Questions Lecture - 2

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Dr. M.

1 - A 36-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after sustaining an
injury to the ear in a motor vehicle accident. Examination shows missing
perichondrium and denuded and exposed cartilage. Each of the following
treatment options is appropriate EXCEPT :-

(A) Coverage with a local flap
(B) Coverage with a skin graft
(C) Excision of the cartilage followed by skin grafting
(D) Open treatment of the cartilage followed by delayed reconstruction
(E) Wedge resection and primary closure

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
2 - A23-year-old woman complains of progressive loss of vision and papilledema.
Investigations show normal findings on CT scan. A lumbar puncture shows
marked elevation of pressure. The most likely diagnosis is :

(A) Pseudotumor cerebri
(B) Corpus cavernous thrombosis
(C) Cavernous sinus thrombosis
(D) Retinoblastoma
(E) Chordoma

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
3 - Four days after undergoing hysterectomy, a 30- year-old woman develops
phlegmasia cerulea dolens over the right lower extremity. What is the most
appropriate treatment?

(A) Bed rest and elevation
(B) Systemic heparinization
(C) Venous thrombectomy
(D) Prophylactic vena caval filter
(E) Local urokinase infusion

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
4 - A 6-month-old boy was born with hypospadias. This condition is due to failure in
the development of which of the following?

(A) Urogenital fold
(B) Mllerian system
(C) Genital tubercle
(D) Urachus
(E) Vitelline duct
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
5 - An absolute contraindication to breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer

(A) Large tumor
(B) Tumor of high grade
(C) Early pregnancy
(D) Retroareolar tumor
(E) Clinical axillary nodes

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
6 - A 37-year-old man is involved in a motor vehicle accident. His chest x-ray shows
a widened mediastinum. An aortogram demonstrates a descending thoracic aortic
injury. He is also noted to have a grade II splenic injury.
Which of these approaches should NOT be used to repair the aortic injury?

(A) Total cardiopulmonary bypass
(B) Partial cardiopulmonary bypass using a Gott shunt
(C) Left atrial to left femoral bypass using a nonheparinized pump
(D) Clamp and sew without cardiopulmonary bypass
(E) None of the above

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
7 - A 47-year-old man presents with a 4-cm anterior mediastinal mass. The
preoperative diagnosis is thymoma. Which is the appropriate operative approach for

(A) Median sternotomy
(B) Video-assisted thoracoscopic resection
(C) Clamshell incision
(D) Cervical incision
(E) All of the above

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
8 - A college football player injures his knee while being tackle. He has a positive
anterior drawer test. The foot is slightly cooler than the uninjured foot; his dorsalis
pedis pulses are palpable but weaker. The next step in management should include:

(A) Elevation of the leg in a long-length splint
(B) Manual reduction of the knee joint in a 90? position
(C) Arteriogram to rule out popliteal artery injury
(D) Duplex ultrasonography of the superficial femoral artery
(E) Computed tomography (CT) scan of the leg

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
9 - A 7-year-old child undergoes general anesthesia for repair of an inguinal hernia.
Ten minutes into the operation, the patient is noted to have a temperature of 104?F,
tachycardia, and diffuse skeletal muscle rigidity. The most appropriate treatment for
this situation is:

(A) Hyperventilation to achieve a Pco2 <25 mm Hg
(B) Dantrolene sodium
(C) Subcutaneous heparin sodium
(D) Intramuscular epinephrine
(E) None of the above

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
10 - All the following statements are true regarding treatment for skin pressure ulcers,

(A) Sharp debridement is the most rapid and efficient method of removing
devitalized tissue
(B) Mechanical debridement may remove granulation tissue as well as nonviable
(C) Chemical debridement with enzymatic agents affects necrotic tissues such as
protein, fibrin, and collagen
(D) Autolytic debridement uses the body's enzymes to digest devitalized tissue
(E) Autolytic debridement is typically quite painful

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
11 - An established indication for coronary artery bypass grafting remains:

(A) Critical left main disease
(B) Triple-vessel disease with normal ventricular function
(C) 2-vessel disease of the right coronary and left circumflex arteries
(D) Distal left anterior descending artery disease
(E) Right coronary artery disease with congestive heart failure
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
12 - Following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass :

(A) Patients no longer need antihypertensive agents
(B) Diabetes improves after only modest weight loss
(C) Quality of life improves, but life expectancy is not lengthened
(D) Cholesterol levels fall by more than 70%
(E) Fertility is not improved in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
13 - Indications for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stenting of iliac
arteries include all of the following, EXCEPT :

(A) Ulcerated stenotic plaques
(B) Iliac arterial occlusions
(C) Arterial dissections after PTA
(D) Failure of PTA (residual stenosis >15%)
(E) Recurrent stenosis after PTA

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
14 - Immediate shock in the burn patient is caused by:

(A) Fluid loss through the burn wound
(B) Fluid shift to the extravascular compartment
(C) Edema of burned tissues
(D) Edema of unburned tissues
(E) Other injury

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
15 - All of the following statements are correct concerning skin grafts EXCEPT:

(A) Secondary contraction is greater in thin split-thickness skin grafts.
(B) Primary contraction is the result of myofibroblastic activity.
(C) Secondary contraction is primarily due to contraction of the recipient bed.
(D) Sensibility returns sooner in thin split-thickness skin grafts.
(E) Full-thickness skin grafts are cosmetically superior to split-thickness skin grafts.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
16 - Warthins Tumor :

(A) Is a pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland
(B) Should be treated by a total parotidectomy
(C) Is considered a benign salivary gland neoplasm
(D) Responds well to preoperative radiation therapy
(E) Often presents with facial nerve compression
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
17 - The best non invasive diagnostic procedure to diagnose diaphragmatic injury after
trauma is:

(A) Chest MRI.
(B) Chest CT scan.
(C) Chest xray.
(D) Chest ultrasound.
(E) Barium meal.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
18 - A patient with a non obstructing carcinoma of the sigmoid colon is being
prepared for elective resection. To minimize the risk of postoperative infectious
complications, your planning should include :

(A) A single preoperative parenteral dose of antibiotic effective against aerobes
and anaerobes
(B) Avoidance of oral antibiotics to prevent emergence of Clostridium difficile
(C) Postoperative administration for 24 days of parenteral antibiotics effective
against aerobes and anaerobes
(D) Postoperative administration for 57 days of parenteral antibiotics effective
against aerobes and anaerobes
(E) Operative time less than 5 h.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
19 - Clinical features of Plummer-Vinson syndrome include all
the following EXEPT:

(A) Atrophic oral mucosa
(B) Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
(C) Koilonychia
(D) Anemia
(E) Dysphagia
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
20 - Which one of the following statements about duodenal atresia and stenosis in the
newborn is NOT True:

(A) Prenatal detection of duodenal atresia has remained constant over the past three
(B) A mucosal web with a normal muscular wall is the most common duodenal
(C) The double-bubble sign on plain films is the classic x-Ray finding.
(D) Downs syndrome is identified in up to 25%of infants.
(E) Cardiac abnormalities are commonly associated with duodenal atresia
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
21 - In patients with colorectal cancer the serum CEA level is a clinically useful measure
for all reasons EXCEPT :

(A) Prognosis.
(B) Detection of recurrence.
(C) Guiding second-look operations.
(D) Following treatment response.
(E) Early diagnosis.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
22 - Which tumor marker is useful for the management of patients with breast

(A) CA 125.
(B) Inhibin.
(C) CA 19-9.
(D) CA 15-3.
(E) CEA.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
23 - Staples may safely be placed during laparoscopic hernia repair in each of the
following structures EXCEPT :

(A) Cooper's ligament.
(B) Tissues superior to the lateral iliopubic tract.
(C) The transversus abdominis aponeurotic arch.
(D) Tissues inferior to the lateral iliopubic tract.
(E) The iliopubic tract at its insertion onto Cooper's ligament.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
24 - Which of the following statements about the causes of inguinal hernia is

(A) Excessive hydroxyproline has been demonstrated in the aponeuroses of hernia
(B) Obliteration of the processus vaginalis is a contributing factor for the
development of an indirect inguinal hernia.
(C) Physical activity and athletics have been shown to have a protective effect
toward the development of inguinal hernias.
(D) Elevated levels of circulating serum elastalytic activity have been demonstrated
in patients with direct herniation who smoke.
(E) The majority of inguinal hernias are acquired.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
25 - Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning the treatment of
multisystem organ failure?

(A) Forced diuresis with negative fluid balance may decreases survival and causes
acute respiratory failure
(B) The titration of ionotropic drugs based on desired blood pressure optimizes the
(C) Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration is preferred to intermittent hemodialysis
for most critically ill patients
(D) Nutritional support should be withheld for several days until the patients
condition stabilizes
(E) Hepatic failure should be treated specifically with pharmacologic manipulation
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
26 - Which of the following statement or description typically characterizes the
syndrome of overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis?

(A) A syndrome of fulminant gram-negative bacteremia and septicemia in asplenic
individuals, characterized by the presence of as many as 106 bacterial organisms
per cu. mm. circulating in the bloodstream.
(B) A syndrome caused primarily by impaired host ability to mount an effective
humoral (immunoglobulin) response to infection.
(C) A syndrome that occurs in 5% to 7% of patients following traumatic splenectomy.
(D) A syndrome of rapidly appearing septic shock unresponsive to antibiotic therapy,
with an average mortality of 50%.
(E) The syndrome may be prevented by preserving as little as 15% of splenic mass in
adult trauma victims.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
27 - A 25-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle accident with a significant
head injury. Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning his injury
and management?

(A) A single episode of systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg occurring during the
early period after injury significantly increases the chances of mortality and
(B) Systemic hypertension should be avoided to reduce the risk of intracranial
(C) The patient should be vigorously hyperventilated to reduce PaCO2
(D) The patient should be heavily sedated and pharmacologically paralyzed after the
initial neurologic examination
(E) None of the above .

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
28 - A middle-aged man is undergoing laparotomy for blunt abdominal trauma. The
spleen and liver are both found to be injured. Which of the following statement
is TRUE concerning the management of these injuries?

(A) The incidence of life-threatening sepsis in the adult following splenectomy is no
greater than in the normal population
(B) If the patient has multiple other abdominal injuries and hypotension, splenic
salvage should not be attempted
(C) All liver injuries regardless of their depth require external drainage
(D) The Pringle maneuver should control all bleeding from hepatic parenchymal
(E) If concern for a biliary fistula from the liver parenchyma exists, a T-tube should
be placed even if the common bile duct is otherwise normal

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
29 - The clinical and histologic signs of invasive burn wound infection include All
of the following EXCEPT ?

(A) Focal dark red or dark brown discoloration of the eschar.
(B) Accelerated separation of the eschar.
(C) Conversion of an area of partial-thickness burn to full-thickness necrosis.
(D) The presence of micro-organisms in the unburned subcutaneous tissue in a burn
wound biopsy specimen.
(E) Perineural and perivascular microbial migration through the eschar with
proliferation of micro-organisms in the subeschar space.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
30 - The treatment of invasive burn wound infection may include All of the
following EXCEPT ?

(A) Subeschar infusion of half the daily dose of a broad-spectrum penicillin
suspended in 1 liter of normal saline.
(B) Use of 0.5% silver nitrate soaks for topical therapy.
(C) Specific systemic antibiotic therapy.
(D) Excision of the infected tissue and coverage with a biologic dressing.
(E) Amputation when the infection has extended to involve underlying muscle.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
31 - The treatment of patients with high-voltage electric injury differs from that of
patients with conventional thermal injury with respect to the need for All of the
following EXCEPT ?

(A) Fasciotomy.
(B) Hemodialysis.
(C) Amputation.
(D) Pulse oximetry.
(E) Prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
32 - Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning radiation therapy after

(A) The total dose given to the breast is usually in the range of 2500 to 3000 cGy
(B) Radiation to the axillary nodal bed is normally part of the procedure in most
(C) Long-term complications of radiation therapy include rib fractures and arm edema
(D) Breast edema and skin erythema usually resolves within a few weeks
(E) None of the above

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
33 - A 21-year-old woman presents with an asymptomatic breast mass. Which of the
following statement is TRUE concerning her diagnosis and treatment?

(A) Mammography will play an important role in diagnosing the lesion
(B) Ultrasonography is often useful in the differential diagnosis of this lesion
(C) The mass should always be excised
(D) The lesion should be considered pre-malignant
(E) None of the above
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
34 - Which of the following statement is CORRECT concerning Cystosarcoma
Phyllodes of the breast ?

(A) Cystosarcoma phyllodes is a tumor arising in the ductal tissue of the breast
(B) The tumor is most commonly seen in post-menopausal women
(C) Total mastectomy is necessary for all patients with this diagnosis
(D) Axillary lymph node dissection is not necessary for malignant Cystosarcoma
(E) Most patients with the malignant variant of Cystosarcoma phyllodes die of
metastatic disease

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
35 - All of the following statements about surgical management of gastric lymphomas
are true EXCEPT :

(A) Stage I gastric lymphomas (small lesions confined to the stomach wall) can be
cured completely with surgical therapy alone.
(B) Extensive gastric lymphomas that initially are treated with radiation and/or
chemotherapy occasionally perforate during treatment and require secondary
(C) Patients explored with a presumptive diagnosis of gastric lymphoma should
undergo an attempt at curative resection when this is safe and feasible.
(D) Without a preoperative diagnosis resection for gastric mass should not be
attempted unless lymphoma can be excluded.
(E) Appropriate staging for primary gastric lymphoma includes bone marrow biopsy.

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
36 - All of the following have been used successfully to treat patients with
vascular compression of the duodenum EXCEPT :

(A) Subtotal gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy.
(B) Total parenteral nutrition.
(C) Division of the ligament of Treitz and duodenal mobilization.
(D) Nasojejunal feeding tube placed past the ligament of Treitz
(and the obstructed area).
(E) Duodenojejunostomy.
Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
37 - All of the following measures have been recommended for control of acid
secretion in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome EXCEPT :

(A) Antrectomy.
(B) Highly selective vagotomy.
(C) Total gastrectomy.
(D) Vagotomy and pyloroplasty.
(E) Medical therapy with Prilosec (omeprazole).

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
38 - A 38-year-old woman with a 17 year history of oral contraceptive use presents
with right upper quadrant pain. A CT scan demonstrates a 4 cm lesion in the right
lobe of the liver. Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning the
patients diagnosis and management?

(A) The lesion is likely premalignant
(B) A 99mTc sulfur colloid scan will distinguish this benign lesion from a malignant
(C) The lesion would be expected to be hypervascular on angiographic study
(D) The lesion is a benign condition and does not associated with any complication .
(E) The likelihood of developing this lesion appears to be related to the estrogen
intake regardless the duration and dosage .

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
39 - All of the following statements are true concerning the prognosis of patients
with hepatic metastases and colorectal carcinoma EXCEPT:

(A) Over half of these patients will survive one year without treatment
(B) Five year survivals following hepatic resection for an isolated metastasis is in
excess of 25%
(C) Survival beyond five years after resection suggests a high probability of cure
(D) Survival rates are improved with a margin of resection greater than 1 cm
(E) The size of a liver metastasis is not a significant factor in predicting recurrence if
adequate margins can be obtained

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki
40 - All of the following statements are true concerning gallstone ileus EXCEPT :

(A) The diagnosis may be suggested by plain abdominal radiograph
(B) Primary surgical management consists of relief of obstruction without doing
cholecystectomy since many of the patients are elderly and ill
(C) Gallstone ileus accounts for less than 5% of all causes of intestinal obstruction
(D) Typical patients are elderly with long-standing gallstone disease
(E) Cholecystoenteric fistulas are a rare form of gallbladder perforation
accounting less than 3% of all cases

Dr. M. Al-Shobaki

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