Grammar Degrees of Comparasion

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Degrees of comparasion

Main Points
You add -er for the comparative and
-est for the superlative of one-syllable
adjectives and adverbs.
You use -er and -est with two
syllable adjectives.
You use more for the comparative
and most for the superlative of most
two syllable adjectives.
Some common adjectives and
adverbs have irregular forms.
1You add -er for the comparative form and-
est for the superlative form of one or two
syllable adjectives and adverbs.If they end in
-er you add-rand-st.
Ex:This is the cheapest object in the store.
If they end in a single vowel and
consoant(exceptw),double the consoant.
EX:Paul was the biggest of them.

2With two syllable adjectives and
adverbs ending in a consoant and -
y,you change the -y to-i and -er
and est:
Ex:It couldnt be easier.
That is the funniest part of the film.

3you use more for the comparative
and most for the superlative of most
two syllable adjectives,and adverbs
ending in ly.
Careful-more careful-most careful
Beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful
Seriously-more serioulsy-most
EX:Be more careful next time.
They are the most beautiful gardens in
the world.
It affected China most seriously.

Degrees of comparasion
Em Ingls os adjetivos e advrbios
podem aparecer nos graus
normal,comparativo ou superlativo.
Comparative of;not;
EX:Im as strong as you quanto
She is not as intelligent as Peter. No to
Comparative of inferiority:less...than;
EX:The book is less interisting than that
one. menos que

Comparative of superiority:more...than
EX:She is more intelligent than Bob.
Mais que
Superlative of inferiority:the least...
EX:He is the least strong of the
boys.o/a menos
Superlative of superiority:the most...
This is the most expensive car in
town.o/a mais

Irregular Comparative and
Positive Comparative
Good/well- better best
Bad/badly- worse worst
Far - farther farthest
further furthest
Old - older oldest
elder eldest
Ex:She knew him better than every one.
She sat near the furthest window.

Positive,comparative and superlative
Positive degree
An adjective in the positive degree
expresses the pure quality of na object
without making a comparation with
other objects.
EX:The night is warm.
Annas dress is beautiful.

Comparative degree
In the comparative degree,one object
holds a greater or lesser degree of a
quality than the object(s) with is
Ex:This house is smaller than that
This picture is more beautiful than that
The dogs today is less violent than the
ones yesterday.
Superlative Degree
The superlative degree is the highest
degree of comparasion for adjectives
.An object modified by an adjective in
the superlative degree holds the
greatest or least degree of the quality
of that adjective.
Ex:The story is the best of all the
She is the most beautiful girl in the
This is the largest house in our city.
Teacher Lenita Tavares

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