Lucrare de Curs La SDA

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Lucrare de curs la SDA

Colun Mihail
gr. FAF-081

Computer graphics applications in C

Basic functions;
Examples of graphic possibilities in C;
Circles on diagonal;
Moving Triangle;
Pseudo-3D function;

Basics element of an digital image is the pixel with
specific coordinate and color,in C++ we have build in
graphic driver of resolution 640x480 pixels(total
307300 ) of different 16 colors build in C

Colors build in C++ which can be replaced

by some other color by changing the
quantity of red green and blue color in a

There an example of table in which is

described the quantity of each basic color
(red, green and blue)

Each quantity of
color can takes
values from 0 to
255.Totally we have
2563 colors

Coordinates in C graph
The coordinates in graph are
quite different from
standard, the origin of
coordinates system is placed
in the top left corner and
the positive direction of Y is
down. The visible values of
X is from 0 to 639,and for Y
from 0 to 479,it can take also
values out of this set but
they will not be visible in our

Get beginning to draw

1. initialize the drive:
/* request auto detection */
int gdriver = DETECT, gmode;
/* initialize graphics and local variables */
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

Note: we must enable the graphics library from

Options/Linker/Library/click on Graphics option. Also we
must check if in our version of C++ has the needed driver file
Egavga.bgi in folder BIN, otherwise we will get an error in
initialization of graphic driver.
Windows Vista or 7 doesnt support C graph resolution

Basic functions
Putpixel(x,y,color) function that draw a pixel on the screen
with x, y coordinates and specified c color.
setcolor(c) - set the current drawing color in graph.







setrgbpalette(pal.colors[c], r,g ,b )
C is the number of color. Do not forget that our driver supports
only 16 colors.
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2) - where (x1,y1) are the coordinates of first
point and (x2,y2) are the coordinates of second point, by this way
we construct a segment that contains the endpoints in specified
Note: Polygons can be represented as combinations of 3 or more lines
with the same endpoints.

Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) - where the (x1, y1) are the coordinates
of first corner and the (x2, y2)the coordinates of second corner, by
this way we draw an rectangle that contains 2 specified points as
corners, the other to corners are drawn automatically.
bar(x1, y1, x2, y2) - draws a rectangle and automatically floodfill it.
bar3d(x1, y1, x2, y2, d, t) - draws a 3d bar in 2d where d is the
depth of bar and t is the govern whether a three-dimensional top
is put on the bar.

Circle(x, y, r) - the coordinates of center and the radius measured in pixels.

Ellipse(x, y, a1, a2, r1, r2) - (x, y) the coordinates of the center,a1 is the
startangle and a2 is the endangle of the ellipse,r1 is the radius along x axes and
r2 is the radius along y axes.
Note: to draw a full ellipse a1=0 and a2 =360.

arc(x, y, a1, a2, r) - draws a curve line which has the center point in (x, y) and
the startangle a1 and the endangle a2 with radius r.
outtext () - draw the specified text on the screen on the current position
like on the output screen.
outtextxy(x, y, s) - draw a text in the specified coordinates where (x, y) are the
top left corner of the text, and s is the string that is going to be output on the

settextstyle( f, d, s) - where f is the font style (0..4),d is the direction of the

text(0-horizontal,1-vertical,2-horizontal letters and horizontal direction),and s
is the size of letters (0..3)
Note: default options (0, 0, 1).

getpixel(x,y) - this function return the number of color in a specific point(x, y).

getmaxx () - returns the maximum value of x.

getmaxy () - returns the maximum value of y.
getcolor() - returns the current drawing color.
getx() or gety() - returns the current position on the screen.
moveto(x,y) - function for changing the current position to (x, y) point.
setbkcolor(c) - changes the background color of the screen.
Note: the default background color is black (0).
imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2) - return the image size in bytes needed to store in
memory, that is bounded by the rectangle described by those two point
malloc(imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2)) - initialize a pointer with the address of size of
getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,img) - write in the pointer the address of image
specified by those 2 points,img is the pointer.

putimage(x1,y1,img,t) - put the stored image in img pointer on the new

coordinates of the screen,(x1, y1) are the coordinates of top left corner of
image from img,and t is operation specifies a combination operator that
controls how the color for each destination pixel onscreen is computed, based
on the pixel already onscreen and the corresponding source pixel in memory. t

COPY_PUT 0 Copies source bitmap onto screen

XOR_PUT 1 Exclusive ORs source image with that already onscreen
OR_PUT 2 Inclusive ORs image with that already onscreen
AND_PUT 3 ANDs image with that already onscreen
NOT_PUT 4 Copy the inverse of the source

Useful functions
kbhit() - function that returns 1 if the a key is pressed
on the keyboard and 0 if not.

delay(t) - stop the current image on the screen for

some period of time where t is the time measured in
Note: To use delay() we must use the dos.h library and
for kbhit() conio.h library.

Examples of possibilities in graphics.h

Circles on diagonal
In the next example we will draw some circle along the
diagonal of the screen and flood them with all colors from
our driver, also write near the circle the respectively color .

To pass through diagonal I count how quick should x and y change,

if we want 16 circles than:
640/16= 40 (for x) and 480/16=30 (for y), initial value: x=15, y=15,
radius of circles 14 pixels.
We will construct a drawing loop that will stop to draw circle when
the value of x or y will be bigger than 640 and respectively 480.
a will be the color of nearby circle, also will change his value by 1.


Moving Triangle 1
We will draw a triangle which will be moving on an ellipse orbit until a key
is pressed.
Also we will draw the ellipse orbit to feel that.
What we should mention hear that the main variable will be the angle a of
float type,
The xRadius will be 200 pixels and yRadius will be of 100 pixels, the initial
value for a is 0, also on variation of a depends the speed and direction of
rotation for triangle; if its negative it will rotate contra clock wise direction
and positive otherwise. The increment for a will be -0.1 rad.
First of all we must draw a triangle with the middle in the center of the
screen (320, 240) of length 50 pixels.

Counting the legth of each line

h= 43 pixels;
h/3 = 14 pixels;
2h/3 = 28 pixels;
50/2 = 25 pixels;

Counting the coordinates of each endpoint

line (295,254,345,254);
line (295,254,320,212);
line (345,254,320,212);

Counting the coordinates of 2 that describes

the image of triangle

Write the code that alows us to use the image

from memory

size=imagesize (295,212,345,254);
getimage (295,212, 345,254 ,img);
putimage (295,212, img ,1);

Write the loop that will move our image until it

reach the screens boarder

Pseudo-3D function
In this program I will try to represent a graph
in 3 dimensions. Actually it will be 2
dimensional, but the difference of colors will
create to us an illusion of 3 dimensional space.
Basic theory here is the formula of converting
a 3D point to 2D and made this point of
different color.

I have chosen this type position

of 3D space because here all
axes are proportional to k scale.
The angle between all the axes
is 120 degrees (2/3).Also the
origin of 3D space is the center
of screen.

Now the most important thing here is the formula of

converting 3D to 2D:
3D: P (x, y, z);
2D: P (320+k*0.866*(y-x), 240+k*0.5*(x + y)-k*z).
If you will check you will see that this formula works.
Cos (/6) 0.866 (30o) and sin (/6) = 0.5

Also we will need to define a function of 2 variables F(x,y) where we can

change the functions law. We will need 2 for statement to scan some area
in dependence of value of X and Y. One minus of this program is that it
check twice the interval of X and Y, because we need to define the level
where the color is changed, by difference of Zmax and Zmin and divide it
by 16 (possible colors).
e= (max-min)/16;
Also we must set up our colors.
for (i=0; i<pal.size; i++)
setrgbpalette(pal.colors[i], i*4, i*4, i*4);
How we count the specific color for point? In dependence of value of Z:
if (i<1) i=1;
By this formula we count the specific point color, the lowest point will be
the darkest one, and the points from top will be white. In this way we
create the 3D effect, by difference of colors.

Note that full screen mode in C does not

support the print screen mode from
windows XP, thats why last image seems
more to a photo.

Graph library contains useful things; by composing
logical algorithms of these functions we can create
many interesting images, animations, functions
graphic and more complicated games.

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