Santiago Calatrava: Voici Quelques Une de Ses Œuvres
Santiago Calatrava: Voici Quelques Une de Ses Œuvres
Santiago Calatrava: Voici Quelques Une de Ses Œuvres
est n en 1951 Valence. Il tudie l'art et l'architecture la Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valence de 1969 1974 et paralllement l'ingnierie l'ETH de Zurich et devient docteur s sciences et techniques en 1981. Il cre son agence d'architecture en 1981. Voici quelques une de ses uvres.
A new suspension bridge is built at the main entrance to Jerusalem, at the meeting point of Jaffa Road, Yermiyahu Street and Hertzel Boulevard. Its not planned to be just a bridge it will be a monument. Internationally acclaimed Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava was commissioned to design an artistic and practical solution for the new urban train scheduled to run above this busy intersection. The bridge is designed to be supported by an inclined central column, 130 meters high, with 150 meter long, white, suspension cables supporting a 380 meter long semi-circle on which the train will travel. Jerusalem will join Valencia, Seville, Lisbon, Lyon and other cities in the world proudly displaying Calatravas monumental designs.
View of the bridge in 2008 The Jerusalem Chords Bridge or Jerusalem Bridge of Strings (Hebrew: , Gesher HaMeitarim), also called the Jerusalem Light Rail Bridge is a cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge at the entrance to the city of Jerusalem, Israel, designed by the Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava. The bridge is used by Jerusalem Light Rail's Red Line, which began service on August 19, 2011. Incorporated in the structure is a glass-sided pedestrian bridge enabling pedestrians to cross from Kiryat Moshe to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. The bridge, which cost about $70 million (NIS 246 million), was inaugurated on June 25, 2008.
Dr. Calatrava contributed the detailed designs of the impressive kinetic sculpture, and the Russell Berrie Foundation covered the cost of creating and erecting the obelisk. The obelisk, which rises to a height of 28 meters (100 feet), was erected on the main boulevard in the heart of the campus - near Ullman building. The kinetic sculpture, which is composed of 224 steel ribs (28 ribs on each one of its eight levels), rotates on its axis and is illuminated at night. A motor is installed on the top level, which rotates the main axis of the sculpture in an elliptical orbit. The movement creates a feeling of a synodic wave and the obelisk appears to breathe. Each rib completes a full rotation in about 20 seconds. Technion City in Haifa looks like a large park, stated Dr. Calatrava. The center of the campus - near Ullman building - is an important place. I designed this vertical kinetic sculpture, which integrates beauty with technique and mechanics, such that it can be seen from every place.
Une architecture qui magnifie la structure et sublime le mouvement: le hall de la gare semble un gigantesque oiseau prt prendre son envol et les quais de la gare sont comme une haie dhonneur dhommes saluant le passage des TGV qui traversent la gare 300km/h en lespace de quelques secondes.
Santiago Calatrava a voulu un bodegas btiment qui serait une icne pour le nouveau vin et adapte en mme temps au programme prcis et rigoureux des espaces requis pour faire, stocker et vendre le vin.
Turning Torso :
Turning Torso a remport Cannes en 2005 le prix MIPIM du meilleur btiment rsidentiel.
Future projects...
Cest la ville des Arts et des sciences Valence , Ma ville adoptive , ceci est mon petit hommage .
Depuis lUmbracle, on apperoit le reste des Batiments depuis une hauteur suprieure .
Et finalement le Palais des Arts est un btiment pour les concerts et opras .
See also:
People under the Bridge