Nanomaterials Properties
Nanomaterials Properties
Nanomaterials Properties
Mechanical Properties
high-strength aluminum alloys: 4% copp
er and 96% aluminum
alloy is heated to 550oC, the copper diss
cooled rapidly, the copper stays dissolve
Breakdown: N=1
multilayers, alternating layers, usually of two
different materials.
the layers have to be thin (few atomic)
Data for the tensile strength of copper-nickel
are plotted as a function of the bilayer period
in the upper part of Figure 7.8.
The properties are remarkable: a nanolamina
te made from two soft metals (copper and nic
kel, for example) with a bilayer period of a fe
w nm can have a strength of several GPa,
Melting Point
fundamental point of reference
correlates with the bond strength
Melting Point
Melting point
assuming that = 90o,
when SM > LM, the melting point of the embedd
ed nanoparticles should be lower than the bulk
when SM > LM, the melting point of the embedd
ed nanoparticles should be higher than the bulk
Thermal Transport
In addition to the melting temperature, many
of the current applications of nanomaterials r
equire knowledge about thermal transport.
In some cases, such as microprocessors and
semiconductor lasers, the goal is to transport
heat away as quickly as possible,
whereas for applications such as thermal barr
iers, the objective is to reduce thermal condu
2D nanomaterial
Single-layered nanoscale thin films, mos
t results show that the thermal conducti
vity is less than bulk materials
Electrical properties
Large size system
Mechanism: delocalized, electrons can move free
ly in all dimensions
Scattered by phonons, impurities, interafces, ran
dom walk
Nano-size system
Quantum effect: band is replaced by discrete
Classical effect: mean free-path becomes compa
rable, reduce scattering
3-D nanomaterials
The three spatial dimensions are all above
the nanoscale.
Two aforementioned effects can be negle
Bulk nanocrystalline materials exhibit a hi
gh grain boundary area-to-volume ratio
Electron scattering
Reduce the electrical conductivity.
2-D nanomaterials
Thickness at the nanoscale, quantum confinement will occur
carrier motion is uninterrupted along the plane
the wave functions of electrons are limited to very specific va
only electron wavelengths that are multiple integers of the th
ickness will be allowed.
All other electron wavelengths will be absent.
Reduction in the number of energy states available for cond
The electrons become trapped in potential well of width equ
al to the thickness.
In general, the effects of confinement on the energy state ca
n be written as
Unrestricted motion
the z-direction to be the thickness direction
and x and y the in-plane directions in which th
e electrons are delocalized.
Characterized by two wave vectors kx and ky, w
hich are related to the electrons momentum
px = kx and py = ky.
The energy corresponding to these delocalize
d electrons is given by the so-called Fermi ene
1-D nanomaterials
quantum confinement occurs in two dim
ensions, whereas unrestricted motion oc
curs only along the long axis of the nano
For a 1-D nanomaterial, the energy of a
2-D confinement depends on two quant
um numbers, ny and nz, in the form
0-D nanomaterials
Confined along the three directions Lx, Ly,
and Lz.
Total energy can be given by
In this fashion, all the energy states are disc
reet and no electron delocalization occurs.
Metallic systems can behave as insulators d
ue to the formation of an energy band gap,
which is not allowed in the bulk form.
dielectric behavior
The large number of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials is expected
to increase the dielectric constant.
Nanocrystalline TiO2, a higher dielectric constant was found, compared with
coarse-grained samples.
This is due to the fact that under an applied electric field, the positive and ne
gative charges that are segregated at the interfaces will lead to some form of
Since for nanocrystalline TiO2 the volume fraction of grain boundaries is muc
h larger than in coarse-grained TiO2, the polarization mechanisms will be mu
ch more important, leading to a higher dielectric constant
A similar effect was found for polymermatrix nanocomposites reinforced with
nano TiC fillers.
An increase of the dielectric constant was observed for higher loading levels o
f TiC, especially when the TiC content was near the percolation threshold. As
in the case of nanocrystalline TiO2, the increase of the dielectric constant is d
ue to interface polarization.
Magnetic Properties
In general, for any ferromagnetic material, the total energy can be writt
en as the sum of various terms, in the form
where Eexc is the exchange energy, Eani is the anisotropic energy, Edem is
the demagnetization energy, and Eapp is the energy associated with an ap
plied magnetic field.
For macroscopic magnetic materials, a magnetostrictive energy must al
so be included, but for nanoscale materials this energy can be neglect
This magnetization energy Etotal can then be related to a magnetic field
according to the expression