Pregnancy Induced

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MAOG 2111




Definisi PIH/preeclampsia
Manifestasi klinikal PIH/preeclampsia
Penyiasatan PIH/Preeclampsia
Pengurusan PIH/Preeclampsia
Komplikasi PIH/preeclampsia
Pendidikan Kesihatan PIH/Preeclampsia

Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy are major
contributor to prematurity.
Preeclampsia is a risk factor for future cardiovascular
disease and metabolic disease in women.
Despite considerable research, the etiology of
preeclampsia remains unclear.

- Hypertension is defined as either a systolic BP of 140

mmHg or greater, a diastolic BP of 90 mm Hg or
greater or both.
- Hypertension is considered mild until diastolic or
systolic levels reach or exceed 110 mmHg and 160
mm Hg.
- A diagnosis of hypertension required at least two
determination at least 4 hour apart.
- Proteinuria is diagnosed when 24-hour excretion
equals or exceed 300 mg in 24 hours.
- Eclampsia is the convulsion phase of the disorder and
is among the more severe manifestations of the
disease. It is often preceded by premonitory events,
such as severe headches and hyperreflexia.

Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, including
preeclampsia, complicate up to 10% of pregnancies
worldwide, constituting one of the gretest causes of
maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality
In 2011 incidence of preeclampsia has increased by
25% in the United States during the past two decades.
Preeclampsia is a leading causes of maternal and
perinatal morbidity and mortality, with estimated
50,000-60,000 preeclampsia related death per year

Hypertension during pregnancy consist

i) Preeclampsia eclampsia
ii) Chronic hypertension (of any cause)
iii) Chronic hypertension with superimposed
iv) Gestational hypertension
v) Postpartum hypertension

- Is a pregnancy-specific hypertensive disease with
multisystem involvement.
- It usually occurs after 20 weeks of gestational, most
often near term and can be superimposed on another
hypertensive disorder.
- Preeclampsia, the most common form of high blood
pressure (BP) that complicate pregnancy, is primarily
defined by the occurrence of new-onset hypertension
plus new-onset protenuria.

- In the absence of protenuria, preeclampsia is

diagnosed hypertension in association with;
i) thrombocytopenia (platelet count less
ii) impaired liver function (elevated blood levels of
liver transaminases to twice the normal
iv) the new development of renal inssufficiency
(elevated serum creatinine in the absence of the renal
v) pulmonary edema
vi) new-onset cerebral or visual disturbance.

Chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia

- Preeclampsia may complicate all other hypertensive
- The diagnosis is more likely In the following, women
with hypertension only in early gestational who
develop protenuria after 20 weeks of gestation and
women with protenuria after 20 weeks of gestation
i) experienced sudden exacerbation of hypertension,
or a need to escalate the antihypertensive drug dose
especially when previously well controlled with these
ii) suddenly manifest other sign and symptoms, such
as increase in liver enzymes to abnormal levels.

iii) Present with a decrement in their platelet levels to

below 100,000/microliter.
iv) Manifest symptoms such as right upper quadrant
pain and severe headache
v) Develop pulmonary congestion and pulmonary
vi) Develop renal insufficiency (creatinine level
doubling or increase to or above 1.1 mg/dl in
women without other renal disease)
vii) Have sudden, substantial and sustained increase in
protein excretion.

- If the only manifestation is elevation in BP to levels

less than 160 mmHg systolic and 110 mmHg diastolic
and protenuria, this is considered to be superimposed
preeclampsia without severe features.
- The presence of organ dysfunction is considered to be
superimposed preeclampsia with severe features.
Gestational hypertension
- Is characterized most often by new-onset elevations
of BP after 20 weeks of gestation, often near term, in
the absance of accompanying protenuria.

Postpartum Hypertension
- Including preecalampsia with severe systemic organ
involvement and seizure.
- Can first develop in the postpartum period
- To be aware of symptoms of severe headache, visual
disturbance or epigastric pain.
- Late postpartum hypertension in a period that ranges
from 2 weeks to 6 months postpartum.

- Gestational hypertension is BP elevation after 20

weeks of gestational in the absence of protenuria or
the aforementioned systemic findings.
- Chronic hypertension is hypertension that predates
- Superimposed preeclampsia is chronic hypertension
in association with preeclampsia.
- Protenuria is defined as the excreation of 300 mg or
more of protein in 24-hour urine collection.

- In recognition of the syndrome nature of preeclampsia, the

task force has eliminated the dependance of the diagnosis on
- In the absence of proteinuria, preeclampsia is diagnosed as;
i) hypertension in association with thrombocytopenia
(platelet count less than 100,000/microleter)
ii) impaired liver function (elevated blood levels of liver
transaminases to twice the normal concentration)
iii) the new development of renal insufficiency (elevated
serum creatinine greater than 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum
creatinine in the absence of other renal disease)
iv) pulmonary edema, or new onset cerebral or visual

At time of diagnosis, women are instructed to report
symptoms of severe preeclampsia;
i) severe headche
ii) visual changes
iii) epigastric pain
iv) shortness of breath
v) retrosternal pain/pressure
vi) nausea and vomitting

- The first consideration in the management of women

with mild gestational hyprtension or preeclampsia
without severe features is always safety of the women
and her fetus.
- Subsequent management will depend on the results of
maternal and fetal evaluation, gestational age,
presence of labour or rupture of membranes, vaginal

Management of preeclampsia and

HELLP Syndrome
Closed monitoring of women with gestational
hypertension or preeclampsia without severe feature,
i) serial assesments of meternal symptoms and fetal
movements (daily by the women)
ii) serial measurements of BP (twice weekly)
iii) assessment of platelet counts and liver enzymes
- Mild gestational hypertensive or preeclampsia with a
persistent BP of less than 160 mm Hg systolic or 110
mm Hg diastolic, antihypertensive medications not be

- For women with preeclampsia without severe features, use

of ultrasonography to assess fetal growth and antenatal
testing to assess fetal status.
- If evidance of fetal growth restriction is found In women
with preeclampsia, fetoplacental assessment that includes
umbilical artery doppler velocimetry as an adjunct
antenatal test is recommended.
- Women with mild gestational hypertension or
preeclampsia without severe features and no indication,
expected management with maternal and fetal monitoring
is suggested.
- For women with severe preeclampsia at or beyond 34 0/7
weeks of gestation, and in those with unstable meternal or
fetal conditions irrespective of gestational age, delivery
soon after maternal stabilization is recommended.

- For women severe preeclampsia receiving expectant

management at 34 0/7 weeks or less of gestation, the
administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung
maturity benefit is recommended.
- For women with preeclampsia with severe
hypertension during pregnancy (sustained systolic BP
of at least 160 mm Hg or diastolic BP of at least 110
mm Hg), the use antihypertensive therapy is

- It is suggested that corticosteroids be administered

and delivery deffered for 48 hours if maternal and
fetal conditions remain stable for women with severe
preeclampsia and viable fetus at 33 6/7 weeks or less
of gestational with any of the following:
i) preterm premature rupture of membranes
ii) labour
iii) low platelet counts (less than 100,000/microliter)
iv) persistently abnormal hepatic enzymes
concentrations (twice or more the upper normal

v) fetal growth restriction (less than the fifth percentile)

vi) severe oligohydramnious ( amniotic fluid index less
than 5 cm)
vii) reversed end-diastolic flow on umbilical artery
Doppler studies
viii) new-onset renal dysfunction or increasing renal

- For women with preeclampsia, the administration of

parenteral megnesium sulfate is recommended.
- For women with severe preeclampsia, the
administration of intrapartum-postpartum magnesium
sulfate to prevent eclampsia.
- For women with chronic hypertension who are at a
greatly increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes
(history of early-onset preeclampsia and preterm at
less than 34 0/7 weeks of gestational or preeclampsia
in more than one prior pregnancy), initiating the
administration of daily low-dose aspirin (60-80 mg)
beginning in the late first trimester.

- At time of diagnosis, all women should have a
complete blood count (CBC) with platelet count and
assessment of serum creatinine and liver enzyme
levels, be evaluated for urine protein (24-hour
collection or protein/creatinine ratio)- once weekly
- Fetal evaluation should include
i) ultrasonographic evaluation for estimated fetal
weight and amniotic fluid index (calculated in
ii) Nonstress test (NST)
iii) Biophysical profile (BPP)

- Best practice indicates hospitalization and delivery

for one or more of the following:
i) 37 0/7 weeks or more of gestation
ii) Suspected abruption placentae
iii) 34 0/7 weeks or more of gestation, plus any of the
- progressive labour or rupture of membranes
- ultrasonographic estimate of fetal weight less
than fifth percentile
- oligohydramnios (persistent amniotic fluid index
less than 5 cm)
- persistent BPP 6/10 or less (normal 8/10-10/10)

Continued evaluation
- Continued evaluation of women who have not given
birth who have mild gestational hypertension or
preeclampsia without severe features consists of the
i) fetal evaluation
- daily kick count
- ultrasonography
- To determine fetal growth every 3 weeks, and
amniotic fluid volume assessment at least once
- Nonstress test (NST) once weekly for patients with
gestational hypertension and NST twice weekly for
patients with preeclampsia without severe feature.

- Maternal laboratory evaluation include

i) complete blood count (CBC)
ii) serum creatinine level at least once a week.
- Patients are instructed to have a regular diet with no salt

Antihypertensive therapy
- Antihypertensive therapy is used to prevent severe
gestational hypertension and maternal hemorrhagic strokes.
- Therapy may decrease progression to severe hypertension
but also may be associated with impairment of fetal growth.
- Hydralazine, labetolol and nifedipine,methyldopa
- Systolic BP of at least 160 mmHg or diastolic of at least 110

Bed rest
- Completed or partial bed rest has been recommended
to improve pregnancy outcome in women with
gestational hypertension or preeclampsia without
severe features.
- However, in other study suggesting that bed rest
should not rountinely be recommended for
management of hypertension in pregnanacy.
- Prolonged bed rest for duration of pregnancy
increases the risk of thromboembolism.

Severe preeclampsia can result in both acute and long
term complication for both the women and her
i) Pulmonary edema
ii) Myocardial infarction
iii) Stroke (CVA)
iv) Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
v) Coagulopathy
vi) Severe renal failure
vii) Retinal injury

- Protein and calorie restriction should be avoided in
gestational hypertension. It may increase the risk of
intrauterine growth restriction.
- In women are not pregnant, moderate exercise has
been shown to reduce hypertension and
cardiovascular disease.
- Thirty minutes of moderate exercise on most days is
currently recommended during normal pregnancy.
- Has been hypothesized to stimulate placental
angiogenesis and improve maternal endothelial

- Health care provider need to inform women during

the prenatal and postpartum periods of the signs and
symptoms of preeclampsia.

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