Intro To HTML & Javascript: (With A Little CSS, +libraries/frameworks)
This document provides an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related tools for building webpages. It covers the basic structure and elements of HTML, how to add styling with CSS either internally or via external stylesheets, and an overview of what JavaScript is and how it can be used to add interactivity to webpages. It also introduces various developer tools in Chrome for inspecting and debugging code.
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Intro To HTML & Javascript: (With A Little CSS, +libraries/frameworks)
This document provides an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related tools for building webpages. It covers the basic structure and elements of HTML, how to add styling with CSS either internally or via external stylesheets, and an overview of what JavaScript is and how it can be used to add interactivity to webpages. It also introduces various developer tools in Chrome for inspecting and debugging code.
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Intro to HTML & Javascript
(with a little CSS, +libraries/frameworks)
CS171 Lab 1 1/31/14 Introduction for today HTML & CSS Build and style a basic webpage
Javascript Introduce & review Javascript syntax and style. Link to libraries & start writing Javascript. Learn about the console and how to use Chromes inspector tool. Learn basic techniques to debugging Javascript
Homework 1 Get started with running a basic webserver & understanding the code
Before we begin Useful development tools. Target platform for all problem sets. Your work (assignments, etc) must be functional in Chrome. What is HTML? What is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Markup language, not a programming language. Provides instruction on how to render a page.
HTML is consists of elements built with start tags and end tags. Start tag example: <head> End tag example: </head> Element example: <head> . (stuff goes here) . </head>
In HTML, all elements are formed via tags. In HTML, all elements are formed via tags. HTML includes elements which include images, objects, videos, lists, links, quotes, and other items.. there are many types of tags! (use google!)
Tags also include attributes. Example: anchor tag. <a></a> Adding the href attribute allows for the creation of a link <a href="">CS50</a>.
HTML tags you might need to know
<title>My webpage</title> Puts the title of the web page in the title bar of your browser.
<a>My link</a> Creates links! Use the href attribute to represent the url.
<img> or <img /> Indicates that an image will be shown on the page. Use the src attribute to link to the image, use the alt attribute is used to provide a short description to the image.
<p>This is a paragraph!</p> Creates paragraph text in the document.
<h1> to <h6> <h1>Some header</h1> Provides header structure to your text. <h1> is the most important heading, <h2> is less important, etc
<ol>...</ol> Creates an ordered list (like a numbered list)
<ul>...</ul> Creates an unordered list (like bullet points)
<li>List item </li> Creates an item that belongs to a list
<html>...</html> Creates the entire HTML container.
<head>...</head> Creates the header (generally where the title and links to style sheets/scripts are found)
<body>...</body> Creates the section of html that contains content
<table>...</table> Creates a table in the document.
<tr>...</tr> Specifies a table row in a table.
<td>..</tr> Specifices a table cell in a table row
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css"> Points to an external file is linked to the current html document (often used for CSS external stylesheets)
<div>...</div> A division of a page. Used as an additional means to provide structure to HTML.
<script>...</script> Includes text inside this tag as script, most commonly text/javascript.
<form>..</form> Area enclosed by this tag is an HTML form that can accept user input.
<input></input> or <input /> Used inside an HTML form and is used to accept user input or submit the input, has attributes type and label which specify type of form input element.
<!-- ... > HTML comment tag. Used to add text to your document that will not be displayed in the browser and is useful to document the page. In HTML, all elements can have attributes HTML elements commonly have class and id attributes. These attributes are included inside the opening tag.
These attributes are used to select HTML elements later through CSS / Javascript
Class attribute class=example_class1 example_class2 Each element can have multiple classes, separated by spaces. The class attribute can be applied for multiple elmenets ID attribute id=example_id Each element can only have one class. The id attribute should be unique for one element. HTML follows a tree structure Your web browser renders HTML with a Document Object Model (DOM): Note: objects in the DOM tree can be added / removed / manipulated by Javascript Well check this out later in Chromes element inspector <html> <head> <title>My title</title> </head> <body> <a href=>My link</a> <h1>My header</h1> </body> </html> Getting Started with HTML You dont need to memorize all your tags! But you should know how to use class and id attributes for HTML elements.
These attributes will help label HTML elements so you can do things with them.
Open up your favorite text editor and create a new file called index.html. This doesnt look that good. <html> <head> <title>My First Visualization!</title>
<!-- My first visualization, created by __; 1/28/14 -->
</head> <body> <h1>My First Visualization</h1> <p>This is paragraph text describing my first visualization.</p> <button>This is a button for my visualization</button> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Header 1</th> <th>Header 2</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Cell 1</td> <td>Cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cell 3</td> <td>Cell 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
</body> </html> What is CSS? What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets Stylesheet language for the web, makes webpages look good. Includes the fonts, colors, and many other properties for web pages. CSS is applied to HTML elements, with CSS properties
Examples of CSS properties: color:red background-color:#fff; padding:20px; font-size:18px; display:none;
How do you start using CSS? <table style=margin-top:20px;></table> Inline (inside the HTML): <style type="text/css"> #datatable { margin-top:20px; } </style> In the document: <link href="path/to/file.css" rel="stylesheet"> In a separate file: How does external CSS work? In a Cascading Style Sheet file you select elements based on class and id attributes in the HTML, then apply properties. 1. Add class and id attributes to HTML elements: Ex: <table> to <table id=datatable1 class=dataelement> 2. Add CSS selectors to these classes/ids in the CSS document:
Using a class Add a period (.) before the class, use brackets .dataelement { color:red; } Using an id Add a hash (#) before the id, use brackets #datatable{ color:red; } Learning CSS There are a lot of different types of selectors and CSS properties, we wont have time to cover it all. (google is your friend)
CSS Demo 1. Create a new file called styles.css in the same directory as the previous HTML file you worked on 2. Add this to your header:
<link href=styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
Chrome Developer Tools Google Chrome has a set of tools that makes styling and visualizing the HTML document easier:
Menu > Tools > Developer Tools or Ctrl + Shift + I or Right click on webpage > Inspect element
What is Javascript? What is Javascript? A programming language for web browsers generally executed client-side (in your web browser) Javascript code is written in scripts which are run when the page renders. There are two ways to include Javascript In the document: <script type="text/javascript"> alert(This is your first line of Javascript!!); </script>
In a separate file: <script src=viz.js"></script> (this simply loads the content of the file as if it were Javascript)
A Javascript file is simply a text file with a .js extension which contains Javascript.
Why Javascript? Javascript can do a lot!
Example: responding to clicks, adding svg (graphics) elements, creating elements from data, etc. Javascript 101 Check out the browser methods at: If you are completely new, also refer to the tutorial at: For those experienced with programming, the syntax is similar to C and PHP.
Programming (with Javascript) can be frustrating!
Javascript 101 First Steps
<script> alert(hello world!);
//This is your first comment! </script>
This is actually just HTML telling the browser that Javascript is coming. This is a line of Javascript. Here we call the alert() function with the string hello world! The alert() function displays a message box in your browser. You can include script tags anywhere in your document. The page will execute the Javascript in the order that is included in the page. You can create comments in Javscript by adding // to the beginning of the line. The browser will ignore these lines. Javascript 101 Functions Functions are sets of code that are executed. To execute a piece of code, you call a function. You can also call a function with arguments. Some functions are already defined by the browser (this is what gives us interactivity with the web browser)! In the earlier example, we called the function alert with the argument hello world.
<script> alert(hello world!); </script> //(the function alert is already defined in the browser) Javascript 101 Functions (cont) Two ways to define functions in Javascript:
To run the code in the function, simply call
<script> myfirstfunction(); </script>
function myfirstfunction(){ //some code to be executed } var myfirstfunction = function(){ //some code to be executed } Javascript 101 Functions (cont., 2) You dont always need functions! Any code in the script tag is automatically run as the page reaches the script tag.
<script> alert(Hello world); //This code is run as the page redners </script>
Why use functions? To pass in arguments and prevent code redundancy/repetition. To use functions that have already been written for you. To make your code better! (and other reasons) Javascript 101 Variables Javascript allows you to store variables (values) to be used and manipulated later. Creating a variable involves declaring a variable and naming the variable. Javascript is dynamically typed (so you dont need to declare what type of value it is):
<script> var num1 = 1; var num2 = 2; var string = two; var bool = false; </script>
Do you need to use var when declaring the variable for the first time? Generally, yes. While your code may work without the var declaration, the scope of your variable is global. Unless you know what youre doing, always use var. Javascript 101 Variable Scope Javascript variables have the scope in which they are declared:
<script> var g = "global"; function go() { var l = "local"; }
alert(g); // alerts with global alert(l); // throws a reference error </script> Javascript 101 Basic Operations in JS
<script> var num1 = 1; var num2 = 2; var str2 = two; var str3 = three; var bool = false;
var num3 = num1 * num2; // 2 var foo = str2 + str3; // twothree var bar = !bool; // true var baz = num1 + str3; // 1three
</script> Javascript 101 Arrays Javascript allows you to create arrays which can store related values. Creating an array is similar to creating a variable:
<script> var days = [Mon, Tue, Wed] alert(days[0]); //alerts user with Mon var foo = days[1]+days[2]; // TueWed alert(days.length); //alerts user with 3 </script>
Arrays are zero-indexed. Which means that the first item in the array has an index value of zero. Arrays have a length property. To access the length of a list, use (arrayname).length Javascript 101 Arrays (2) JavaScript includes a number of methods for array manipulation:
Array.shift() Removes the first item from an array, returns the removed element Array.pop() Removes and returns the last item Array.push() Adds one (or more) items to the end of an array
see documentation for more.
if (condition) { // do this } else if (condition) { //do something else } else { //do something different } Javascript 101 Logic and Control (1) <script> var days = [Mon, Tue, Wed]; if (days[0]==Mon) { alert(Monday); } else if (days[0]==Tue) { alert(Tuesday) } else { alert(Wednesday); } </script> If statements
//While loops while (condition) { //do something repeatedly } Javascript 101 Logic and Control (3) <script> var days = [Mon, Tue, Wed]; //For loop 1 for(var i in array){alert(days[i]);}
//While loop var i=0; while(i<days.length){ alert(days[i]); i++; //Prevent infinite loops } </script> Different types of loops
How it works Example
Javascript 101 The Console Google Chrome has a Javascript console that makes debugging (find errors in your code) and interacting with your Javascript easier:
Menu > Tools > JavaScript Console or Ctrl + Shift + J or Right click on webpage > Inspect element > Console
Javascript 101-Using the Console In the console: You will see errors that occurred while running your Javascript Messages that you sent yourself via the console.log() function The output from Javascript that you run in the console.
Javascript 101-Using the Console The console.log function is incredibly useful. Try it! (in the console, you dont need to write script tags, just type each statement in)
The console is a great place to examine the structure and value of your variables. To examine data, use console.log(variable).
<script> var days = [Mon, Tue, Wed];
for(var i in days){ console.log(days[i]); } </script> Learning basic Javascript Open the previous HTML file
What were doing: Create a <script> </script> tag in the header. Create a function called clickFunction clickFunction will use: Alert Console Add onclick="clickFunction() to the button element. If you finish early: explore Javascript functions in the console
Recap HTML A browser displays HTML, which is rendered by the browser. Provides structure Follows the specification of the Document-object Model (DOM) CSS Provides presentation (style, layout, colors, etc) Operates via selectors CSS3 Javascript Provides interaction Programming language used in web browsers What is SVG? What is SVG? Stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, a standard for graphics in web pages. SVG allows us to create graphic objects in markup, and also manipulate them with Javascript!
Getting started with SVG Browse the specification at:
Tags you might want to try: <rect></rect> <circle></circle>
To get started, add this to your index.html file: <svg xmlns="" version="1.1"> <rect width="300" height="100" style="fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:1;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" /> <circle cx="80" cy="170" r="40 fill="yellow" stroke="blue" /> </svg>
Again, SVG Elements can also be styled with CSS
Libraries and Frameworks Dont waste time reinventing the wheel! Libraries and Frameworks What if someone already made libraries to make programming in Javascript easier and faster? What if someone already created CSS stylesheets that include standards in current UI design?
jQuery Makes DOM manipulation, animation, event-handling, and AJAX easier and simple. Most widely used Javascript library, many plugins are built with jQuery Extremely powerful. D3.js data-driven documents Some overlap with jQuery in terms of event handling, selection, etc. Allows for binding of data to elements! Bootstrap Front-end framework dependent on jQuery Focused on presentation, makes elements across the web consistent Extremely popular. Youll probably recognize some (modified) bootstrap when you see it. Libraries and Frameworks How do you include jQuery, d3.js, and Boostrap?
These tags allow you to include the JavaScript and CSS files written by other people into your HTML document. (you can also download them locally and include them that way if you dont always have internet connection).
jQuery vs d3.js + learning more If you have already used jQuery: There is significant overlap:
jQuery is generally used to manipulate the DOM, d3.js allows for data-binding You could write whole books on how to use these libraries. Search the documentation/Google on what youre looking for. This is an important skill!'#foo') .style('background', '#000') .on('click', function() {}) .append('div'); $('#foo') .css('background', '#000') .click(function() {}) .append($('<div></div>')); Getting Started with Homework 1 Downloading the files 1. Go to 2. In a location of your choice:
git clone
Note: please create repository named cs171-hw1-lastname- firstname and copy the files over when you submit. Downloading the files 1. Go to 2. In a location of your choice:
git clone
Note: please create repository named cs171-hw1-lastname- firstname and copy the files over when you submit. Running a webserver 1. Navigate to the HW1 directory which you just created 2. Start a local web server with the following command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Note: you need Python installed for this. (You probably already have this installed; if not, ask one of us for help) Runninng a webserver 1. Navigate to the HW1 directory which you just created 2. Start a local web server with the following command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Note: you need Python installed for this. (You probably already have this installed; if not, ask one of us for help) Understanding table.html 1. Navigate to the HW1 directory which you just created 2. Visiting the following address in your browser:
Understanding table.html d3.tsv(url[, accessor][, callback]) Issues an HTTP GET request for the tab-separated values (CSV) file at the specified url.
var table ="body").append("table"), tbody = table.append("tbody");
var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr") .data(data) .enter() .append("tr");
Understanding table.html (2) var table ="body").append("table"), tbody = table.append("tbody"); var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr") .data(data) .enter() .append("tr"); var cells = rows.selectAll("td") .data(function(row) { return d3.range(Object.keys(row).length).map(function(column, i) { return row[Object.keys(row)[i]]; }); }) .enter() .append("td") .text(function(d) { return d; }); }); Understanding table.html (3) var table ="body").append("table"), tbody = table.append("tbody"); var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr") .data(data) .enter() .append("tr"); var cells = rows.selectAll("td") .data(function(row) { return d3.range(Object.keys(row).length).map(function(column, i) { return row[Object.keys(row)[i]]; }); }) .enter() .append("td") .text(function(d) { return d; }); }); Summary HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the building blocks of the web experience. SVG and d3.js make beautiful data visualization possible. Questions?
Addendum 1: d3 vs jQuery