Ch03 Lecture

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Bacterial Cell Structure

3.1 The Prokaryote Controversy

1. List the characteristics originally used to describe prokaryotic cells 2. Form an opinion on the prokaryote controversy using current evidence about bacterial cells

3.2 A Typical Bacterial Cell

1. Distinguish a typical bacterial cell from a typical plant or animal cell in terms of cell shapes and arrangements, size, and cell structures 2. Discuss the factors that determine the size and shape of a bacterial cell.

Bacterial and Archaea Structure and Function

Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes in size and simplicity
most lack internal membrane systems term prokaryotes is becoming blurred this text will use Bacteria and Archaea this chapter will cover Bacteria and their structures

Size, Shape, and Arrangement

cocci and rods most common
various others

determined by plane of division determined by separation or not

Size - varies

Shape and Arrangement-1

Cocci (s., coccus) spheres

diplococci (s., diplococcus) pairs streptococci chains staphylococci grape-like clusters tetrads 4 cocci in a square sarcinae cubic configuration of 8 cocci

Shape and Arrangement-2

bacilli (s., bacillus) rods

coccobacilli very short rods

vibrios resemble rods, comma shaped spirilla (s., spirillum) rigid helices spirochetes flexible helices

Shape and Arrangement-3

mycelium network of long, multinucleate filaments

pleomorphic organisms that are variable in shape

smallest 0.3 m (Mycoplasma)

average rod 1.1 - 1.5 x 2 6 m (E. coli) very large 600 x 80 m Epulopiscium fishelsoni

Size Shape Relationship

important for nutrient uptake surface to volume ratio (S/V) small size may be protective mechanism from predation


Bacterial Cell Organization Common Features

Cell envelope 3 layers
Cytoplasm External structures



3.3 Bacterial Plasma Membranes

1. Describe the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure and identify the types of lipids typically found in bacterial membranes. 2. Distinguish macroelements (macronutrients) from micronutrients (trace elements) and provide examples of each. 3. Provide examples of growth factors needed by some microorganisms. 4. Compare and contrast passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and group translocation, and provide examples of each. 5. Discuss the difficulty of iron uptake and describe how bacteria overcome this difficulty.

Bacterial Cell Envelope

Plasma membrane Cell wall Layers outside the cell wall


Bacterial Plasma Membrane

Absolute requirement for all living organisms
Some bacteria also have internal membrane systems


Plasma Membrane Functions

Encompasses the cytoplasm

Selectively permeable barrier

Interacts with external environment
receptors for detection of and response to chemicals in surroundings transport systems metabolic processes


Fluid Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure

lipid bilayers with floating proteins
amphipathic lipids
polar ends (hydrophilic interact with water) non-polar tails (hydrophobic insoluble in water)

membrane proteins


Membrane Proteins
loosely connected to membrane easily removed

amphipathic embedded within membrane
carry out important functions may exist as microdomains


Bacterial Lipids
Saturation levels of membrane lipids reflect environmental conditions such as temperature Bacterial membranes lack sterols but do contain sterol-like molecules, hopanoids
stabilize membrane found in petroleum

Uptake of Nutrients Getting Through the Barrier

Macroelements (macronutrients)
C, O, H, N, S, P
found in organic molecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids

K, Ca, Mg, and Fe

cations and serve in variety of roles including enzymes, biosynthesis

required in relatively large amounts


Uptake of Nutrients Getting Through the Barrier

Micronutrients (trace elements)
Mn, Zn, Co, Mo, Ni, and Cu required in trace amounts often supplied in water or in media components ubiquitous in nature serve as enzymes and cofactors

Some unique substances may be required


Uptake of Nutrients Getting Through the Barrier

Growth factors
organic compounds essential cell components (or their precursors) that the cell cannot synthesize must be supplied by environment if cell is to survive and reproduce


Classes of Growth Factors

amino acids
needed for protein synthesis

purines and pyrimidines

needed for nucleic acid synthesis

function as enzyme cofactors



Uptake of Nutrients
Microbes can only take in dissolved particles across a selectively permeable membrane Some nutrients enter by passive diffusion Microorganisms use transport mechanisms
facilitated diffusion all microorganisms active transport all microorganisms group translocation Bacteria and Archaea endocytosis Eukarya only


Passive Diffusion
Molecules move from region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration between the cells interior and the exterior H2O, O2, and CO2 often move across membranes this way


Facilitated Diffusion
Similar to passive diffusion
movement of molecules is not energy dependent
direction of movement is from high concentration to low concentration size of concentration gradient impacts rate of uptake


Differs from passive diffusion

uses membrane bound carrier molecules (permeases) smaller concentration gradient is required for significant uptake of molecules effectively transports glycerol, sugars, and amino acids

Facilitated Diffusion

more prominent in eukaryotic cells than in bacteria or archaea


Active Transport
energy-dependent process
ATP or proton motive force used

move molecules against the gradient concentrates molecules inside cell

involves carrier proteins (permeases)

carrier saturation effect is observed at high solute concentrations


ABC Transporters
Primary active transporters use ATP ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters Observed in Bacteria, Archaea, and eukaryotes Consist of - 2 hydrophobic
membrane spanning domains - 2 cytoplasmic associated ATP-binding domains - Substrate binding domains

Secondary Active Transport

Major facilitator superfamily (MFS)

Use ion gradients to cotransport substances

protons symport two substances both move in the same direction antiport two substances move in opposite directions


Group Translocation
Energy dependent transport that chemically modifies molecule as it is brought into cell Best known translocation system is phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS)


Iron Uptake
Microorganisms require iron Ferric iron is very insoluble so uptake is difficult Microorganisms secrete siderophores to aid uptake Siderophore complexes with ferric ion Complex is then transported into cell

3.4 Bacterial Cell Walls

1. Describe peptidoglycan structure. 2. Compare and contrast the cell walls of typical Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria. 3. Relate bacterial cell wall structure to the Gram-staining reaction.


Bacterial Cell Wall

Peptidoglycan (murein)
rigid structure that lies just outside the cell plasma membrane two types based on Gram stain
Gram-positive: stain purple; thick peptidoglycan Gram-negative: stain pink or red; thin peptidoglycan and outer membrane


Cell Wall Functions

Maintains shape of the bacterium
almost all bacteria have one

Helps protect cell from osmotic lysis

Helps protect from toxic materials

May contribute to pathogenicity


Peptidoglycan Structure
Meshlike polymer of identical subunits forming long strands
two alternating sugars
N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) N- acetylmuramic acid

alternating D- and Lamino acids


Strands Are Crosslinked

Peptidoglycan strands have a helical shape

Peptidoglycan chains are crosslinked by peptides for strength

interbridges may form peptidoglycan sacs interconnected networks

various structures occur



Gram-Positive Cell Walls

Composed primarily of peptidoglycan May also contain teichoic acids (negatively charged)
help maintain cell envelope
protect from environmental substances

may bind to host cells

some gram-positive bacteria have layer of proteins on surface of peptidoglycan



Periplasmic Space of Gram + Bacteria

Lies between plasma membrane and cell wall and is smaller than that of Gram-negative bacteria Periplasm has relatively few proteins Enzymes secreted by Gram-positive bacteria are called exoenzymes
aid in degradation of large nutrients


Gram-Negative Cell Walls

More complex than Grampositive Consist of a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane

Outer membrane composed of lipids, lipoproteins, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) No teichoic acids


Gram-Negative Cell Walls

Peptidoglycan is ~5-10% of cell wall weight

Periplasmic space differs from that in Grampositive cells

may constitute 2040% of cell volume

many enzymes present in periplasm

hydrolytic enzymes, transport proteins and other proteins


GramNegative Cell Walls

outer membrane lies outside the thin peptidoglycan layer Brauns lipoproteins connect outer membrane to peptidoglycan other adhesion sites reported

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Consists of three parts
lipid A core polysaccharide O side chain (O antigen)

Lipid A embedded in outer membrane Core polysaccharide, O side chain extend out from the cell

Importance of LPS
contributes to negative charge on cell surface

helps stabilize outer membrane structure

may contribute to attachment to surfaces and biofilm formation

creates a permeability barrier

protection from host defenses (O antigen) can act as an endotoxin (lipid A)


Gram-Negative Outer Membrane Permeability

More permeable than plasma membrane due to presence of porin proteins and transporter proteins
porin proteins form channels to let small molecules (600700 daltons) pass


Mechanism of Gram Stain Reaction

Gram stain reaction due to nature of cell wall

shrinkage of the pores of peptidoglycan layer of Gram-positive cells

constriction prevents loss of crystal violet during decolorization step

thinner peptidoglycan layer and larger pores of Gram-negative bacteria does not prevent loss of crystal violet


Osmotic Protection
Hypotonic environments
solute concentration outside the cell is less than inside the cell
water moves into cell and cell swells cell wall protects from lysis

Hypertonic environments
solute concentration outside the cell is greater than inside water leaves the cell plasmolysis occurs

Evidence of Protective Nature of the Cell Wall

lysozyme breaks the bond between N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid

penicillin inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis

if cells are treated with either of the above they will lyse if they are in a hypotonic solution


Cells that Lose a Cell Wall May Survive in Isotonic Environments

Protoplasts Spheroplasts Mycoplasma
does not produce a cell wall
plasma membrane more resistant to osmotic pressure


3.5 Cell Envelope Layers Outside the Cell Wall

1. Compile a list of all the structures found in all the layers of bacterial cell envelopes, noting the functions and the major component molecules of each.


Components Outside of the Cell Wall

Outermost layer in the cell envelope Glycocalyx
capsules and slime layers

S layers

Aid in attachment to solid surfaces

e.g., biofilms in plants and animals


Usually composed of polysaccharides

Well organized and not easily removed from cell

Visible in light microscope

Protective advantages
resistant to phagocytosis protect from desiccation

exclude viruses and detergents


Slime Layers
similar to capsules except diffuse, unorganized and easily removed slime may aid in motility


S Layers
Regularly structured layers of protein or glycoprotein that selfassemble
in Gram-negative bacteria the S layer adheres to outer membrane in Gram-positive bacteria it is associated with the peptidoglycan surface

S Layer Functions
Protect from ion and pH fluctuations, osmotic stress, enzymes, and predation Maintains shape and rigidity Promotes adhesion to surfaces Protects from host defenses Potential use in nanotechnology
S layer spontaneously associates


3.6 Bacterial Cytoplasm

1. Create a table or concept map that identifies the components of the bacterial cytoplasm and describes their structure, molecular makeup, and functions.


Bacterial Cytoplasmic Structures

Intracytoplasmic membranes Inclusions Ribosomes Nucleoid and plasmids


Protoplast and Cytoplasm

Protoplast is plasma membrane and everything within Cytoplasm - material bounded by the plasmid membrane


The Cytoskeleton
Homologs of all 3 eukaryotic cytoskeletal elements have been identified in bacteria

Functions are similar as in eukaryotes


Best Studied Examples

FtsZ many bacteria
forms ring during septum

formation in cell division

MreB many rods

maintains shape by positioning peptidoglycan

synthesis machinery

CreS rare, maintains

curve shape


Intracytoplasmic Membranes

Plasma membrane infoldings

observed in many photosynthetic bacteria

observed in many bacteria with high respiratory activity

Anammoxosome in Planctomycetes
organelle site of anaerobic ammonia oxidation

Granules of organic or inorganic material that are stockpiled by the cell for future use Some are enclosed by a single-layered membrane
membranes vary in composition some made of proteins; others contain lipids may be referred to as microcompartments


Storage Inclusions
Storage of nutrients, metabolic end products, energy, building blocks Glycogen storage Carbon storage
poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB)

Phosphate - Polyphosphate (Volutin) Amino acids - cyanophycin granules


Storage Inclusions


Not bound by membranes but compartmentalized for a specific function Carboxysomes - CO2 fixing bacteria
contain the enzyme ribulose-1,5,bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), enzyme used for CO2 fixation

Other Inclusions
Gas vacuoles
found in aquatic, photosynthetic bacteria and archaea provide buoyancy in gas vesicles


Other Inclusions
found in aquatic bacteria magnetite particles for orientation in Earths magnetic field cytoskeletal protein MamK
helps form magnetosome chain



Complex protein/RNA structures

sites of protein synthesis bacterial and archaea ribosome = 70S eukaryotic (80S) S = Svedburg unit

Bacterial ribosomal RNA

16S small subunit 23S and 5S in large subunit

The Nucleoid
Usually not membrane bound (few exceptions)

Location of chromosome and associated proteins

Usually 1 closed circular, double-stranded DNA molecule Supercoiling and nucleoid proteins (different from histones) aid in folding

Extrachromosomal DNA
found in bacteria, archaea, some fungi

usually small, closed circular DNA molecules

Exist and replicate independently of chromosome

episomes may integrate into chromosome

inherited during cell division

Contain few genes that are non-essential

confer selective advantage to host (e.g., drug resistance)

Classification based on mode of existence, spread, and function



3.7 External Structures

1. Distinguish pili (fimbriae) and flagella. 2. Illustrate the various patterns of flagella distribution.


External Structures
Extend beyond the cell envelope in bacteria

Function in protection, attachment to surfaces, horizontal gene transfer, cell movement

pili and fimbriae flagella


Pili and Fimbriae

Fimbriae (s., fimbria); pili (s., pilus)
short, thin, hairlike, proteinaceous appendages (up to 1,000/cell)
can mediate attachment to surfaces, motility, DNA uptake

Sex pili (s., pilus)

longer, thicker, and less numerous (1-10/cell) genes for formation found on plasmids

required for conjugation


Threadlike, locomotor appendages extending outward from plasma membrane and cell wall Functions
motility and swarming behavior

attachment to surfaces
may be virulence factors


Bacterial Flagella
Thin, rigid protein structures that cannot be observed with bright-field microscope unless specially stained Ultrastructure composed of three parts

Pattern of flagellation varies


Patterns of Flagella Distribution

Monotrichous one flagellum Polar flagellum flagellum at end of cell Amphitrichous one flagellum at each end of cell Lophotrichous cluster of flagella at one or both ends Peritrichous spread over entire surface of cell

Three Parts of Flagella

extends from cell surface to the tip hollow, rigid cylinder of flagellin protein

links filament to basal body

Basal body
series of rings that drive flagellar motor

Flagellar Synthesis
complex process involving many genes/gene products new flagellin molecules transported through the hollow filament using Type III-like secretion system filament subunits self-assemble with help of filament cap at tip, not base


3.8 Bacterial Motility and Chemotaxis

1. Compare and contrast flagellar swimming motility, spirochete flagellar motility, and twitching and gliding motility. 2. State the source of energy that powers flagellar motility. 3. Explain why bacterial chemotaxis is referred to as a biased random walk.


Flagellar movement Spirochete motility

Twitching motility
Gliding motility


Bacteria and Archaea have directed movement

move toward chemical attractants such as nutrients, away from harmful substances

Move in response to temperature, light, oxygen, osmotic pressure, and gravity


Bacterial Flagellar Movement

Flagellum rotates like a propeller
very rapid rotation up to 1100 revolutions/sec

in general, counterclockwise (CCW) rotation causes forward motion (run) in general, clockwise rotation (CW) disrupts run causing cell to stop and tumble

Mechanism of Flagellar Movement

Flagellum is 2 part motor producing torque

C (FliG protein) ring and MS ring turn and interact with stator

Stator - Mot A and Mot B proteins

form channel through plasma membrane protons move through Mot A and Mot B channels using energy of proton motive force torque powers rotation of the basal body and filament

Spirochete Motility
Multiple flagella form axial fibril which winds around the cell

Flagella remain in periplasmic space inside outer sheath

Corkscrew shape exhibits flexing and spinning movements


Twitching and Gliding Motility

May involve Type IV pili and slime

pili at ends of cell short, intermittent, jerky motions

cells are in contact with each other and surface

smooth movements


Movement toward a chemical attractant or away from a chemical repellent Changing concentrations of chemical attractants and chemical repellents bind chemoreceptors of chemosensing system




In presence of attractant (b) tumbling frequency is intermittently reduced and runs in direction of attractant are longer

Behavior of bacterium is altered by temporal concentration of chemical

Chemotaxis away from repellent involves similar but opposite responses


3.9 Bacterial Endospores

1. Describe the structure of the bacterial endospore. 2. Explain why the bacterial endospores are of particular concern to the food industry and why endosporeforming bacteria are important model organisms. 3. Describe in general terms the process of sporulation. 4. Describe those properties of endospores that are thought to contribute to its resistance to environmental stresses. 5. Describe the three stages that transform an endospore into an active vegetative cell.

The Bacterial Endospore

Complex, dormant structure formed by some bacteria

Various locations within the cell

Resistant to numerous environmental conditions

chemicals desiccation


Endospore Structure

Spore surrounded by thin covering called exosporium

Thick layers of protein form the spore coat

Cortex, beneath the coat, thick peptidoglycan Core has nucleoid and ribosomes

What Makes an Endospore so Resistant?

Calcium (complexed with dipicolinic acid)
Small, acid-soluble, DNA-binding proteins (SASPs)

Dehydrated core
Spore coat and exosporium protect


Process of endospore formation

Occurs in a hours (up to 10 hours)

Normally commences when growth ceases because of lack of nutrients Complex multistage process



Formation of Vegetative Cell

prepares spores for germination often results from treatments like heating

environmental nutrients are detected spore swelling and rupture of absorption of spore coat

increased metabolic activity

Outgrowth - emergence of vegetative cell


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