but needs over moderately fertile

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


1.5 12 kg seeds/ha



Centro (Centrosema macrocarpum)

Tap-rooted, trailing perennial herb with slender stems, rooting at the nodes in some genotypes. Stems pilose with greyish hairs when young, glabrescent, lignified at base. Leaves trifoliolate; stipules triangular, petioles and petiolules pubescent; leaflets broadly to narrowly ovate, acute to acuminate at the apex, rounded or slightly wedge-shaped at the base; central leaflet larger and with longer petioles than the laterals, mostly 8-13 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, papyraceous to subcoriaceous, almost glabrous to pubescent on lower or both surfaces; frequently with a light-green marking along midrib. Inflorescence an axillary raceme with up to 30 flowers inserted in pairs along rachis; flowers papilionate, subtended by a pair of ovate-lanceolate-falcate bracteoles; calyx campanulate, 5teethed with carinal tooth considerably longer than others; petals showy and cream-coloured with purple centre; standard orbicular-emarginate, 3-6 cm in diameter, pubescent outside; wings and keel much smaller than standard, directed upwards. Pod linear, compressed, up to 30 cm long, 1 cm wide, straight to slightly bent and beaked, subglabrous, containing up to 25 seeds, dehiscent. Seeds transversely oblong to rectangular, on average 5 mm x 3 mm, yellowishbrownish or black, plain, mottled or marbled.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Well drained m 1500 mm and moderately fertile over to fertile

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


3- 5 kg seeds/ha

5- 20


Centro (Centrosema pubescens)

Perennial, trailing-climbing herb with strong tendency to root at nodes of trailing stems. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets ovate to orbicular, ca. 3 cm long and 1.3-2 cm broad, shortly acuminate and finely pubescent. Young leaflets and terminal portions of stolons are typically reddish. Stipules triangular-elongated, persistent. Inflorescence an axillary raceme with 3-5 lilac to bluish-violet flowers, each flower subtended by two striate bracteoles. Calyx campanulate, 5-teethed; standard orbicular, approx. 2 cm in diameter; wings and keel much smaller than standard, directed upwards. Pod linear, compressed, approx. 13 cm long and 5-6 mm broad, straight to slightly bent and beaked, containing up to 15 seeds. Seeds transversely oblong to very slightly reniform , approx. 5 mm long, yellowish-greenish with dark mottles.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Well drained 1500 mm and moderately fetile over to fertile

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


1- 6 kg seeds/ha

3- 10

500 - 700

Desmanthus (Desmanthus virgatus)

Prostrate, decumbent or erect herbaceous perennial shrub, typically to 0.7 m, occasionally to 1.5 m tall; strongly branched from the base, with a taproot to 0.5 m depth and 1-2 cm in diameter Young stems green and hairless (or with sparse white hairs), angular with golden corky ridges. Older stems hairless, shiny red or brown. Bipinnate leaf 2.4-8.0 cm long, with 2-5 pairs of pinnae 11-30 mm long and 11-23 pairs of leaflets/pinnae, 2.4-7.0 mm long and 0.7-1.6 mm wide. Persistent stipules 2-9 mm long. Small flowering heads (condensed spikes) 0.5-0.9 cm long, occur singly in leaf axils on short peduncles (to 4.0 cm long). Heads contain 3-22 flowers that may be perfect, functionally male or sterile. Sterile flowers 0-8 occur at the base of the head. Male flowers usually absent, occasionally 1, occur towards the base of the head above the sterile flowers, but below the perfect flowers. Perfect flowers 3-14 occur apically. Fruiting stalks 1.0-5.2 cm long bear 1-11 pods. Pods are linear , 5.5-8.5 cm long and 3.2-4.9 mm wide, opening along both margins. Reddish-brown to nearly black at maturity. Seeds 11-26/pod, 2.4-3.1 x 1.7-2.4 mm, flattened and ovate in shape and reddishbrown or golden-brown in colour.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Fertile neutral to 1000 mm and alakaline clatyto over clay loam

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


2 -6 kg seeds/ha



Rensonii (Desmodium rensonii now D. cinerea)

Short-lived (2-3 years), erect shrub 1-3 m in height. Erect stems have few branches and tend to become woody. Branches densely covered in short white, hooked hairs. Leaves trifoliate round or ovoid with terminal leaflet slightly pointed. Leaflets usually rather thick, 5-7 cm long, covered in soft hairs lying flat against the lamina ; present on both surfaces, but especially underneath. Stipules about 3 mm long, shedding early. Purple flowers borne in many large open panicles, producing seed pods with 6-8 seeds contracted between each; seeds about 4 mm long and 3 mm broad, almost symmetrical. Seeds small and hard, green turning yellow-brown to brown with maturity. About 500,000 seeds/kg

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)




Adapted to moderately fertile 1500 mm and neutral or slightly over acid soil

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)



Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium)

Small to medium-sized, thornless, leguminous tree up to 10-12 m high. Branching frequently from the base with basal diameters reaching 50-70 cm. Bark is smooth, varying in colour from whitish grey to deep redbrown. Trees display spreading crowns. Leaves are odd pinnate, usually alternate, sub-opposite or opposite, to approximately 30 cm long; leaflets 5-20, ovate or elliptic, 2-7 cm long, 1-3 cm wide. Leaflet midrib and rachis are occasionally striped red. Inflorescences appear as clustered racemes on distal parts on new and old wood, 5-15 cm long, flowers borne singly with 20-40 per raceme. Flowers bright pink to lilac, tinged with white, usually with a diffuse pale yellow spot at the base of the standard petal, calyx glabrous, green, often tinged red. Standard petal round and nearly erect, approximately 20 mm long; keel petals 15-20 mm long, 4-7 mm wide. Fruit green, sometimes tinged reddish-purple when unripe, light yellow-brown when mature, narrow, 10-18 cm long, 2 cm wide, valves twisting in dehiscence, yellow-brown to brown, nearly round.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)

Very Good



Wide range but grows best on 900 mm and moderately fertile soils

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)

Vegetative and seed

9 16

Leucena (Leucaena leucocephala)

Shrub or tree up to 18 m tall, forked when shrubby and branching strongly after coppicing, with greyish bark and prominent lenticels. Leaves bipinnate with 4-9 pairs of pinnae, variable in length up to 35 cm, with a large gland (up to 5 mm) at the base of the petiole; leaflets 11-22 pairs/pinna, 8-16 mm x 1-2 mm, acute. Flowers numerous, in globose heads with a diameter of 25 cm, stamens (10 per flower) and pistil 10 mm long, anthers pilose, dehiscing at dawn. Pod 1426 cm x 1.5-2 cm, pendant, brown at maturity. Seeds 18-22 per pod , 6-10 mm long, brown.

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)

Very Good



Well drained soils, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline

760 mm and over

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


3 -4 kg seed/ha


Stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis)

Erect summer-growing herbaceous perennial with branching upright stems up to 1 m tall, which may become more prostrate under grazing. Stems hairy, becoming woody at the base with age; leaves pinnately trifoliate with elliptic leaflets 15 to 55 mm long and 7 to 13 mm wide; sticky in some ecotypes; petiole 6 to 15 mm long. Inflorescence of several spikes of a few flowers crowded into terminal heads; spikes sessile in unifoliate bracts and hairy; no axis rudiment; flowers yellow; pod hairy with one fertile joint and a very small beak. Seeds yellowish brown, averaging 1.75 mm long (Barnard, 1967), flat sided, tightly enclosed in a brown hull which can be removed by light threshing. Main taproot extends to 1 m. Runners root downwards but are ineffective (Gilchrist, 1967). At three months, 83.7 percent of the roots were in the top 20 cm of profile, 11 percent from 20 to 40 cm, 3.4 percent from 40 to 60 cm, 1.3 percent from 60 to 80 cm, and 0.4 percent had reached from 80 to 100 cm

Ways of Using Climate
Wet/Dry season with long dry season

Soil Fertility and acidity

Moderately Fertile Fertile Infertile (neutral to (neutral to (extremely acid moderate moderately acid soils) acid soils) soils)

Cut and Carry

Wet areas Supplementation Leaf with no or Grazing for the dry Meal short dry season season


1 Possible 2 Recommended

no number not recommended

Tolerance to
Drought Water Logging Low Fertility Soil

Soil Rain Fall (annual)



Very Good

Wide range 1200 mm and including over infertile, acid soil

Propagation Seedling Rate Herbage DM Yield (t/ha) Seed Yield (kg/ha)


2-6 seed kg/ha


100 -300

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