Secure Signal Processing in The Cloud: (Enabling Technologies For Privacy-Preserving Multimedia Cloud Processing)
Secure Signal Processing in The Cloud: (Enabling Technologies For Privacy-Preserving Multimedia Cloud Processing)
Secure Signal Processing in The Cloud: (Enabling Technologies For Privacy-Preserving Multimedia Cloud Processing)
[Enabling technologies for privacy-preserving multimedia cloud processing]
From a technological point of view, there are
currently some challenges that multimedia clouds
still need to tackle to be fully operational.
The most important issues that can hold back the
widespread adoption of the cloud, and of any
outsourcing scenario in general, are actually security
and privacy.
Both concepts are very close to each other in the
cloud as there can be no privacy without security.
Privacy is a more specific requirement, and it is
related only to sensitive data and/or processes.
Once the adversary model is defined- a proper privacy
framework should clearly establish means to quantitatively
measure the privacy, or,
conversely, the private information leakage.
The evaluation of the leakage that a given protocol produces
determines its suitability for a set of privacy requirements.
The typical cryptographic measures for security and secrecy
usually rely on complexity theory and hardness assumptions.
signal processing measures for the conveyed information in a
signal are based on fundamental information-theoretic
Computational load,
Communication(bandwidth and interaction rounds),
Accuracy (error propagation),and
Privacy level (differential privacy).
Throughout this we have motivated the need for privacy
when outsourcing processes to cloud environments
The first and most fundamental issue deals with the
definition and quantification of privacy in the cloud.
The range of cloud applications is rich and varied, from very
simple spreadsheet applications to the rendering of
synthetic video scenes or finding the solution to complex
optimization problems.
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