The Victorian Age

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Chapter VIII

The Victorian Age Literary

Akhmad Alfan Rahadi
Romeo Septiga
Maya Faozia

The Victorian Age

The Victorian Age is an age when
Queen Victoria of England reigns.
She came to power in 1837 and
reigned until 1901 claiming the title
of the longest time in power in the
history of the British monarchy.
Victoria was described as insightful
figurehead who although remained
reserved she used her power and
influence to get what she wanted. A
strong women she over saw a vast


Rising Genres Of The Victorian Age


Long dramatic monologue : Porphyria's Lover, Aurora Leigh, The Idylls of the King,Jenny

Nonfiction (Essay) :

scientific essay : Origins Of Species

art criticism : Modern Painters, Blackwood's

autobiography: Augustus J. C. Hare's The Story of My Life, Yeats

Fiction (Novels And Short Stories) :

Gothic/dark romantic : The Black Cat, Dracula, Picture of Dorian Gray, Strange Case of Dr
Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Science fiction : War Of The Worlds, Time Machine

Condition of england /industrial novel/social novel/slum novel: Shirley, Oliver Twist

Children's Literature: Alice In Wonderland, Jungle Book

Sensation Novel : The Woman In White, The Moonstone

Bildungroman /romantic-self development novel: Great Expectations, Waterland

Women Novel: Odd Woman, The Woman Who Did

Detective Novel: Sherlock Holmes

Political novel: North and South, Crossways, The Year Of Jubilee

Epistolary novel: He Knew He Was Right, Phineas Redux

Victorian governess : Jane Eyre, Agnes Grey

Literary Characteristic of Victorian


1. Social unrest: industrial age with its problem, women rights, social reform demand

2. Morality: the predesignated proper manner of men and women (no woman should ride a bicycle and
smoking in public was inappropriate)
3. Realism: depiction of social condition in victorian age, daily life, details and average people characters
4. Sublimity: an ability to provoke excitement, ecstacy through literary work
5. Social Status or Social Classes: social gap between classes, snobbery high class
6. Revolt: social criticism, protests against tyranny
7. Intellectual Development: rising technology development, scientific theories
8. New Education : Education Act, making a certain measure of education compulsory , gives people new
intellectual perspective and new reading society. Cheap printing cost, more book demand
9. International Influences : colonial theme, new vocabulary, description of foreign countries

Social literature (Slum

Most notable victorian literature, emphasize on the
realistic portrayal of social life, represented many
Victorian issues in the stories of its characters.
a line from Oliver Twist (chapter 1)
"But now that he was enveloped in the old calico robes,
which had grown yellow in the same service, he was
badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at once - a
parish child - the orphan of a workhouse - the humble
half-starved drudge - to be cuffed and bufeted through
the world, - despised by all, and pitied by none"

Gothic Literature
Victorian Age also gave a new development for Gothic genre .An important and
innovative reinterpreter of the Gothic in this period was Edgar Allan Poe, an
american. Poe focused less on the traditional elements of gothic stories and
more on the psychology of his characters as they often descended into
madness. Poe, believed that terror was a legitimate literary subject. His
story "The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839) explores these 'terrors of the
soul' while revisiting classic Gothic tropes of aristocratic decay, death, and
Science also started to take a role in this genre as seen on R.L Stevenson's
The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The character Dr Jekyll was
a scientist, invented a serum that can separate his good and evil personality
(who is characterized as Mr Hyde). The application of scientific theme (the
invention of serum) in a gothic literature was rarely seen in an occult and
magic dominated themes. Modern theme also applies on Oscar Wilde's
Picture Of Dorian Gray. But still traditional gothic monster themed gain
its new popularity by publication of Dracula a reinterpretation of Vlad the
Impaler into a more occult way of telling and in a modern setting.

Science Fiction
With the new development of science
and technology, science fiction literature
then gained popularity. The most
notable was the work of H.G Wells that
deals with space travel and aliens in
War of the Worlds, darwinian evolution
theory and genetic engineering in The
Island Of Doctor Moreau and time
travel in Time Machine.

Children's Literature
Lewis Caroll (whose original name is Charles
Lutwidge Dodgson) gained his popularity
through Alice's Adventure In Wonderland a
children fantasy story set in a world of
anthropomorphic creatures and magic which
also influenced L. Frank Baum to write
Wonderful Wizard Of Oz. This also popularized
the usage of illustration in children's book.
International Influence also has a role in this
genre, notably on Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book
which set in an Indian Jungle.

Detective Novel
Victorian Age was also an age of
murder, felony and injustice. Marked
by the notoriety of Jack The Ripper
who serially murdered prostitutes in
London in medical precision. Thus,
gave the popularization of detective
genre, most notably Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle's Stories Of Sherlock Holmes

Dramatic Monologue
While dramatic monologue poetry has
already quite popular in the romantic
era via Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe
Shelley, Victorian Age even further drive
the genre into its highest point with the
help from Lord Tennyson's Ullyses,
Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach and
Robert Browning's My Last Duchess.
Which also reinterpreted into plays

Nonfictional work
The new Education Act gave a certain
measure of education compulsory, which
produced great reading public. Thus also
gave an opening to new development of
science and intellectual. Nonfictional essay
on Science, History and even Religion gained
its popularity. Such as Origin Of Species by
Charles Darwin (scientific essay) and Studies
of England Educators by Macaulay (history)
and lectures from Cardinal John Henry

Oxford English Dictionary

The victorian age also gave birth to the Oxford English
Dictionary. At first, the dictionary was unconnected to
Oxford University but was the idea of a small group of
intellectuals in London;[3]:1034,112 it originally was a
Philological Society project conceived in London by Richard
Chenevix Trench, Herbert Coleridge, and Frederick Furnivall,
who were dissatisfied with the current English dictionaries. In
June 1857, they formed an "Unregistered Words Committee"
to search for unlisted and undefined words lacking in current
dictionaries. Then the Philological society approached
Cambridge and Oxford University press, which eventually the
printing was taken by Oxford University Press which at that
time hired James Murray as the editor.Thus, in 1884 mark the
birth of the first edition of Oxford English Dictionary

The imaginary world of Victorian Science Fiction as
told by H.G Wells, Edward Bellamy, Edgar Allen Poe
HANS PFAALL) and Mary Shelley (in The Last Man)
gave a new perspective of science fiction that will
influence the literature world in the future. The
exaggerated victorian steam techonolgy and
numerous possibility for it to be used in time
travel, space travel, weaponry and means or
transportations coined the genre Steampunk.
Which influences movies like War of the Worlds,
Time Machine, Metropolis, Steam Boy (japanese
animation) and Trip To The Moon


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