Liquid Penetrating Testing

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Prepaired by dilip tiwari
Testing is process which helps to indentify
your job is in the form homogeneous or not.

There are two types of testing .

1-destructive testing

2-non destructive testing

Destructive testing

In destructive testing that given the information
about ( surface, sub surface and internal) of
any job with destroying. Example
tensile test,
fracture test,

Tensile test
Non destructive test

In this method the given the information about
( surface, sub surface, internal ) of any job
without destroying of job.

There are 13 types of non destructive testing .
But there are 6 method is very popular

Type of non destructive testing

There are six methods are very popular in
modern industries.
1- Visual testing
2- liquid penetrating testing
3-Magantinc particle testing
4-Eddy currents
5- Ultrasonic testing
6- Radiography testing

Course done by SKILL MART

Liquid penetrating testing

Magnetic particle testing

Ultrasonic testing

Radiography testing

Purpose of the testing
Increase the quality the product.

Reduced the time

Reduced the cost.

Save the human life

These are all benefits of testing.

Liquid penetrating test
Magnetic particle testing
Radiography testing
Liquid penetrating testing- based on CAPILLARY

Magnetic particle testing based on MAGNATIC

Ultrasonic testing based on piezo electric effect

Radiography testing based on absorption of

There are two methods applicable for
dictation of surface discontinuity.

1-Visual testing

2-Liquid penetrating testing

Visual testing
Liquid penetrating testing
There are two methods applicable for sub
surface discontinuity.

1-Magnetic particle testing

2-Eddy currents

Magnetic particle
Eddy currents
There are two methods applicable for internal

1-Ultrasonic testing

2-Radiography testing

Ultrasonic testing
Radiography testing
Use of NDT

Liquid penetrating testing

Liquid penetrating is part of
ndt. It helps to find out the
surface discontinuity of the
any materials by specials
Advantage of liquid penetrating

LPT done all type of materials.
It is very easy to apply.
Less training required.
It portables.
There are no electric facility required.

Disadvantage of liquid
penetrating testing

LPT is not done on porous materials.
It will given the information only open the
surface discontinuity.
All materials has highly inflammables.
All materials are toxic.
It is required the electric facility required.

Application of LPT

We can done the liquid perpetrating testing for
different place.
Round bar

Procedure of LPT
There are five procedure in LPT. The following
steps are given below.
Surface preparation
Apply the penetrates
Excess removal of penetrating
Apply the developer
Post cleaning
Video clip of water
washable method of LPT
Surface preparation
LPT is totally depends upon the surface
preparation. There are ten method for prepared of
1-Blow airdust only
2-Water washables..dust and soil
3-Vapors degreasing.oil, grease, and gum
4-Emulsifore oil, grease, and gum
5-Ultrasonic testing oil, grease, and
( IF part are small and mask quantity)

Surface preparation
6-Solvent removal method oil,
grease, and gum ( only ferrous materials)
The solvent method has portables. This is
the unique property of this method.
7-Sand blasting.paints, varnish,
and resin
8-Grid blasting.paints, varnish,
and resin
Grid blasting is applicable only which
materials has more than hardness 45 HRC.
Surface preparation
9-Etching corrosion
After etching the job heating is necessary
because the hydrogen gas has reduces the
sensitivity of LPT indication.
10-Manual method-There are two type of
manual method
Wire brushing (this method is prohibited)
Grinding..rust particles, spatters
Blow air
1-Blow air
dust only
This method is very
useful for rough
Water washables method
2-Water washables
dust and soil
This method is
applicable only non
ferrous materials.
After this method
the surface should
be dry.

Vapour digressing
3-Vapors degreasing
oil, grease, and gum
This types of
contaminates are
water insoluble so
vapoure breaks the
bond and makes
these contaminants
soluble into the water.
This is most popular
in ndt method due to

Emulsifier method
oil, grease, and
The emulsifier is a
type of detergents
which breaks the
organic molecules of
the contaminants
makes them water

Ultrasonic testing
If emulsifier method is
not done quickly then
ultrasonic method is
This method is very
useful for small and
mass quantity of
This method is very
This method is used
in production line.
Solvent removal method
This method is very
useful for the ferrous
This is portables so it is
used in urban area.
In this we use the
solvent like alcohol,
organic oils, cleaner,
First we removed the
excess penetrate by
hand wipe then
remaining penetrate
remove by solvent.
Sand blasting
This method is
removing for paints,
varnish, and resin.
The sand blasting
generally not
recombdate coz it
cover the
It is used for soft
Grid blasting
This method is
remove the paints,
resin, and varnish.
This method is used
only such type of
materials which has
more than 45 HRC.

This method is very
useful for remove the
This is removed by
After using this
method the heating is
necessary coz the
hydrogen is leaving
the surface of job
otherwise it will effect
the results.

Manual method
The manual method
is done by grinding
and brushing.
This method is
remove the rust
particles and spatters.
In the liquid
penetrating method
the brushing method
is prohibited because
this method the linear
false indication.

Dyes is colorful dye.
Which apply after the
surface preparation.
There are three type
of dye.
Visible dye
Fluorescent dye
Dual dye
The dye are different
color like pink, yellow
blacks, brown and

Visible dye
In the visible dye we
makes by some
adding some dye.
This is called
The penetrates are
different color but pink
color are most
The visible
penetrates generally
in day shift. The
minimum light
intensity required
1000 lux.

Fluorescent dye

Fluorescent dye is type of pigments which
absorbed the U.V light and emits the visible
light. This type of dye used in night shift.
The fluorescent is working on the basis of light
returns in the darkened area. On the job
surface the light intensity is 20 lux only.
The minimum U.V light intensity required 1000

Dual dye

This type of dyes is
combination of the visible
dye and fluorescent dye.

Properties of penetrates
The penetrates have following properties.
The penetrates should have to spread well.
the penetrates should have to essay
remove the job after done LPT.
The penetrates should have to no chemical
reaction to the job surface.
The penetrates have to low vaioporastion.
Non toxic

Method of the penetrates
There are four method to apply the penetrates
on the job surface.
Dipping method ( 100% of LPT to the job)
Flowing method ( large job but small
interested area)
Spraying method ( this method is
Brushing method ( used when all method
not possible)
Dwell time
After apply the penetrates the the dwell time is
started means the penetrates taken some time
entre into the discontinuity. This is called dwell
The dwell time is depends upon the following
Size of discontinuity. Dwell time
Temperature of the job. Dwell time
The dwell time generally from 5 minutes to
the 30 minutes.
Excess removal of the
After dwell time of the penetrates then we
remoive the penetrates. There are four type of
excess of the penetrates from the surface.

Water soluble method (method A)
Emulsifier method (method B)
Solvent removal method (method C)
Post emulsification method (method D)

Water washable method
In this method the excess removal method is
removed by the water.
The all penetrates is made of oily so it is
always water insoluble's.
So this type penetrates have to emulsifier has
the bottles itself. So emulsifier makes them
water soluble.
This method is very useful for rough surface,
keyways, threads, where penetrates are

Advantage of water
1-Fast economical test process.
2-Good and wide range of defect and rough
3-Easywash with water
4-Easily adaptable to small parts.
5- Good on rough surface keyways, and
6-Relatively inexpensive.
7-Idael for automation
Disadvantage of water
1-Not reliable in finding wide and shallow
2-Not as reliable on second and third running
of the parts.
3-Suspectible to over- washing.
4-Water contamination is more destructive to
this penetrates.
5- Required longer penetrates time.
6-affetced more by acid and chromates.
Solvent removal method
Solvent which cant removed directly with water
can be removed by use of organic solvents. The
solvents used are quite and dries quickly and
without a residue.
Normally the same type of solvent are used for
pre cleaning and removing excess cleaning.
The excess penetrates removal is performed by
wiping the parts surface only one direction with a
clean and lint free cloth. The proper producre is to
make a single pass then fold the cloth to expose
the clean cloth.
Solvent removal method
This will remove the most of the penetrates on
the surface. The remaining tracer are removed
by wiping with new cloth or paper lightly
wetted with solvent remover.
This process are done quickly using a
minimum cleaner if the operation is prolonged
or if excessive amount of cleaner used some
penetrates are removed from discontinuity.
Directly the applied the cleaner on job
surface is prohibited.
Advantage of the solvent
removal method

No water required.
No electricity for color contrast penetrates.
Spray can supplies fresh uncontaminated
Can be re run.
Less susceptible to over wash of penetrates if
used carefully ideal for large items.
Disadvantage of the solvent
removal method

Not as good as water wash on keyways,
threads and rough surface.
Less sensitive for wide shallow defect.
materials are more costly.
Less production than water wash.
Greater hazards of toxicity.
Flammability of cleaners.

Post emulsification
Hydrophilic emulsifiers are water based
viscous liquids and contains blends of non
ionic detergents, coupling agents, corrosion,
inhabits and dyes.
The hydrophilic emulsifier function by
displacing excess penetrate by detergents
These emulsifier are slow action oily lipophillic
emulsifier. Therefore it is easier control the
cleaning process. Because it is incompatible
with water pre rising prior to application of
remover to recomdate.
Post emulsification
Hydrophilic removers are applied by
immersion in an aqueous solution. The
concentration of emersions varies between the
range from 2.5% to 30%.
The emulsion times varies from 20 seconds to
5 minutes.
The hydrophilic solution are also applied by
spray or a foam.
The monitor of concentration of solution is
measured by the refractor meter.
Advantage of post
emulsification penetrates

Good on wide shallow defect.
Washed well after emulsification.
Short penetration time.
Good production especially on large parts.
Normally not affected by acid and chromates..
Suitable for smooth surface.

Disadvantage of post
emulsification penetrates

Additional step are required in process for
application of emulsifier.
materials are more costly.
Not as good as water wash on keyways,
threads, and rough surface.
Usually need UV systems.
Developer are very fine and white powders
applied as dry and with a liquid carrier to a
form a thin uniform coating on the test surface.
There are two unction of each developer.
1- it will gave the basic back ground of your
job thats why the developer increase the
2- the developer increase the indication by
capillary action and provides the color
Developers are either applied wet or dry.
The desired end result is always a uniform,
highly porous, surface layer.
Since the quality control requirements for each
of the developer types is slightly different.
They will be covered individually.
The developer thickness are not more than
40 micron other wise it will covered the
small discontinuity.
There are generally three type of developer.

Dry developer
Wet developer
Water soluble
Water sensible
Solvent sensible developer

Dry developer
The dry developer is in the form of powdered.
It used by dipping and spraying by electro
static gun with 25 psi.
It has very low sensitivity.
Generally this method is useful for dry and
rough surface in presence of U.V light.
This will also removed by gently blow air which
has pressure 25 psi.

Wet developer
Wet soluble developer must be
completely dissolved in the water.
wet suspendable developer must be thoroughly
mixed prior to application.
The concentration of powder in the carrier
solution must be controlled in these developers.
The concentration should be checked at least
weekly using a hydrometer to make sure it meets
the manufacturer's specification.

Wet developer
These developers are applied immediately
after the final wash.
A uniform coating should be applied by
spraying, flowing or immersing the
They should never be applied with a brush.
It has higher sensitivity than dry developer.
Care should be taken to avoid a heavy
accumulation of the developer solution in
crevices and recesses
Solvent Suspendable
Solvent suspendable developers are typically
supplied in an sealed aerosol spray can.
Since the developer solution is in a sealed
vessel, direct check of the solution is not
The spray developer should produce a fine,
even coating on the surface of the part.
Make sure the can is well shaken and apply
a thin coating to a test article.
If the spray produces spatters or an uneven
coating, the can should be discarded.
Solvent Suspendable
When applying a solvent suspendable developer,
it is up to the inspector to control the thickness of
the coating.
Visible penetrate system, the developer
coating must be thick enough to provide a
white contrasting background but not heavy
enough to mask indications.
When using a fluorescent penetrate system, a
very light coating should be used.
The developer should be applied under white light
and should appear evenly transparent.
Development time
The time taken by remaining penetrate to
came out from the discontinuity. This is called
the development time.
The development time is depends upon the
following factors.
1- size of discontinuity
2- temperature of the job
Note= both factor are increased then
development time will also increased.
Procedure of the fluorescent

Surface preparation
Apply the fluorescent
U.V light
Post clean
Fluorescent is pigments which absorbs the
U.V light and emits the visible light. The
fluorescent is suspensible pigments that why
when you will spry on the job surface before
you will shake well.
There are generally two colour of fluorescent red,
orange and Irish green colour.
Fluorescent penetrates response is maximum
when exposed to 365nm wave length light.
The fluorescent penetrates are more
sensitivity than dye because they have lower
viscosity. can penetrates smaller discontinuity
and have excellent visibility.

Fluorescent indication are many time brighter
than their dark surrounding.
The brightness of the fluorescent is depends
upon intensity of the light and minimum 1000
Back ground white light illumination is to be
limited to 2o lux.
The fluorescent testing is very important to
ensure that the part surface is completely
free from acid, alkaline etc. these common
cleaner all kill the fluorescent completely.

Fluorescent penetrates should
never be used on surface which
has been proposed previously with
colour contrast penetrates. 1% of
the visible penetrates stop
completely stop the fluorescent
Level of the fluorescent
Fluorescent penetrates are designed for
different sensitivity level.
Level for casting and rough surface.
Level 1.sensitivity 50m NiCr crack
Level 2. Sensitivity 40m general
purpose use.
Level 3.sensitivity 20 to 30 m.
Level 4 .sensitivity 10m extremely
critical use

This sensitive determined by nickel and
titanium alloy panel containing very small
cracks on it.
Fluorescent brightness
Is the amount of visible light given off when a
fluorescent dyes is exposed to u v light.
It depends upon on.
The thickness of the penetrates film.
The intensity of the U.V light.
Amount of fluorescent dye and its
capability to absorbed U.V light.
The efficiency of the dye in converting the
released electron to visible light.
Use of penetrates
If there is dirt in crack
there is no room for the
penetrates to entre it and
the process will not work.
The part shall be cleaned
to open the discontinuity.
Penetrates application
The temperature of the test surface shiold be
between 10ocand 52oc.
The entire area must be wetted with a layer of
the penetrates and allowed to dwell.
The penetrate must not dry during dwell time.
The spraying method is best in all method
allow ell.
In immersion method dont allowed in the
penetrates and then drain out the penetrates

Dwell time application.
The penetrates is left on the test surface for
sufficient time to allow penetration into the
discontinuity opening.
The time involved depends on the viscosity of
the penetrates, the temperature of the parts
and the tightness of the discontinuity to be
Wrought product required longer penetration
time than cost product.
The penetration time is known as dwell time.

Dwell time application.
The dwell time used generally between 10 and
30 minutes.

form Type of flaw Minimum
dwell time
dwell time
m dwell
casting Porosity, cold shut 5 5 10
forging laps 10 10 10
All weldments Lack of fusion,
porosity, cracks
10 10 20
Developer application
To make the penetrate indication clearly
dateable a developing medium is used.
The developer blots the penetrates out of the
flaws, makes the indication larger and easer to
Non aqueous wet developer should be applied
only spraying only.
Larger time may be necessary for tight crack.
Developer provide a white background for
color contrast penetrates.

Interpretation of the indication
Discontinuity on or near surface are indicated
by retention of the particles patterns.
localized surface irregularities due to
machining marks, grinding marks, weld
ripples, may produced non relevant or false
Broad areas of particles accumulations which
might mask indications from discontinuity are
Such area shall be cleaned and reexamined.
Evolution of the indications
Evolution is process of the severity of the
condition after the discontinuity indications
have been interrupt.
Evaluation leads to the decision as to whether
the part must be rejected to be repaired are
directly accepted for use.
In LPT the discontinuity on size of indications
and not on actual size.
The recombdate development time as per
ASME Sec V is from 7 to 30 minutes.

After apply the developer the remaining is
comes out and shows some single. The single
is called the indication.
There are three type of indication.

False indication
Non relevant indication
Relevant indication
False indication

This type of indication by corner,
keyways, threads, yarns, grinding
marks, finger prints, tools marks and
improper cleaning.
False indication not a serious
discontinuity so it will accepted in our
In nondestructive inspection, an
indication that may be interpreted
erroneously as a Discontinuity

Non relevant indication

These are true indications produced by
leakage fields.
The conditions causing them are present by
design or accident, or other features of the part
having no relation to the damaging flaws being
The term signifies that such an indication has
no relation to discontinuities that might
constitute defects..
Relevant indication

This type of discontinuity are coming from
true discontinuity. The relevant indication
effect on future usefulness of the

There are two type of relevant indication
Round indication
Linear indication

Round indication

This type of indication is length always
smaller than 3 times of the width. That
indication are called round indication.
blow holes,
pin holes etc.

Linear indication
This type of indication has length always
greater than the 3 times of the width.
Like undercut,
crater crack,
lack of fusion,
lack of penetration
Blow holes
These indication found only
when it is open to the surface
Code and standard
By ASME code the acceptance criteria of

1- We can not acceptance the linear indication.
2- We accept the single round indication up to
3- more than tree non relevant indication is not
accepted where there space between less
than 1.6mm.
Post cleaning

This is last step of LPT
procedure . The post cleaning
is necessary
1- every materials of LPT is chemical .
2--Which is causes to harm of our part as
time passes.
3-without cleaning we cant not giving the
finial touch or painting.

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