Toeic 700 Lesson 4 Tenses & Conditionals

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Lesson 5: Tenses and

Your Logo
Past Perfect
Present Future
Your Logo
Overview of the English Verb Tense/Aspect System

(BE + verb+ing)
ive (HAVE +
Present *
Past * *

Future *

Your Logo

Your Logo

Your Logo

Your Logo
The authority to convict a man of driving 95km/h in an
(A) seek
(B) seeks
(C) was seeking
(D) will seek
zone on Bollwell Street in July last year.
Ihr Logo
Simple Present Tense
Your Logo
simple present tense
He always comes late to class.
=> habit
The sun rises in the east.
=> (unchanging truth)
They are friendly.
=> general statement of fact)
Your Logo
simple present tense
Always Whenever Everyday
Usually Often Frequently
Sometimes Rarely Occasionally
never generally

Your Logo
simple present tense
I study I wait
You study You wait
S/he/it studies s/he/it waits
We study we wait
They study they wait
Your Logo
simple present tense
Diagram--time on a line
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Simple Past Tense
Your Logo
1. My father and his friends play football
every Sunday.
2. My father and his friends played
football last Sunday.
3. He is handsome.
4. He was handsome when he was
Simple past: to talk about something
happened in the past.
Your Logo
Simple Past Tense
He was late to class yesterday.
=> Completed action in the past
We arrived three weeks ago.
=> Completed action in the past
She always wrote a letter to her mother on
Sunday night.
=> Past habit

Your Logo
The Simple Past Tense is Used:
When an activity or situation began and
ended at a particular time in the past--in
other words, when an activity or situation
is completed in the past
To refer to past habits

Your Logo
Simple Past Tense
Last night/ week / year /month / Saturday /
semester / etc.
The other day

In + past year
Previous + week / month / year

Your Logo
Simple Past Tense
I studied I waited
You studied You waited
S/he/it studied S/he/it waited
We studied We waited
They studied They waited
Your Logo
Simple Past Tense
Diagram--time on a line
Your Logo
1. You ___________ worried. Is something
A: seem
B: seems
C: are seeming
D: are seemed
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Your Logo
2. He usually ___________ the bus to
school but this morning he took the taxi
A: take
B: takes
C: has taken
D: had taken
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Your Logo
3. When the shipment __________, he will
dispatch it to the proper department.
A: will come in
B: is coming in
C: comes in
D: is going to come in
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Ihr Logo
The Present Perfect
A tense very commonly used in English to refer to the
Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
They have already seen that movie.
=> unspecified time before now
We have visited New York City many
=> repeated activity before now

Your Logo
I have just eaten.
=> an action has recently been completed
before now
I have studied Spanish for many years.
=> action not completed in the past
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Your Logo
The Present Perfect is Used:
When an activity happened at an
unspecified time in the past (before the
When an activity has been repeated
several times before now
When an activity was very recently
completed before now
When an activity is not completed in the
Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
Before Ever Never
So far Already Yet
Just Recently For
Since Up to now Up to the

As of today

Your Logo
In the past years
For the past two years
For the last two months
Over the last three years
During the last fiscal year
Throughout the year

Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
Form 1
have or has + past participle
I have studied . . . I have seen . . .
You have studied . . . You have seen . . .
S/he/it has studied . . S/he/it has seen . . .
We have studied . . . We have seen . . .
They have studied . . . They have seen . . .
Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
Form 2
I've walked . . . I've grown . . .
You've walked . . . You've grown . . .
S/he/it's walked . . . S/he/it's grown . . .
We've walked . . . We've grown . . .
They've walked . . . They've grown . . .
Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
Diagram 1--time on a line
Your Logo
Present Perfect Tense
Diagram 2--time on a line
Your Logo
I had some spare money so I ________ a
A: bought
B: have bought
C: buy
D: am buying
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Your Logo
Past simple vs. Present
certain time in the past just / already / not yet
I (phone) Mary 2 minutes
I .. (just/phone) Mary.
Your Logo
Past simple vs. Present
emphasis on action emphasis on result

I had some spare money so I
.. (buy) a bike.

(I want to tell you what I did.)

I . (buy) a bike. I dont have
to walk to school any more.

(I want to express that I have a bike
Your Logo
1. Mr. Kent ___________ at the company
for the last 15 years.
A: worked
B: are working
C: works
D: has worked
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Your Logo
2. The semiconductor industry _________
at a tremendous rate over the last decade.
A: are progressing
B: were progressed
C: progress
D: has progressed
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Your Logo
3. The price of raw materials for paper
goods (rose/ has risen) steadily over the
years, which resulted in a corresponding
increase in the price of finished products.
=> Has risen
Ihr Logo
The Past Perfect Tense
Your Logo
Past Perfect
The past perfect tense refers to activities
that happened before a specific time in
the past.
Ex: He had visited her many times
before she died.
Form: had + V3 / V-ed
Your Logo
1. Before + simple past, Past perfect
2. By the time + simple past, Past perfect
Ex: John had already left by the time Peter
got there.
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Your Logo
Our competitors believed that the products
they have developed were able to surpass
the standards we set for durability and
True or False?
=> had developed
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Ihr Logo
The Future Perfect Tense
Your Logo
Future Perfect
The future perfect expresses the idea that
an activity will occur before some future
Example: She will have finished dinner
before the game starts.
Form: will + have + past participle
Your Logo
1. By next year, I _________ at this
company for 10 years.
A: work
B: will worked
C: will have worked
D: will have worked
Page 45
1. By next week / month / year
2. By the time + simple present
3. As of + future time (this August)
Your Logo
1. By the time you ________ the report, Ms.
Walker will have come back from her
A: finish
B: finished
C: will finish
D: finishing
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Ihr Logo
The Present Progressive Tense
Sometimes called the
Present Continuous Tense
Your Logo
Present continuous
1. I am teaching English right now.
An action that is happening at the
moment of speaking.
2. I am reading Gone with the wind.
longer actions in progress.

Your Logo
Present Continuous
3. He usually takes the bus to school, but
today he is taking a taxi.
Temporary action
4. Im visiting my friend tomorrow.
An arranged plan

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Your Logo
Present Progressive Tense
Right now, at this
This year, week,
month, etc.
As we speak
Your Logo
Present Progressive Tense
I am studying I'm studying
You are studying You're studying
S/he/it is studying S/he/it's studying
We are studying We're studying
They are studying They're studying
Your Logo
Present Progressive Tense
Diagram--time on a line
Your Logo
Present simple vs. Present
are still sitting
is signing
work works
Ihr Logo
The Simple Future Tense
Your Logo
Diagram--Time on a Line
Your Logo
The Future Tense is Used:
To indicate that an activity or event will
take place at a time in the future
Your Logo
1. Tomorrow
2. Within the next three weeks / month /
3. Two weeks from now
4. In the upcoming year / month / event
5. Next Saturday, week, month, year, etc.
6. Until + future time
7. As of + future time

Your Logo
Form 1
I will stay I'll stay
You will stay You'll stay
S/he/it will stay S/he/it'll stay
We will stay We'll stay
They will stay They'll stay
Your Logo
Form 2
I am going to stay I'm going to stay
You are going to stay You're going to stay
S/he/it is going to stay S/he/it's going to stay
We are going to stay We're going to stay
They are going to
They're going to stay
Actions in the future
I will do it.
= Ive just made the decision to do it.
= Im not sure if I will do it or not.
e.g. Wait, I will help you.
e.g. Maybe I will buy that shirt.

I am going to do it.
= Ive already planned or prepared to do it.
e.g. I am going to study harder next year.

I am doing it.
= Ive made an arrangement to do it in the near future.
e.g. Ive bought a ticket. I'm going to the theatre
Ihr Logo
Other English Verb Tenses
These tenses are combinations of the tenses we have just
Your Logo
1. Past Progressive
1. They were eating when the taxi arrived.
=> An action was happening when another
action interrupted.
Form: was or were + verbing

Your Logo
Past Progressive
2. Last night at 6 p.m, I was eating
=> An action was happening at specific time
in the past.

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Your Logo
Past Progress
3. I was cooking while he was reading
Parallel actions

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Your Logo
When vs While
- I was studying when she called.
- While I was studying, she called.

Page 65
When + action in the simple past
While + action in the past continuous
Your Logo
Past simple vs. Past continuous
5. The workers . (stand) around waiting when they heard the news.
were standing
was working
didnt go
Your Logo
2. Past Perfect Progressive
This tense is used when an activity was
continuously in progress before a specific
time in the past.
Example: I had been thinking about her
before she called.
Form: had + been + verbing

Your Logo
3. Present Perfect Progressive
This tense is used to describe actions that
have been continuously in progress
before now. These actions are not
Example: I have been waiting here for the
last two hours.
Form: have or has + been + verbing
Your Logo
Result (what / how much /
how often)
Duration (how long)

I have written 5 letters.

(I want to say that I have 5
letters now)

I have been writing for an

(I want to say that I spent the
last 1 hour to write)
Present perfect vs. Present perfect continuous
Your Logo
Present perfect vs. Present perfect continuous
Completion Duration

I have done my homework.

(I want to say that my
homework is finished now)

I have been doing my

(I want to say that I spent my
time to do homework)
Your Logo
4. Future Perfect Progressive
This tense is used to refer to activities that
will be continuously in progress before a
future time.
Example: He will have been working for 3
hours before you arrive.
Form: will + have + been + verbing
Your Logo
5. Future Progressive Tense
This tense is used to refer to activities that
will be continuously in progress around
some future time.
Example: We will be flying over New York
at noon tomorrow.
Form: will + be + verbing
Your Logo
1. My contact at the conference wasnt
exactly a stranger. I __________her two
or three times before.
A: meet
B: will meet
C: have met
D: had met
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
2. Mr. Alexander ________ the corporation
two years ago as a public relations
A: join
B: joined
C: joining
D: who joins
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
3. The rate of people changing occupations
_________ over the last two years.
A: increased
B: have been increased
C: has increased
D: have increased
Page 75
When you will finish the training course, a
certificate will be sent to your address.
If the software industry will collapse, many
small firms will go bankrupt.
When, once, after, before, as soon
as, until (time)
If, unless, in case, as long as
=> Verb in simple present tense

Main clause:
Simple future
He suggested that she spent the weekend
with him.
The boss requested that any employees
followed the rules.
suggest/ propose (suggestion)
Insist/ urge/ demand/ request/
require/ ask (request)
S + (should)
+ B. I
It is necessary that the contract is finalized at
least one week before the project begins.
Adjectives of urgency,
necessity, obligation
Mandatory, vital, difficult,
compulsory, important,
necessary, essential,
That + S + (should)
bare Inf
It is
The president of the company reported that
production has declined for the past six
months, which suggests that the economy
continue/ will continue to struggle next year
as well.
=> continue
The legal department requests that workers
travelling on corporate business to make/
make certain that they have their passports
all the time.
=> make
Ihr Logo

Your Logo
Grammar Review: Conditionals
If I have free time, Ill visit you.
Present real conditional (Type 1)
If clause (simple present)
Main clause ( S + will / may /shall + V)
Your Logo
Conditional Type 1
If you have any question, please feel free
to ask.
If this time will be convenient to you,
please tell me.
Page 83
If + simple present , Please + V
If + simple future , Please / simple future
Your Logo
Grammar Review: Conditionals
If I were you, I would tell her the truth.
Present unreal conditional.

If S + V (past tense),
S + would/ could/ should/ might +
bare V
Your Logo
Grammar Review: Conditionals
If I had prepared well for the test, I would
have passed it.
Unreal past conditional

If + S + had + PP
S + would/ could/ should/ might
Your Logo
Grammar Review: Conditionals
If it had not snowed last night, the road
would not be slippery now.
=> mixed conditional
=> talk about an imagined event in the past
with the present result of that.
Your Logo
Reduced If
Without her help, he wouldnt be
successful like that.
But for her help,
Were it not for her help,

But for
Were it not for
+ Noun
S + would/ could/
should/ might + Bare V
Your Logo
Grammar Review: Conditionals
Without Johns exceptional efforts, we
would never have succeeded in winning
the prize.
But for
Had it not been for
Your Logo
Inversion in conditionals
Were she not my daughter, I'd have no
hesitation in phoning the police.
Were the negotiations to fall through, it
would bring about unforeseen
=>Inversion Type 2
Were + S + N / Adj
To Inf
Your Logo
Inversion in conditionals
Had I known about Mr Smith's
behaviour sooner , I would have fired
him immediately.
Had the people not been informed, the
situation would have been much worse.
=> Inversion Type 3

Had + Subject + (not) + PP, S + would/
could/ should/ might + PP
Your Logo
Inversion in conditionals
Should you not wish to sign the contract,
you must let them know before the end of
=>Inversion Type 1
Should + Subject + (not) + V Bare Inf
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
1. You didnt ask me, otherwise, I would
________the whole story.
A: told
B: tell
C: have told
D: have been told
Simple past clause , OTHERWISE , S + would have + PP
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
2. Anyone is welcome _____________ they
act respectfully during the ceremony.
A: provide that
B: providing that
C: provided if
D: providing if
If , unless ( if not )
As long as
Providing that
Provided that
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
3. I wish I ___________ that she was sick. I
would have gone to see her.
A: knew
B: had known
C: know
D: have known.
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
4. Leave the office right away, __________
you will miss the train because of the
A: so
B: and
C: or
D: but
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
5. As ________ as he keeps silent, there
will be no danger of the information being
A: long
B: fast
C: soon
D far
Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
6. If the fax machine were not out of order,
we probably __________ the documents
in time.
A: would fax
B: will fax
C: fax
D: have faxed
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
7. If you ________ for the job, we would
have asked you for more documentation.
A: was qualified
B: were qualified
C: have been qualified
D: had been qualified
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
8. New programs _________ installed on
the computers after the furniture is moved
to the new office.
A: had been
B: has been
C: would be
D: will be
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
9. The customer requested that we
________ the marked items very carefully.
A: handle
B: had handle
C: handling
D: had handling
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Your Logo
Lets try this exercise
10. It is imperative that adjustments in
domestic fuel prices _________ sooner
rather than later.
A: is made
B: be made
C: was made
D: will be made
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Thanks for attention!

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