Adrenal Hormones

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M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D,.

Adrenal glands Small, triangular glands loosely attached to the kidneys Divided into two morphologically distinct regions - adrenal cortex (outer) - adrenal medulla (inner)

Steroid Hormones
Steroid hormones are produced by the gonads and adrenal cortex. Steroid hormones are made from cholesterol in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria of endocrine cells.

Steroid hormones cannot be stored in vesicles in the endocrine cells that produce them. As soon as steroid hormones are produced, they diffuse out of the endocrine cell and enter the bloodstream. Steroid hormones are lipid soluble and their receptors are located in the cytoplasm target cell.

Steroid hormone transport Lipid soluble hormones require transport proteins albumin and transthyretin (prealbumin) specific transport molecules (steroidbinding globulin)
only unbound form can enter the cell Steroid and thyroid hormones are 99% attached to special transport proteins

Adrenal Medulla an extension of the sympathetic nervous system acts as a peripheral amplifier activated by same stimuli as the sympathetic nervous system (examples exercise, cold, stress, hemorrhage, etc.)

Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla

Hormones synthesized in adrenal medulla are catacolamines. They are: dopamine adrenaline/ noradrenaline epinephrine/norepinephrine 80% of released catecholamine is epinephrine Hormones are secreted and stored in the adrenal medulla and released in response to appropriate stimuli

Tyrosine Synthesis of (1) Tyrosine hydroxylase Catecholamines (+)O2 Dopa PLP CO2 Dopamine Cu++ (3) Dopamine hydroxylase Vit C Norepinephrine SAM (4) N-METHYL TRANSFERASE SAH Epinephrine SAM (5) Catechol-O-methyl transferase SAH Metanephrine (6) Mono amino oxidase VMA (Vanillyl mandalic acid) (2) Dopa decarboxylase

Mechanism of Action receptor mediated adrenergic receptors peripheral effects are dependent upon the type and ratio of receptors in target tissues
Receptor ++ ++++ Norepinephrin +++++ e Epinephrine ++++

Differences between Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Epinephrine >> norepinephrine in terms of cardiac stimulation leading to greater cardiac output ( stimulation). Epinephrine < norepinephrine in terms of constriction of blood vessels leading to increased peripheral resistance increased arterial pressure.
Epinephrine >> norepinephrine in terms of increasing metabolism Epi = 5-10 x Norepinephrine

Effects of Epinephrine Metabolism:

- glycogenolysis in liver and skeletal muscle

can lead to hyperglycemia

- mobilization of free fatty acids

- increased metabolic rate O2 consumption increases

Pheochromocytoma a catecholamine-secreting tumour of chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla adrenal pheochromocytoma (90%) paraganglioma a catecholamine secreting tumour of the sympathetic paraganglia extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma

Signs and Symptoms of Pheochromocytoma treatment resistant hypertension (95%) headache classic triad sweating palpitations chest pain anxiety glucose intolerance increased metabolic rate

Diagnosis and Treatment diagnosed by high plasma catecholamines and increased metabolites in urine no test for adrenal or extra-adrenal treatment is surgical resection

Adrenal Cortex Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex are referred to as corticosteroids. These comprise mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and androgens.

The cortex is divided into three regions:

zona glomerulosa zona fasciculata zona reticularis

Zona Glomerulosa
Outermost zone just below the adrenal capsule Secretes mineralocorticoids.

Mineralocorticoids are it is termed as they are involved in regulation of electrolytes in ECF.

The naturally synthesized mineralocorticoid of most importance is aldosterone.

Zona Fasciculata
Middle zone between the glomerulosa and reticularis Primary secretion is glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids, as the term implies, are involved the increasing of blood glucose levels. However they have additional effects in protein and fat metabolism.
The naturally synthesized glucocorticoid of most importance is cortisol.

Zona Reticularis
Innermost zone between the fasciculata and medulla Primary secretion is androgens. Androgenic hormones exhibit approximately the same effects as the male sex hormone testosterone.

Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex all adrenal cortex hormones are steroids




not stored, synthesized as needed

a steroid hormone

essential for life (acute)

responsible for regulating Na+ reabsorption in the distal tubule and the cortical collecting duct

target cells are called principal (P) cell

- stimulates synthesis of more Na/KATPase pumps

Effects of Aldosterone
Renal and circulatory effects covered (ECF volume regulation, sodium and potassium ECF concentrations) Promotes reabsorption of sodium from the ducts of sweat and salivary glands during excessive sweat/saliva loss. Enhances absorption of sodium from the intestine especial. colon. absence leads to diarrhea.

Regulation of Aldosterone Release direct stimulators of release - increased extracellular K+ - decreased osmolarity - ACTH indirect stimulators of release - decreased blood pressure - decreased macula densa blood flow

Glucocorticoids - Cortisol

a steroid hormone
- plasma bound to corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG or transcortin) essential for life (long term)2hr

the net effects of cortisol are catabolic

- prevents against hypoglycemia

Physiological Actions of Cortisol

promotes gluconeogenesis promotes breakdown of skeletal muscle protein enhances fat breakdown (lipolysis) suppresses immune system breakdown of bone matrix (high doses)

Anti-inflammatory Effects of Cortisol reduces phagocytic action of white blood cells reduces fever suppresses allergic reactions

wide spread therapeutic use

Effect on Blood Cells and Immunity

Decrease production of eoisinophils and lymphocytes Suppresses lymphoid tissue systemically therefore decrease in T cell and antibody production there by decreasing immunity Decrease immunity could be fatal in diseases such as tuberculosis Decrease immunity effect of cortisol is useful during transplant operations in reducing organ rejection.

Regulation of Cortisol Release

cortisol release is regulated by ACTH

release follows a daily pattern - circadian negative feedback by cortisol inhibits the secretion of ACTH and CRH

Regulation of Cortisol Release Enhanced release can be caused by: physical trauma infection extreme heat and cold exercise to the point of exhaustion

extreme mental anxiety

Adrenal Cortex Dysfunctions Hypoadrenalism Addisons Disease adrenal cortex produces inadequate amounts of hormones caused by autoimmunity against cortices 80% also caused by tuberculosis, drugs, cancer plasma sodium decreases and may lead to circulatory collapse

Mineralocorticoid Deficiency
Lack of aldosterone:
Increased sodium, chloride, water loss Decrease ECF volume Hyperkalemia Mild acidosis Increase RBC concentration Decrease cardiac output shock - death within 4 days to a 2 weeks if not treated

Glucocorticoid Deficiency
Loss of cortisol
Disruption in glucose concentration Reduction in metabolism of fats and proteins Patient is susceptible to different types of stress Sluggishness of energy mobilization result in weak muscle even when glucose and other nutrients are available cortisol is needed for metabolic function

Melanin Pigmentation
Characteristic of Addisons disease is uneven distribution of melanin deposition in thin skin eg. Mucous membranes, lips, thin skin of the nipples. Feedback and effect on MSH

Total destruction, if untreated, could lead to death with a few days. Treatment small quantities of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids daily.

Hyperadrenalism Cushings Syndrome

caused by exogenous glucocorticoids and by tumours (adrenal or pituitary) zg tumour increases aldosterone -increased sodium, blood pressure -80% suffer from hypertension zr tumour increases cortisol - excess protein catabolism, redistribution of fat

Buffalo torso
Redistribution of fat from lower parts of the body to the thoracic and upper abdominal areas

Moon Face
Edematous appearance of face Acne & hirsutism( excess growth of facial hair)

What Would the Feedback Loop Look Like for Cushings Syndrome?

Effects on Carbohydrate Metabolism

Adrenal diabetes
Hypersecretion of cortisol results in increase blood glucose levels, up to 2 x normal (200mg/dl) Prolonged oversecretion of insulin burns out the beta cells of the pancreas resulting in life long diabetes mellitus

Effects on Protein Metabolism

Decrease protein content in most parts of the body resulting in muscle weakness In lymphoid tissue decrease protein synthesis results in suppression of the immune system Lack of protein deposition in bones can result in osteoporosis Collagen fibers in subcutaneous tissue tear forming striae

Cushings Syndrome

moon face


Removal of adrenal tumor if this is the cause Microsurgical removal of hypertrophied pituitary elements to reduce ACTH secretion Partial or total adrenalectomy followed by administration of adrenal steroids to compensate insufficiencies that develop

Adrenogenital syndrome (AG syndrome)

There is conegenital deficiency of steroid hydroxylases leading to deficient secretion of cortisol. Since cortisol, the major feedback effector is not present, ACTH secretion continues leading to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

21 Hydroxylase Deficiency:
21 Hydroxylase Deficiency is the most common type, where the production of cortisol is totally absent. The lack of feedback leads to increased androgen synthesis. This would result in Virilization of female children who develop ambiguous genitalia. precocious puberty is seen in male children. Early diagnosis and supplementation of cortisol is effective in children.

11-Hydroxylase Deficiency:

In this condition, the symptoms are more serious.

The hypertensive variety of the AG syndrome manifests and the child may not survive.

Estimation of Glucocorticoids secrtion:

1) Basal level of cortisol: The plasma cortisol level is determined by RIA ELISA CLIA (chemiluminiscent immuno assay ) The normal range is 5-25 microgram/dl of at 9AM and 2-5 microgram/dl at 10 pm.

2) Estimation of urinary free cortisol:

The free cortisol in plasma is the biologically active fraction. High levels are seen in hyperfunction and low levels in hypoactivity 3) Plasma ACTH: Suppressed ACTH levels are seen in hyperadrenalism and high ACTH levels in hypoadrenalism as well as in Cushings disease.

4) Dexamethasone suppression test

Dexamathasone produce a fall in cortisol secretion due to feedback suppression ofACTH. 5) Urinary steriods Estimation of 17-ketogenic steriods is indecated only in AG syndrome. 6) Stimulation test Infusion of synthetic ACTH ( synacthen or tetra cosactrin ) is given In the absense of reserve, stimulation tests fail to the any response

7) Metyrapone test :
metyrapone inhibits the hydrolase enzyme. when it is given, cortisol is not formed. Then there is no feedback inhibitory effect. Hence, alternate pathways of sex steriods are more operative and the urinary excretion of 17ketosteriods tends to elevate. 8) CRH test: The test is of importance in establishing the cause of adrenal hyperfunction ( primary, secondary or tertiary)

Normal ranges:
Aldosterone : 6 20 ng/ml Corticosterone : 130- 820ng/dl Cortisol : in 9 AM 5-25microgram/dl midnight 2-5 microgram/dl Progesterone: 12- 30 ng/ml Epinephrine 10- 100pg/ml nonEpinephrine70-700pg/ml

NORMAL VALUE OF CORTISOL : plasma 9 AM -------------------------130 600 nmol / L MIDNIGHT---------------30 - 130 nmol / L

Immunoassay for 17- alpha-hydroxy progesterone Normal value : urine

female : 5.5 22 mol / d MALE : 8 22 mol / d

1) VMA (Vanilimandilic acid) : normal level 2-6mg/day

Estimated by antibody method

2) HVA (Homovanilic acid) in urine: metabolite of dopa and dopamine

VMA /HVA ratio >1 has better prognosis in neuroblastoma


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