Bluetooth Controlled Robot

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Bluetooth Controlled

using Arduino

Index :
1) Preface
2) Requirements
1) Hardware
2) Software

3) Circuit Diagram
4) Connections
5) Installation and Operation

This document provide access to Technical insights and procedure

To develop a robot that is Arduino powered and is controlled using
Android phone, over Bluetooth .

There are 5 buttons configured in the software for :


When clicked on UP button, the robot moves Forward until STOP is

Pressed .
Similar applies to DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT .
This document provides a detailed insight into creating a wireless
Hobby Project of your own .

Requirements :
Hardware :

1) Robot chassis : Chassis Board is the mechanical frame structure of

the mobile robots. It is the backbone of the robot.
he material of chassis should be: High durable
High non- flexible
More strength
Light weight
Has potential safety hazards
Robot chassis can be brought at :

Requirements :
2) Motors :
There are several types of Motor available in
Market. The considerations that should be
made while buying a motor include :
1) Torque
2) Rpm
3) Durability
As a rule of thumb, Higher rpm, Lower torque .
Select RPM range from 100-200rpm . They have good torque .
Do not use 1000rpm motors unless going for a Race.
Generally, 2x100 rpm, Johnson geared motor are sufficient in a robot .
200 rpm motors can also be considered .

Link to buy them is as below :

Requirements :
3) Motor Driver IC :
Arduino Pins can provide only a few tens of mA of current
while Motors need several Hundred mA . So, motor driver
IC are a must . Always prefer Dual Motor driver IC since it
has 2 separate channels to control 2 motors individually .
Also, it can provide higher currents to a single motor .

Relay base High current

Dual Motor driver board

2 main types of driver Boards are :

1) L293D Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
2) Relay/Transistor based
Any of these Boards can serve the purpose . Function is
Very similar .
Detailed information at :

L293D based Dual Driver Board

Requirements :
4) The Brain : Microcontroller :
Arduino Uno is an affordable and Power packed
Microcontroller . It has :
14 Digital Pins
6 Analog Pins
16Mhz crystal
USB power .
Also, a fully mature IDE is available and can be coded in C++ .
It can be powered with a normal 9v battery or using USB cable .

Requirements :
5) HC-05 Bluetooth Module :
This Bluetooth Module has Rx and Tx capabilities
And can be interfaced with Arduino Uno easily .
This is a low cost module (<Rs. 800 ) and is very
Effective in 8 bit serial communication .
Its 4 pins are utilized :
Tx ( coonected to Rx of other Device )
Rx ( connected to Tx of other Device )

6) Support Hardware :
connecting wires : M to M, F to F, M to F
Nuts and Bolts
Batteries ( 9v )
Drill machine ( Just in case )
Android mobile .

Connections :










Android App :

Download Bluetooth Controller App from Android Market

Configure :
Button- 2 : Name : UP ,
Data : 1
Button-4 : Name : LEFT ,
Data : 3
Button- 5 : Name : STOP ,
Data : 5
Button- 6 : Name : RIGHT , Data : 4
Button- 8 : Name :DOWN , Data : 8

Code for Arduino :

Make all the connections
Run Arduino IDE
Copy given Code and upload to Arduino

Operation :
Connect batteries to the circuit
Open Android App
Press UP . The robot will move forward
Press STOP
Press DOWN . Robot moves Reverse .
Press STOP .

The Prototype :

Link to video :

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