Chapter 2 PowerPoint

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Chapter 2: Matter and Change

By: Jennie Borders

Section 2.1: Properties of Matter

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. All matter exists of tiny particles called atoms.

The mass of an object is the measure of the amount of matter the object contains. The volume of an object is the measure of the space occupied by an object.

Extensive Properties
An extensive property is a property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample. Examples: mass and volume

Intensive Properties
An intensive property is a property that depends on the type of matter, not the amount of matter. Examples: density and hardness

A substance is a type of matter with a uniform composition. Examples: water and gold

Physical Properties
Physical properties are characteristics of a substance that can be observed without the substance changing composition. Examples: boiling point and color

Physical Changes
A physical change involves a change in one or more physical properties, but no change in the chemical composition of the substance. Examples: melting and cutting Physical changes can be reversible or irreversible.

States of Matter
A solid is a state of matter that has a definite shape and volume. Solids are not easily compressed.

States of Matter
A liquid has a definite volume, but it takes the shape of its container. Liquids are not easily compressed.

States of Matter
A gas has no fixed volume or shape. Gases can be compressed. A vapor is the gaseous state of a substance that is generally a solid or a liquid at room temperature. Examples: oxygen = gas, steam = vapor

Solid, Liquid, and Gas

States of Matter
A plasma is an ionized gas-like phase consisting of electrons and positive ions.

Section 2.1 Assessment

1. Name two categories used to classify

properties of matter. 2. Explain why all sample of a given substance have the same intensive properties. 3. Name four states of matter. 4. Describe the two categories used to identify physical changes.

Section 2.1 Assessment

5. In what ways are liquids and gases

alike? In what ways are liquids and solids different? 6. Is the freezing of mercury a reversible or irreversible physical change?

Section 2.2: Mixtures

A mixture is a material of variable composition that contains two or more substances. Examples: salad and sweet tea An alloy is a mixture that has metallic properties. Example: sterling silver silver and copper

Heterogeneous Mixtures
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that has different properties in different parts of the mixture. Examples: chocolate chip cookies and vegetable soup

Homogeneous Mixtures
A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that has a uniform composition. It is also called a solution. Examples: Coke and Windex

Separating Mixtures
Filtration is a method for separating components of a mixture containing a solid and a liquid.

Separating Mixtures
Distillation is a method for separating the components of a mixture based on the different boiling points of the components.

Section 2.2 Section Assessment

1. How are mixtures classified? 2. Classify each of the following as a

homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture. a. food coloring b. ice cubes in liquid water c. mouthwash d. mashed, unpeeled potatoes 3. How are a substance and a solution similar? How are they different?

Section 2.2 Assessment

4. In general, when would you use filtration

to separate a mixture? When would you use distillation to separate a mixture? 5. Describe a procedure that could be used to separate a mixture of sand and table salt.

Section 2.3: Elements and Compounds

An atom is the smallest part of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction. Examples: sulfur = S, sodium = Na Molecules are a bonded collection of two or more atoms of the same element or of different elements. Examples: water = H2O, oxygen = O2

Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical or physical means. It consists of atoms with the same atomic number. Elements are made of atoms or molecules. Examples: tin = Sn, fluorine = F2

Allotropes are different forms of a given element. Example: carbon diamond, graphite, and buckminsterfullerene

Compounds are substances made from two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Compounds can be broken down into its elements by chemical processes. Compounds are made up of molecules. Examples: carbon dioxide = CO2, sodium chloride = NaCl

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures

Chemical Formulas
Each element is represented by a chemical symbol. Only the first letter of the chemical symbol is always capitalized. Subscripts represent the number of atoms of each element. Example: SiO2

Section 2.3 Assessment

1. How is a compound different from an

element? 2. How can you distinguish a substance from a mixture? 3. Classify each of these samples of matter as an element, a compound, or a mixture. a. table sugar c. tap water b. cough syrup d. nitrogen

Section 2.3 Assessment

Write the chemical symbol for each element. a. lead d. oxygen b. silver e. sodium c. hydrogen f. aluminum 5. Name the elements represented by the following symbols. a. C d. Au b. Ca e. Fe c. K f. Cu

Section 2.4: Chemical Reactions

A chemical property is the ability of a substance to change to a different substance. Examples: flammable and corrosive

Chemical Change
A chemical change involves a change in the fundamental components of the substance. Examples: burn and decompose

Chemical Reactions
A substance present at the start of a reaction is a reactant. A substance produced in the reaction is a product. Example: 2H2 + O2 2H2O reactants product

Five Signs of a Chemical Reaction

The five signs of a chemical reaction are change in color, production of a gas, change in temperature, production of light, and formation of a precipitate.

A precipitate is a solid that forms and during a chemical reaction involving a liquid mixture.

Conservation of Mass
The law of conservation of mass states that in any physical or chemical process, mass is neither created nor destroyed. During any chemical reaction, the mass of the products is always equal to the mass of the reactants.

Section 2.4 Assessment

1. How does a chemical change affect the

composition of matter? 2. Name the five signs that a chemical reaction has taken place. 3. In a chemical reaction, how does the mass of the reactants compare with the mass of the products? 4. What is the main difference between physical and chemical changes?

Section 2.4 Assessment

5. Classify the following changes as

physical or chemical changes. a. Water boils. b. Milk turns sour. c. Salt dissolves in water. d. A metal rusts. 6. Hydrogen and oxygen react chemically to form water. How much water would form if 4.8g of hydrogen reacted with 38.4g of oxygen?

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